
Maine Builds Rent-Free Apartments for Illegal Migrants Paid by Taxpayers – American Faith

Maine’s taxpayers are now paying for new apartments built for illegal aliens who will have at least two years’ worth of rent paid for.

“On Monday, dozens of people gathered at Brunswick Landing to celebrate 60 new apartment units going up in five buildings. Twenty-four of them are already complete. These units are designed to house asylum seekers, as they wait to receive work permits. That process can often take a while, since asylum seekers can’t even file for a permit until at least six months after filing their initial asylum applications,” News Center Maine reports.

The state reportedly budgeted roughly $3.5 million to provide 60 migrant families in Brunswick with two years of rent. 

The state is also providing $100,000 to dozens of illegal immigrants for a year’s worth of asylum application and work authorization assistance.

Maine’s foreign-born population has increased by nearly 53 percent from 2000 to 2021, with more than 20,000 immigrants added to the state of fewer than 1.4 million residents.

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