
5 Ways to Protect Your Kids from Secular Culture

Intentionally incorporating Christian alternatives into your children’s lives offers a proactive approach to navigating and mitigating the influences of secular culture. More and more Christian-friendly platforms are being added every day in various industries.

Choose Christian alternatives in media consumption. Choose age-appropriate Christian movies, TV shows, and music that convey positive values and biblical principles. This not only provides wholesome entertainment but also reinforces Christian teachings.

Explore Christian educational resources and curricula for homeschooling or supplementing your children’s education.

Incorporating materials that integrate faith into academic subjects fosters a holistic Christian worldview. This could extend to enrolling your children in Christian schools or participating in homeschooling groups with a Christian focus.

Select Christian literature for your children. Whether it’s bedtime stories, novels, comic books, or educational materials, exposing them to literature with Christian values contributes to their moral and spiritual development.

With the rise of video games and devices, incorporate Christian apps and games that provide an interactive and faith-focused digital experience. These tools can reinforce biblical teachings in a format that resonates with today’s tech-savvy generation.

Align extracurricular activities with Christian values. Whether it’s sports, arts, or community service, choose activities that reinforce positive character traits and foster a sense of service and compassion.

Some families establish a family covenant that outlines shared values, expectations, and commitments to Christian principles. This serves as a collective reminder and guide for the entire family. Discuss as a family why choices are made.

In all things, Christian parents must first model the ways of God with their children. Truth is more often caught than taught, the old saying goes, and children learn most from observation. Remember to live the very principles you hope to see in your children.

If you don’t value it, why should they? Model private Bible study, prayer, worship, participation in the faith community, critical faith-based reasoning, and opting for Christian alternatives to the world. This leads your children to do the same.


For further reading:

4 Ways to Engage Secular Culture for Christ

9 Ways to Protect Your Kids from Things That Secular Culture Sneaks In

What Should Christians Know about Secular Vs. Biblical Psychology?

Photo Credit: ©Unsplash/Alexander Dummer

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