
Jim Caviezel inspired pro-lifers from across the US at the Birth of Hope Gala – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — In a poignant and inspiring evening at the Birth of Hope Gala, hosted by Southwest Coalition for Life and featuring Jim Caviezel, my thoughts began to focus on the miraculous birth of Jesus.

Taking place on the evenings of December 14 in El Paso, Texas and December 15 in Las Cruses, New Mexico, this event, a celebration of life and advocacy platform for comprehensive life-affirming women’s healthcare, illuminated the transformative message that “Peace on Earth Begins with Birth.”

As someone who experienced an unplanned pregnancy at 15, I have often related to the powerful nativity story for its sensitivity and portrayal of uncertainty. The unfolding narrative struck a chord with me although I recognize the stark contrast between unplanned pregnancies and the holy birth of Jesus. Yet, I couldn’t help but contemplate parallels to the nativity story and the need to surround everyone bringing life into the world with love and hope.

The gala seamlessly blended tradition with modern advocacy, featuring acclaimed actor Jim Caviezel, renowned for portraying Jesus in The Passion of The Christ and Tim Ballard in Sound of Freedom. Caviezel, delivering remarkable impersonations of President Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul II, called on attendees to join the mission of protecting the unborn and rescuing trafficked children. Jim and his wife’s adoption of three children with special needs exemplifies a profound commitment to honoring the sanctity of all human life. His resounding declaration, “God’s children are no longer for sale,” echoed through the hall after he urged everyone to embrace their role in caring for the vulnerable and highlighting the fight against two grave evils: abortion and child sex trafficking.

I attended the evening gala in Las Cruces, New Mexico, which was affiliated with the Guiding Star Project. Prior to my arrival, I drove to see the Guiding Star Center which, to my surprise, is separated only by a dumpster in the parking lot from the infamous “Pink House” abortion facility which relocated from Jackson Mississippi after their Supreme Court loss led to the overturn of Roe v. Wade. Despite this proximity, the Guiding Star Project has stood resolute, establishing a holistic women’s medical center offering actual women’s healthcare addressing fertility, pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, and motherhood. This juxtaposition highlights the critical need to protect and support pregnant women and their unborn children on their unique journeys. Accepting referrals from the Southwest Coalition’s prayer vigils, sidewalk outreach, and mobile unit, Guiding Star Southwest offers the “wholistic feminist” alternative view that women are strong and capable, and don’t need the trauma of abortion which needlessly destroys a normal, healthy function of a woman’s natural body.

READ: Trump praises ‘Sound of Freedom’ after private screening with Jim Caviezel, film’s producers

During the gala’s jubilation, we heard the touching story of one of Guiding Star’s clients. Vanessa, driven by fear, initially took an abortion pill, only to be engulfed in remorse. Turning to Google, Vanessa discovered the option of abortion pill reversal. Guiding Star, in collaboration with a dedicated medical team, stepped in to provide Vanessa with the essential care, aiming to save her unborn baby. Vanessa was honored with a “hero” award that acknowledged her courage in actively seeking to reverse the initial effects of the abortion pill. Miraculously, by God’s grace, the rhythmic echo of her baby’s heartbeat resonated on the ultrasound.

The crowd’s excitement heightened as updates were shared about the groundbreaking project in construction for the Lily Pad Maternity Home in El Paso, Texas, scheduled to debut in 2024. Drawing inspiration from Joseph’s nurturing role towards Mary, the Lily Pad Maternity Home stands as a contemporary sanctuary for pregnant women in search of compassionate care and support. Embracing a model where midwives and doulas accompany women through childbirth, echoing the traditions of God-fearing midwives in biblical times, the Lily Pad aspires to replicate the tender care that enveloped Mary under the guiding Star of Bethlehem. From the earliest ultrasound flutter to comprehensive services in birthing centers, and assistance with lactation and parenting, the Lily Pad embodies a commitment to maternal well-being.

Just as the Wise Men brought gifts to sustain the Holy Family, individuals from near and far contributed financial offerings to sustain the Southwest Coalition. Mark Cavaliere, the CEO and relentless advocate for life, inspired a renewed sense of chivalry, emphasizing the crucial role of capable fathers and husbands. His personal involvement in the unexpected delivery of his own child, only one week prior to the gala, highlighted the profound impact of God’s birth plan, rooted in hope and family.

Attendees from across New Mexico and Texas, as well as California, Montana, Ohio, Alabama, and even England, converged at the Birth of Hope Gala as defenders of life, showcasing a global commitment to contend for life. This representation underscored the collective dedication to align with God’s mission of protecting and upholding the sanctity of human life, especially for the unborn. The event echoed with the profound truth that “Peace on Earth Begins with Birth.”

READ: Indiana reports 17 abortions in six weeks after passage of restrictive law

Laura Lynn Hughes is a speaker, teacher, human rights activist, and author of Choose Zoe: A Story of Unplanned Parenthood and The Case for Life. Laura is an advocate at the C.U.R.E. Foundation safe home for children rescued from trafficking and online sexual exploitation. She is a board member and volunteer at Alpha Clinic in Vacaville, California, serving vulnerable pregnant women, and co-founder of A Movement of Love ministry. She is a Sanctity of Human Life speaker represented by Ambassador Speakers. She teaches in community colleges, high schools, churches, and conferences, both nationally and internationally, on topics related to pregnancy, fetal development, human trafficking, on-line sexual exploitation of children, and post-abortion trauma and recovery. A mother of five, grandmother of twelve, and great-grandmother to one, Laura owns a photography studio in northern California. She has appeared on the Eric Metaxas Show, Focus on the Family, and The 700 Club. Laura is also a contributing writer to Focus on the Family and Christianity Today.

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