
EXCLUSIVE: Christian jailed over January 6 calls fellow prisoners to Jesus in new open letter – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) –– Editor’s note: Leo Kelly, arrested for being on Capitol Hill on January 6, 2021, has been in a federal prison in Minnesota for over 2 months. On August 18, 2023, U.S. District Court Judge Royce Lamberth sentenced Kelly, then 38, to 30 months in federal prison for his actions on January 6. These included entering the Capitol building and the Senate Chamber. Kelly, who gave LifeSiteNews’ Jim Hale an interview on January 6, recently sent LifeSiteNews an open letter of encouragement to his “fellow J6rs” through his father.  

To my fellow J6ers and the families and friends suffering with you,

My name is Leo. I’m from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and I’m about 2.5 months into a 30-month sentence at a low-security prison in Rochester, MN. My story hasn’t been half as difficult as many of yours, [and] I salute the ones who’ve been incarcerated since the beginning, along with the rest of those who have felt the especially heavy hand of The System.

I bet you share my frustration with the government and its refusal to fulfill its God-given mission of protecting your freedoms. If your mind is like mine, it often reminds you that the ONLY authorized purpose for the government in the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, 1776, is to protect the inalienable rights that its citizens have been endowed with by their Creator. It’s easy to be infuriated by Washington DC’s outright rebellion against the legitimate law of the United States of America. The Washington DC System now reigns in place of the law of the United States of America.

RELATED: Man who told LifeSite why he entered US Capitol on Jan. 6 sentenced to 2.5 years in prison

But let me remind you that the Creator who endowed you with your rights set aside His rights (which are far greater than yours) and willingly laid down His life in a humiliating fashion, naked on a cross, in order to purchase those rights for you. If the Creator’s path to victory went through suffering and death, are you willing to embrace the same path for yourself and your nation? You are descended from the stock of Valley Forge; will you shrink back now that God has called you forth?

Jesus saves, Jesus liberates, and Jesus vindicates. Your victory is assured in Him; take care that you are not found wandering anywhere else. The judge who presided over your kangaroo court will face the Eternal Judge. The U.S. Attorneys who weaponized the law to target you are under God’s indictment. The FBI agents who framed you are in God’s crosshairs.

If you want to be free, leave room for God’s vengeance: it is assured. Your best strategy is to forgive, to do good to those who have abused you, and to love God with everything you’ve got.

He’s honored you with a key role in fighting for this nation; see that you execute your task faithfully!

Leo Kelly

LifeSite’s interview with Leo Kelly filmed January 6, 2021

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