
Lessons Learned From Claudine Gay’s Resignation – Intercessors for America

Can we all learn something from Claudine Gay’s downfall? This opinion piece from Newsweek asks some tough questions.

From Newsweek. After weeks of speculation about whether Harvard University’s president, Claudine Gay, would be forced to resign amid a plagiarism and antisemitism scandal, Gay announced that she was stepping down. In her resignation letter, Gay spoke of “personal attacks and threats fueled by racial animus,” and made no mention of her failure to properly address antisemitism or the never-ending allegations of plagiarism against her rather limited record of scholarship.

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Gay, who exploited race to reach the pinnacle of Harvard, chose to blame racism on her way out the door.

When I first learned of Gay’s fate, I thought back to one of the earliest lessons of my youth. The women and men that visited my parents at our Bay Area home always told me to never use race as an excuse. They said that the same attitude went for the profound hearing loss that I was born with. …

Yet my black elders knew on an instinctual level that to give in to race and racism was to give immutable characteristics power over individual identity and character. … They knew that giving in, identifying with the race that the racist saw, would have led them into the trap of endless victimization. …

Needless to say, Claudine Gay comes from a different stock. … The power of white guilt would compensate for any shortcomings she may have and propel her to the top.

Whether she was conscious of it or not, Claudine Gay’s entire life was organized around race. …

We’ve made diversity our most prized virtue, believing that if we lift it high enough, we can hide the stink of America’s racist past. …

Those around us who agreed to place race before humanity were rewarded in various ways, including with cheap lawn signs that signaled virtue to their neighbors. The leaders among these Leftists rode the exploitation of white guilt to dizzying heights—including to the presidency of Harvard. …

Once, as a young boy, I gave in to self-pity and told one of my elders that life would be much easier if I wasn’t deaf and being bullied everyday. She responded with a question: “Who are you?” …

It took me a long time before I understood her message. … She was pulling me away from giving power to my immutable characteristics by focusing on the true power in life: developing oneself into a strong individual with the power to contribute positively to society. Who are you?

That’s what America is supposed to be about. That was the path the women and men of my youth took in life. Let’s teach our young people to be like my elders—not Claudine Gay.

“Diversity” has come to dominate every aspect of American life. Share your prayers below for an end to DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion) philosophies.

(Excerpt from Newsweek. Photo Credit: CBN News/YouTube)

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