
Prophetic Word for 2024 – Intercessors for America

This prophetic word for 2024 was shared with us by Lisa Townsend, IFA’s Louisiana state prayer leader. IFA seeks the Lord for discernment in selecting all the information we post, and especially when we are sharing prophetic words. We encourage you to ask the Lord whether any of these prophetic messages apply to you personally, or to the Body, and how. 

Share what the Lord is speaking to you in the comments!

For several weeks, in prayer, I have been seeing the Lord in my dreams as a Lion, majestic and regal in bearing, leading the way. As I have continued to pray over this, the Lion, representing Jesus, the Lord of Glory, turns in the opposite direction and releases a ROAR, ferocious and possessive. I believe He is roaring to shut the door on the enemies who threatened in 2023 as many walked the valley of the shadow of death. I believe He is roaring to declare His jealousy over His own covenant people, His beloved. I also believe His roar is a signal of the NEW, to give great focus to where He is leading us. This sound from heaven speaks of His love and life, and of new paths of victory.

Let the IFA community know how to pray for you.

He is Lord of Life and is exercising dominion over the threat of death that hounded and stalked His children. The Lord is giving a Red Sea victory, causing threats of destruction to be drowned in the strength of His love. His love heals and mends, rolling back the stench of destruction and restoring life.

In his jealous love for His people, the roar of the Lord is calling us back to a first love relationship. He is challenging and drawing us to run after Him. His call is to come with tender affections as one who has been newly freed from the ravages of sin. I believe He wants to take His children deeper into the HOLY AWE of His presence through first love. Worship and waiting on him are key to receiving this renewal of affection for our beloved King.

He is roaring to bring closure and new beginnings. The closure for many is great and totally final. Closure on paths, relationships, and mindsets that have proved wasteful and painful is not only possible, but definite as His grace is newly poured out for His children. I see the roar as a last call to leave those paths of pain. For those who will give Him their surrender, He will shut that door of destruction with His roar.

With closure on one hand comes the opening of brilliant new life in 2024. The roar is an invitation to enter the door of the new with fresh faith, tender awe at the majesty of our God, and a heart of surrender. The way forward is a new path of ascending in depths of love, devotion, and worship. His roar is leading us in paths of strength and stability. His roar leads into increase of blessing for those who remain steadfast in covenant. You are a sign and a wonder pointing to the goodness of God. When the world shakes, the voice of His Word holds and keeps us steadfastly immovable in Him. You will hear His voice calling: “This is the way; walk ye in it.”

I pray we will all courageously give Him our yes. I pray we will all follow His roar as we go through the door of 2024.

Exodus 14:13–30
Nahum 1:2
Ezekiel 39:25
Proverbs 2:8
Psalm 24
Psalm 65:11
Isaiah 30:21

Share your own prophetic words and revelations for 2024 below or on The Community.

(Editor’s note: Ask the Lord to reveal to you how He wants you to pray about any prophetic message you hear. Every prophetic word is to be tested by each believer, in accordance with 1 John 4; 1 Thess. 5:1; and Acts 17:11. Photo Credit: Glen Carrie on Unsplash)

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