
LifeSite League empowers people of all ages to help fight the evil of the modern world – LifeSite

LifeSite League is making an impact for Christ: Join Today 

(LifeSiteNews) — Looking out at the state of the modern world doesn’t typically provoke great hope. Each day thousands of innocent human beings are murdered before having the chance to live outside their mothers’ wombs. Our education system has produced generations of individuals who sometimes appear more robot than human in their actions and mannerisms. Our culture is addicted to social media and pornography; so many people are unable to tear their eyes away from the screens in front of them. Many of the values that my country, the United States of America, has always prized – justice, freedom, democracyare being abandoned. Faithful clergy members are shut down and banished. The Mass that has nourished the saints for centuries is under attack. 

Between all that and more, it would almost seem that all hope is lost. Everything has gone wrong and there can’t be anything left to do about it. We look around, see these horrible realities, and feel utterly helpless.  

At least, I know that’s the attitude to which I’m often tempted toward. How can I, an 18-year-old girl, stop any of these evils? I know that these things I hear about and witness are horrible, but what can I do about it? 

And I know I’m not the only one who has these thoughts. The world is full of people of all ages who see what humanity is coming to and strongly desire to make a difference. LifeSite League was created to fulfill that exact purpose. 

I joined LifeSite League relatively early, when I first saw the announcement about it. For some reason, I signed up, not really thinking much of it. When I found out that my college, the University of Mary in Bismarck, ND, organizes the North Dakota March for Life and that it was in October, I offered to report on and photograph it for the League. Although I was slightly nervous that I wouldn’t be able to do such an event justice, I found the experience to be extremely edifying and fulfilling. Not only was I able to publicly stand up for life by participating in the March, as I had previously done before at the March in my home state, but this time I was also able to share something positive that was happening in the (often forgotten) state of North Dakota with the rest of the world. 

RELATED: North Dakota March for Life draws people of all ages in support of the unborn 

Fast forward a few months, and I am now the Advocacy Intern at LifeSite, meaning I get to assist with writing petitions and VoterVoice campaigns. When I chose to study English, Classics, and Communications in college, it was with the vague hope of someday being able to write for some of the authentically Catholic websites that I often read, especially LifeSite. I never would have imagined that such an opportunity would present itself so soon, but by God’s grace it has, and I am so grateful that I made that first choice to sign up for LifeSite League. 

If you have a desire to take action in combating the evils prevalent in the modern world, I strongly encourage you to consider signing up for LifeSite League. Today, perhaps more than ever, we often feel that our beliefs and values make us part of a small minority. However, that is not the case, which is why it is so important to join with like-minded individuals through movements such as the League. Doing so helps to restore hope among one another and the rest of the world that the battle is not over and that there is great hope to be had. 

RELATED: New LifeSite League movement aims to transform our culture for Christ

Ultimately, we know that the victory has already been won; Christ has triumphed. But until He comes again, we have a responsibility to put up a good fight, and it will not be easy. We must work to fulfill our vocations to know love, and serve the Lord in this world, so that we may be happy with Him in the next. May Jesus Christ be praised forever and ever. 

LifeSite League is making an impact for Christ: Join Today 

Elli is a Catholic midwestern girl currently studying English, Classics, and Communications at the University of Mary in North Dakota. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with friends and family, working with her livestock, and reading.

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