
A Spiritual Warning for 2024 – Intercessors for America

So far, 2024 is shaping up as a difficult year with all sorts of trials and tribulations. It is in difficult times, however, that we are called to be thankful and to worship God.

From Charisma News. In a recent message, John Ramirez gave a warning for the spiritual battles that lay ahead of us in 2024.

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“The Lord spoke to me regarding 2024. He says, ‘Speak to My people. It’s not a happy message; it’s a preparation message,’” Ramirez said. …

“If you’ve been told how the enemy is coming, then he won’t catch you off guard,” Ramirez said. “The Lord said, ‘Regarding 2024, what’s coming to the church in 2024—it’s going to be a year of attacks like never seen before … warn My people that the attack is not over your mind; it’s going to be over your heart.’”

Ramirez warns that because this year will include attacks over the heart, there will be many who leave the faith, and that some will join cults to chase after mystical beliefs. …

[It] is our job to have a grateful heart in all circumstances. …

It is giving thanks to God no matter what we may be feeling, no matter what we may be experiencing—that is the key to a grateful heart connected with the Lord at all times. Ramirez reminds us that instead of complaining about the storms we find ourselves in, we are called to give God thanks at all times that He is with us even in the storm. …

This thankfulness is not only the key to seeing heaven move, but it is the key to destroying Satan’s attacks that he has planned against your heart.

“The devil’s plan is to harden your heart,” Ramirez said. “If the devil hardens your heart in 2024, you will have short memory of the good things that God has done for you. … And the devil’s plan is to take the church in 2024, to harden your heart, because if he can harden your heart and then attack your mind, it will make you forget all the good things that God has done for you.” …

What did you think of this prophetic word for 2024? Share your own revelations in the comments below or on The Community.

(Excerpt from Charisma News. Photo Credit: Love You Stock via Canva Pro)

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