(LifeSiteNews) — A German theology professor has said that the Vatican’s controversial declaration Fiducia Supplicans “represents an unprecedented increase in Vatican depravity” and is “a break with Sacred Scripture and the Tradition.”
Hubert Windisch, a Catholic professor emeritus of pastoral theology, formerly of the University of Freiburg in Germany, wrote in a statement that Fiducia Supplicans “is both harmful and disgraceful” and represents a “break with Sacred Scripture and the Tradition of the Church and pushes the Catholic Church into free fall.”
He said that “one can sense the sophistical (Jesuitical?) attitude throughout the entire letter, which was already finely packaged in Amoris Laetitia, namely how a yes becomes a no and a no becomes a yes, in complete contrast to the Lord’s word in Mt 5:37.”
“The declaration is harmful because this letter will be read and handled in the social public and the parishes as a legitimization for irregular situations,” Windisch stated.
Windisch joins a growing group of Catholic scholars who have publicly condemned the heterodox Vatican document that allows for the “blessings” of same-sex couples under certain conditions. These include Cardinals Gerhard Müller and Robert Sarah, and bishops Athanasius Schneider and Marian Eleganti, as well as many African bishops. Other prominent Catholic intellectuals who have strongly criticized Fiducia Supplicans include Edward Feser, Peter Kwasniewski, and Roberto de Mattei.
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Here is the full text of Professor Emeritus Hubert Windisch’s statement (translated from German into English by LifeSiteNews):
Hubert Windisch
I have not commented on Vatican errors and confusion for some time now (it seems pointless). But this letter represents an unprecedented increase in Vatican depravity. It is a break with Sacred Scripture and the Tradition of the Church and pushes the Catholic Church into free fall. I would, therefore, like to comment briefly on Fiducia Supplicans.
Some statements I have read try to sanitize this ambiguous document with tricks. This does not work. This declaration is both harmful and disgraceful. It is disgraceful because it is brimming with theological, liturgical, and pastoral errors. There are not only irregular situations of a homosexual nature. Anyone who soberly perceives societal reality regarding sexuality must be shocked. And what does a blessing mean, then? Benedicere? Approve? Without going into details, one can sense the sophistical (Jesuitical?) attitude throughout the entire letter, which was already finely packaged in Amoris Laetitia, namely how a yes becomes a no and a no becomes a yes, in complete contrast to the Lord’s word in Mt 5:37. It is the expression of a Church that submits to the world and its plausibilities, which demonstrates how self-assertion is achieved through self-abandonment.
The declaration is harmful because this letter will be read and handled by the social public and in the parishes as a legitimization for irregular situations. I do not believe that the Vatican can be so naive as not to take this misguided effect into consideration. Is it perhaps even intentional? What would it be like to write such a letter with the 4th, 5th, 7th, or 8th commandment of the second tablet of the Decalogue in mind? It would be a disaster. I also wonder why two years ago, the Prefect for the Doctrine of the Faith, [Cardinal] Ladaria, said precisely the opposite, as did the Cardinal Secretary of State [Cardinal] Parolin recently! What we have here is a complacent breach in the Church’s magisterium, provoked by an incompetent “prefect of the faith” with the Pope’s placet [assent].
A marginal matter perhaps, but not unimportant: the bishops will have less and less to say in pastoral care. On the ground in parishes, associations, and committees, there are many small popes with their synodal helpers who, with reference to the Pope, fail to recognize that what they think is no longer Catholic but consider it to be the quintessence of the Catholic Church and act accordingly. What else do the bishops want to say to these people if they do not stand up to the Pope as Paul once did to Peter (cf. Gal 2:11)? Perhaps only: well done – benedicite irregulariter.
To paraphrase Thilo Sarrazin: The church is abolishing itself. But only the chaff-church. The Lord sifts out the wheat.