
Germany’s vice chancellor refuses to rule out criminalizing anti-globalist AfD party – LifeSite

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(LifeSiteNews) — Amidst a growing sense of national crisis Germany’s vice chancellor has refused to rule out the criminalization of the main opposition party, the Alternative for Germany (AfD).

In remarks reported Friday the Green Party’s Robert Habeck, who is also the finance and climate minister, responded to a so-called “far-right plot” involving the AfD to reverse mass immigration – which has seen at least 1.5 million immigrants arrive in Germany 2023 alone.

“You have to collect evidence that is hard enough to be able to enforce legal proceedings, build up a piece of evidence and then act accordingly,” he said, speaking during a visit to Jerusalem. “I think that is necessary.”

Habeck’s comments were reported in German newspaper Handelsblatt, which also noted “there are supporters of an AfD ban in almost all democratic parties.” All but one of these parties lag far behind the AfD, which is now the second most popular in Germany.

READ: Germany could ban populist political party surging in the polls

Democracy under surveillance

The alleged move is to counter what Germany’s domestic intelligence service described in 2022 as “strong anti-constitutional currents” in the leading party of opposition, the Alternative for Germany (AfD), whose “influence continues to increase.” This increase is explained in part by a decade of mass immigration, which has seen figures of up to three million immigrants arrive in Germany in one year.

The AfD reject the allegations of the “plot,” which was published on January 10 by an independent journal called Correctiv. Its investigations, which it says are “impartial,” include allegations tying the AfD to Putin’s Russia – a charge familiar with those who have been following the smear campaign against President Trump.

With support at 23 percent – 10 percent higher than Habeck’s Greens – the AfD has now eclipsed all the parties of government in the polls.

READ: Leader of anti-globalist ‘Alternative for Germany’ party says he was debanked for his political views

The increase of their “influence” is an established fact. What is also obvious is the reasons behind their rise – the chaos created by the policies of the German government, and by Habeck himself. 

Chief among these is immigration. The rumored policy of immigration reversal by the surging AfD is now being framed as unconstitutional.

This policy, which answers years of public concerns, is naturally seen as unacceptable by a political establishment which has made national and international ruin the hallmark of their agenda.

Policies of chaos

Habeck’s decision to cut support to German farmers has triggered a wave of national protests – in which he and his wife were “trapped” in recent days. Blockades have appeared across Germany, in the capital of Berlin and at national borders for over a week.

The protests – as with those in the Netherlands over threats to forcibly close farms – have been characterized as “far right,” in a routine description of any organized opposition to the Net Zero and World Economic Forum (WEF) agenda served by these government measures.

Alongside this, German rail workers held another strike. The three-day action, due to end January 12, continues a series of actions which began in March 2023.

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The pressure on Habeck and his government is compounded by a growing economic catastrophe in which he and his party are implicated.

This “traffic light” coalition of Socialists, Greens, and Liberals almost collapsed in December, following a judgment by the German high court against Habeck’s budget.

His attempt to secure borrowing using an emergency law brought in to finance lockdowns was ruled to be illegal, as it violated the German constitution’s prohibition on “structural debt.”

On November 15, the Federal Constitutional Court refused to permit Habeck to borrow 60 billion euros to create a “climate and transformation fund” to finance WEF-inspired Net Zero initiatives.

The man whose management of the state was ruled unconstitutional is hoping to create a case to criminalize a party for the “anti-constitutional” action – of having popular policies.

Debt and damage

Habeck – who cannot find money to pay his own farmers or railway workers – still aims to donate 8 billion euros to the black hole of corruption that is Ukraine, with a further 6 billion to support Ukrainian refugees in Germany.

It is Habeck’s party who have presented an alternative Germany – one seen below in a Green Party campaign leaflet for a 2021 Berlin local election. Pro-mass immigration, pro-abortion and strongly supportive of so-called “LGBTQ rights,” their entire political platform aims at the total destruction of the German way of life. 

‘Greens go further,’ reads the slogan. They have been true to their word. (Source:

The Greens have closed Germany’s nuclear power stations and pursued an aggressive pro-war platform. The Olaf Scholz government has given more money and military aid to Ukraine than any other nation outside the U.S., with its Green Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock going so far as to personally “declare war on Russia” at the European Council.

This war fervor has seen the German government support the managed decline of its economy. Described as the “Europe’s Economic Engine,” the once industrial heartland of the continent can no longer pay for itself, let alone remain the chief financier of the European Union.

In 2022, it recorded its first ever export trade deficit. Since then, debt has risen so fast that economic disaster has become “permanent.”

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“If the [German] government was honest, it would realize we are in a more or less permanent state of crisis … that we have huge transformations ahead of us, and it’s not optional,” said Marcel Fratzscher, president of the German Institute for Economic Research, quoted in a Foreign Policy article from June 2023.

The answer to this problem – fueled by vast borrowing for lockdowns and to finance the cost of war, sanctions and Net Zero devastation – is to remove the “debt brake,” the legal limit on government borrowing in Germany. More of the same is the solution to the problem.

It was this attempt which saw Habeck’s budget ruled illegal, breaking the law forbidding the addition of massive debts. The vice chancellor of Germany tried to violate the constitution to continue to pay for a bankrupt ideology.

The ruinous policies of the German government threaten the future stability and prosperity of the region. The E.U. itself is responding to the dwindling cash supply from Germany by attempting to raise bonds to back billions in borrowing – to meet the continuing costs of funding the war in Ukraine.

Why democracy is criminal

The reasons for the move to criminalize popular political movements is obvious: the establishment has no solutions for the problems it has created. Both in the U.S. and in Europe, it is resorting to the desperate measure of lawfare to make any alternative to itself illegal.

The AfD in Germany is anti-war. It proposes to halt mass migration, restart sensible energy policies, and abandon the Net Zero program destroying the economy. Its membership has grown by 37 percent in the last year.

These policies are popular with people generally, as is evidenced by Trump’s commanding lead and the growing support for the AfD in Germany. Both nations have seen narratives of extremism crafted to characterize opposition to the globalist schemes of forever war and the collapse of industrial society as the enemies of democracy.

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If democratic alternatives are abolished in the name of democracy, it is democracy itself which is the enemy of stability, of prosperity, of peace, and of the people. This is a dangerous game to play.

As the Handelsblatt report concludes, the German Higher Administrative Court in Munster is due to hand down a ruling on the AfD in February. The decision could see the long process of criminalizing political opposition in Germany rapidly accelerate.

One German politician, Fabio de Masi, suggested another remedy to a party that has risen to 40 percent in his region of Saxony: “You have to confront the AfD politically and end the crazy politics that makes it strong,” he explained on X, because, after all, “you cannot ban the voters.”

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