
‘We are creatures built for joy’: Dispatches from a nature lover

When the urgencies of life give way to rare moments of reflection, many of us look to nature for inspiration – birds at the feeder, darting squirrels, the slow arc of a sunflower bending toward the sky. 

Essayist Margaret Renkl captures the experience of gazing out the window or puttering just beyond our doorsteps. Her latest book, “The Comfort of Crows: A Backyard Year,” records her discoveries as an ardent amateur naturalist.

Renkl is best known for her New York Times essays about life in the American South. It’s a big region, but Renkl’s particular lens is Nashville, Tennessee. She often sharpens the ideal of the local writer to a fine point, filing dispatches about what’s blooming, wriggling, or flying within her half-acre lot.

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