
The Blatant Failure of Israeli-US Propaganda

Since October 7, 2023, Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have killed nearly 22,000 people in Gaza, mostly women and children. The death toll includes teachers, health workers, humanitarian aid workers, artists and more than 90 journalists.

In the same period, the IDF has wounded more than 50,000 people in Gaza, also mostly women and children.

The IDF has dropped more bombs on Gaza, an area about the size of Washington, D.C., than the United States dropped in a year during its war in Afghanistan. Houses of worship, schools, universities, hospitals and United Nations refugee camps have been decimated. 

The United States supplied the bombs, artillery shells, and other materials used by the IDF in Gaza. The United States vetoed resolutions introduced in the United Nations Security Council that called for a bilateral ceasefire to allow humanitarian aid to Gaza. 

Pro-Zionist Jewish and Christian congregations and religious leaders have cheered the Israeli war effort in Gaza, calling it necessary to avenge the almost 1,300 Israelis killed on October 7 by Hamas fighters from Gaza. 

U.S. media outlets questioned casualty assessments by humanitarian organizations in Gaza, including reports issued by United Nations relief groups, but broadcast Israeli assessments about casualties without scrutiny.

The world is not fooled. 

The world has watched Israel engage in a deliberate strategy to depopulate Gaza of its indigenous population. For almost three months, the world has seen IDF warplanes destroy places where civilians huddled for shelter across Gaza. 

IDF tanks have attacked unarmed civilians. Its snipers have

Pastor at New Millennium Church in Little Rock, Arkansas, a retired state court trial judge, a trustee of the Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference, author of one book and three blogs, a consultant on cultural competency and inclusion, and a contributing correspondent at Good Faith Media.

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