
Why Is Palestine Referencing ‘From the River to the Sea’ in Psalm 72:8?

On October 7, terrorists from the Hamas organization crossed into the nation of Israel and committed horrific attacks on innocent citizens, inhumanely slaughtering women, children, men, families, and babies. The terrorists still hold several hostages.

The nation of Israel has responded to these atrocities through missile attacks in retaliation and even ground assaults into the area called the Gaza Strip, where Hamas holds political power.

This new war still rages, and this violence has a longer context of history, religion, and even the Bible. Different people from separate political persuasions bring their perspectives, from supporting Israel to supporting and even justifying the terrorist organizations bringing violence against the modern-day nation of Israel.

Muslim/Arab extremists, Hamas, and pro-Palestinian organizations have been using a phrase in their rhetoric, bringing a Bible verse into the conversation to justify their actions.

The phrase, “From the River to the Sea,” is repeated to support the removal of the Jewish state to establish a fully Palestinian state in what is now Israel.

But why are Palestinian supporters using this phrase?

Where Can We Find ‘From the River to the Sea’ in the Bible?

The phrase “from the river to the sea” can be traced back to Psalm 72:8.

Psalm 72:8 reads: “He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth.”

“From the river to the sea” is derived from the latter part of this verse, specifically from “from the river unto the ends of the earth.” The river mentioned is the Euphrates River.

Through the prophets and other biblical narratives, the term the river as a proper noun most often refers to the Euphrates, or possibly the Nile, based on the context. The sea refers to the Mediterranean Sea.

The psalm itself is a prayer for justice, righteousness, and prosperity under the rule of a wise and benevolent king.

The language used in Psalm 72 is poetic and symbolic, expressing the hopes and desires of the community for a leader who would bring about peace and prosperity for all, even the poor.

What Is the Biblical Meaning of ‘From the River to the Sea’ in Psalm 72:8?

Psalm 72 begins with a plea for God’s justice and righteousness to be bestowed upon the king. As the psalm unfolds, it becomes evident that the king in question is not merely a political leader but a symbol of idealized kingship — one whose reign extends over a vast and flourishing territory.

In this ideal reign, the king takes care of the poor and the children of the needy. The king breaks the bonds of the oppressor.

This is done with the supernatural power and assistance of God, so the nations will recognize God and fear him. There will be a flourishing of righteousness and peace.

While the king will reign from the Euphrates to the Mediterranean, even those in the wilderness will bow before him. All enemies will be defeated, and kings and nations will bring the king gifts and serve God.

The ideal king will listen to the poor and needy when they cry and deliver them. Because of his care of the needy, God will give an abundance of food and fruitfulness. The king’s name will endure forever.

Solomon surely wanted to be an ideal king and asked for such wisdom, but because of these statements regarding the king reigning forever, many scholars see this psalm as a revelation of the Messiah.

The psalm concludes with a praise to God. This is God’s work, and he does wondrous things.

In the context of Psalm 72, the territorial imagery of “from the river to the sea” serves a dual purpose. First and foremost, it reflects the geopolitical reality of the time, as the territory from the Euphrates River to the Mediterranean Sea represents a vast expanse.

However, the territory described is not merely about physical dominion but encompasses a vision of justice and prosperity reaching all corners of the king’s realm.

The use of “from the river to the sea” is a poetic way of expressing the psalmist’s aspiration for the king’s rule to bring about comprehensive well-being — from one boundary to the other, and from the river to the distant ends of the earth.

In this context, the river and the sea serve as powerful symbols. The river, often associated with life and fertility in ancient cultures, represents the source of sustenance and abundance, and in the Bible, the Euphrates has a connection to the Garden of Eden.

The sea, with its vastness and potential for trade and communication, symbolizes prosperity and connectivity. Therefore, “From the river to the sea” encapsulates the hope for a reign marked by justice, abundance, and prosperity that extends to every corner of the kingdom.

What Do the Palestinians Mean When They Reference ‘From the River to the Sea’?

While the phrase “from the River to the Sea” is taken from Psalm 72, the Palestinians and Hamas supporters mean something the text doesn’t support.

First, they mean from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean, the general modern boundaries of Israel, forcing this biblical phrase to fit their perspective and political/religious agenda.

The phrase is being used to lay claim to the territory given to Israel by the British and the UN after World War 2. That area of land has expanded over the years due to attacks brought upon Israel by neighboring Muslim nations.

The group of Arab Muslims we now call Palestinians claim the land now controlled by the Jews belongs to them. 

This includes not only the West Bank and Gaza Strip but also the territory that constitutes the State of Israel.

The use of this expression implies a desire for a unified, sovereign Palestinian state. And the dissolution of Israel.

The Palestinians have been offered several treaties of a two-state solution, and every solution has been rejected. The Palestinians will only accept a one-state solution.

Yet, this one-state solution has been expressed with extreme hate toward Jews, not only in Israel but around the world, calling Jews colonizers and oppressors and other negative words.

These terms justify extreme violence against Jews, at least in the minds of Palestinians and those who support them. The language and clear goal of Hamas and other Palestinian leaders is to literally kill every Jew.

The phrase “from the river to the sea” by Palestinian leaders references the genocide of all Jews all over the world. This isn’t implied in their language but clearly stated as a goal, in their speeches and charters.

How Should Christians View ‘From the River to the Sea’ in This Context?

First, we should begin with some facts to give context to the whole discussion. Yes, there is a complex and complicated history here, but all the facts must be considered for us as Christians who want the as well as Say Yes: How God-Sized Dreams Take Flight.


The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of Salem Web Network and Salem Media Group.

WATCH: A Prayer for Israel

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