
Canadian cabinet minister allegedly received election backing from Communist China in 2019: report – LifeSite

OTTAWA (LifeSiteNews) – One of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s top ministers was called out as having allegedly received support from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in the 2019 Canadian federal election.

According to a report from The Bureau, Liberal cabinet minister Mary Ng in 2019, as per recent testimony from three Canadian Security Intelligence Services sources, was a person of interest among 11 candidates who allegedly received CCP support.

Ng, Canada’s International Trade Minister, was hand-picked by Trudeau for the role. However, according to The Bureau, she was identified in investigations as allegedly being backed by the CCP.

Through its “United Front,” the CCP was known to secretly fund candidates. The “United Front” is a political strategy aiming to network key people and groups to serve and promote CCP interests abroad.

“Besides funding, the UFWD is also likely to offer candidates logistical support, favourable media coverage, and endorsements,” a February 2020 Privy Council document noted.

The whistleblowers have not been identified due to security concerns as well as ongoing investigations.

The report also alleges that there were secret recordings between Liberal Senator Yuen Pau Woo, who allegedly promised to shield people from the investigation who were propped up by the CCP’s “United Front.”

Woo said on one of the secret tapes, which was posted by The Bureau, “I’m very worried that the mainstream in Canada, including a lot of my friends, political leaders, and business leaders and media leaders, are falling into a very dangerous trend, what I call a litmus test.”

“For example, your views in Hong Kong, your views on Tibet, your views on Uyghurs, your views on South China Sea, whether you belong to an organization that is officially part of the United Front. You know, many organizations are listed as part of a United Front list of organizations,” he said.

Woo also said that “whether you belong to an organization that happens to be listed as a United Front organization should not be a litmus test.”

The potential meddling in Canada’s elections by agents of the CCP has many Canadians worried, especially considering Trudeau’s past praise for China’s “basic dictatorship” and his labeling of the authoritarian nation as his favorite country other than his own.

According to retired Canadian Security Intelligence Service director Richard Fadden, as per a 2021 testimony to the same committee, subterfuge by Chinese agents in Canada is a fact of life.

“The great difficulty we have in Canada is the general public has trouble understanding that we’re threatened,” he said.

“They’re after us, if I can use the vernacular, from a whole variety of perspectives,” he said, adding, “And they’re after us in a negative sort of way.”

Besides election meddling, China, and by extension the CCP, has been accused of operating clandestine “police stations” in Canada and other nations.

Last month, LifeSiteNews reported on how Conservative MPs confirmed that “yes,” the Chinese CCP operated police “stations” in multiple locations in Canada, which allegedly serve to target its citizens abroad, but no one has been held accountable yet for allowing this to happen.

Police stations are currently being investigated by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), including “formal diplomatic protests to the Chinese Ambassador.”

In September 2022, LifeSiteNews reported that these stations have been linked to the China’s official law enforcement agency, the Fuzhou Public Security Bureau (PSB).

The Trudeau federal government has been slow in responding to CCP election meddling.

On September 7, 2023, the federal government announced it would launch a public inquiry into potential foreign election interference for the 2019 and 2021 federal elections, to be led by Quebec Judge Marie-Josée Hogue. This inquiry is set to start on January 29.

The public inquiry came after Trudeau launched a failed investigation into CCP allegations last year headed by “family friend,”  former Governor General David Johnston , whom he appointed as “independent special rapporteur.”

Johnston quit after an outcry last year, when he concluded there should not be a public inquiry into the matter. Conservative MPs demanded Johnston be replaced over his ties to China and the Trudeaus.

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