
Roseanne Barr ‘All In’ for Donald Trump – American Faith

Comedian Rosanne Barr said she was “all in” for Donald Trump during a Turning Point AmericaFest event.

“I’m just all in for President Trump. I just want to say that I’m just all in,” she said.

“I’m just I’ll add you know, I said I’m all in whatever you know, you just let me know I’m all in because I know if I ain’t all in my they’re gonna put my [expletive] in a Gulag. If he lives as I know you know that what they’re gonna do and I don’t really want to go to re-education camp and have to give all my money away to a bunch of losers that never know how to get a job. I don’t care about them.”

“If we don’t stop these horrible communists–do you hear me? I’m asking you to hear me–Stalinist communists with a huge helping of Nazi fascist thrown in, plus wanting a caliphate to replace every Christian democracy on Earth now occupied. Do you know that?”

“I just want the truth. We deserve to hear the truth,” she emphasized.

Barr added, “We deserve to have an election with paper ballots and with proper identification to prove that you are a citizen of this country.”

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