
Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro can help Tanzanian boys become devout Catholic priests: here’s how – LifeSite

Help support future authentic Catholic priests in Tanzania: LifeFunder

(LifeSiteNews) — Have you ever been at home watching television or YouTube and you see an ad asking for donations to help support children in some far-off land? And when you do some digging you find that the organization running the program is in favor of abortion and contraceptives, and you immediately lose interest?

My guest on today’s episode of The John-Henry Westen Show is Christopher Wendt of the Confraternity of Our Lady of Fatima. He tells me about an expedition he’s organized to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania to help establish a Catholic house of studies for those considering the priesthood, and to build more housing for the growing community to which it would be attached.

Wendt visited the area last summer, he explains. The group in need of the house of studies also possesses a school for boys and girls and runs a hospital. He says he felt called by Our Lady to climb Mount Kilimanjaro, the fourth highest mountain in the world, to help this community.

Describing the community, Wendt calls it a “picture of the whole life of the Church, of how it could be.” The community has a group of religious brothers and sisters as well as priests, and is made up mostly of farmer – all of whom are “so on fire for the faith.” Because the community is growing, it is overcrowded and in need of new buildings.

“I thought, ‘If that mountain’s so big, maybe if we can get some visibility of that and climb it, have a Catholic climb up to the top of the mountain, and really claim it for Our Lady, claim the Reign of Mary from there, and see if we could get people to sponsor the climbers so that we can help,’” Wendt tells me.

The climb is scheduled for mid-July this year. About six people have already signed up to climb the mountain, and the cut-off number is set to 20 climbers. “If you are interested in supporting … an authentically Catholic cause, one that will really mean a lot and really, really grow the Church, and really help true Catholics out, and you love a challenge, and you want to figure out who you are before Jesus and Mary, and do something that’s a chance of a lifetime, and do it for a great cause, then consider it,” says Wendt.

LifeSite is currently running a LifeFunder for Wendt’s climb of Mount Kilimanjaro, which can be found here. Other donations can be given via the Confraternity of Our Lady of Fatima here.

The John-Henry Westen Show is available by video on the show’s YouTube channel and right here on my LifeSite blog.

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Help support future authentic Catholic priests in Tanzania: LifeFunder

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