
Women’s Midweek Reflection- Handpicked for the Job – Christian News Journal

One common American Thanksgiving tradition is to name something for which one is grateful. Family, friends, and good health or fortune are commonly named. King David gives us a psalm of thanksgiving that calls God’s people into deep worship (1 Chronicles 16). The Ark of the Covenant had just been returned to Jerusalem. David directed the people to consider God’s glory and splendor.

The assignments of those trusted to serve at the Ark are listed a few verses later. They included those who took care of daily tasks, gatekeepers, and priests who offered the sacrifices required by God. 1 Chronicles 16:41 recorded, “With them were Hemen, Jeduthun, and the rest who were chosen and designated by name to give thanks to the Lord—for His faithful love endures forever.” Thanksgiving was so important the task wasn’t left to whomever! Individuals giving thanks were handpicked to thank God. Surely their thanksgiving focused on concepts David shared in the psalm.

This Thanksgiving I will thank God for family and friends. I will also spend more time intentionally thanking God for who He is. His love surely endures forever!

Challenge: Be so thankful to God people think you were handpicked for the job.

Claudean Boatman lives with her husband in northern Colorado. They walk to worship in their local church and serve in prayer, safety, and missions ministries. She earned a Master of Theological Studies from Gateway Seminary, Rocky Mountain Campus (Denver area), in 2023.

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