
Massive Crowds Mobilize after 100 Days of War to Rally for 130+ Israelis Still Held Hostage

JERUSALEM, Israel – Two Palestinian terrorists carried out a stabbing and ramming attack Monday in central Israel, killing one woman and injuring at least 17, some seriously. The attack came just one day after hundreds of thousands of Israelis gathered to mark the 100th day since the Hamas massacre and kidnapping on October 7th.

One woman died in the stabbing and ramming spree, and several others were injured. Police say the two terrorists, who are in custody, are from the Hebron area south of Jerusalem but were working illegally in the city of Ra’anana near Tel Aviv. Children and teens were among the injured.

100 Days in Captivity

In the huge Tel Aviv demonstrations over the weekend, the condition of more than 130 hostages still in captivity fuels the heart cry of their families. At a 24-hour rally in Tel Aviv, participants stopped for 100 seconds of silence and heard from speakers such as President Isaac Herzog.

Herzog issued a challenge to the world, saying, “I call upon the entire family of nations to do your part. This isn’t just about our battle; it is a battle for the entire world. Stand with life and liberty against barbarism and hate, stand with freedom and democracy, stand with our hostages, and help bring them back home. There is no later, the time to act is now.” 

Released hostage Raz Ben Ami, whose husband Chad is still a captive, described her ordeal.

“Being kidnapped is not being able to sleep, knowing that terrorists are aiming a gun at your head,” she said. To be kidnapped is to feel powerless, to lose control of your life. Being kidnapped is not knowing if you will live in the next minute.”

On CBN’s Faith Nation, Moshe Levi shared that it’s been weeks since his family has heard anything about his brother-in-law, Omri.       

“It’s been almost six weeks now since then,” Levi stated. “And so what was true then may no longer be true now, because every second in captivity is eternity for them. It risked their lives, and we’re worried sick because we hear testimonies of those released hostages. And many of them, not all, but many, say and share that they were held in difficult conditions, deprived of food and water, proper sanitary conditions. Some were abused, tortured, sexually violated.  So when you wake up every day, you think about what he’s facing there.” 

In Washington, D.C., anti-Israel protesters rallied to call for an end to Israel’s military action in Gaza. Security officials relocated White House staff members after some protesters damaged the exterior fence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Hamas and Houthi Terrorist Missiles

On the military front, Hamas commemorated the 100 days since the war’s outbreak with a salvo of rockets and a banner reading, “January 14th –– 100 Days of Battle. Ashdod under fire and we have more!”

In the Red Sea, the Houthis launched a missile at a U.S. warship on Sunday. It’s the first attack since the U.S. and U.K. conducted airstrikes against the Iranian-backed group.

And on Monday, a missile fired from Yemen struck a U.S.-owned ship just off the coast of Yemen in the Gulf of Aden.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Navy says it’s still searching for two missing SEALS who fell into the sea during a nighttime boarding off the coast of Aden in the Red Sea last Thursday. 

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