
NFL quarterback Aaron Rodgers causes uproar after demolishing Fauci, COVID narrative on ESPN – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — NFL quarterback Aaron Rodgers dropped the equivalent of a nuclear bomb on the sports world. 

During an appearance on ESPN’s The Pat McAfee Show last Tuesday, Rodgers gave a persuasively argued, in-depth explanation as to how Dr. Anthony Fauci and the mainstream media deceived the American people during COVID-19. 

“They lied to us over and over. They vilified early treatments. They censored legitimate doctors … like Dr. Peter McCullough … Dr. Robert Malone,” Rodgers said. “I believe that [Dr. Fauci] had a financial incentive to not push Ivermectin and [Hydrochloroquine] and monoclonal antibodies and zinc and vitamin D and vitamin C.” 

Rodgers, 40, won Super Bowl XLV with the Green Bay Packers in 2010. A sure-fire Hall of Famer, he is the highest profile American professional athlete to push back against the COVID shot, which he has refused to take. 

Rodgers held nothing back on the McAfee show last week. He not only exposed the dishonest way the COVID shot was approved but also how the medical industry harmed patients. 

“In order for the vaccines to get emergency use authorization … it had to be that there were zero early treatments that worked against COVID,” he noted. “So, what did Dr. Fauci say? ‘There was nothing. There was nothing they could do.’” 

Rodgers continued, “Somebody gets sick, right, send them home until they get really horrible, horrible symptoms and then bring them back and put them on Remdesivir, which is $3,000 per dose, and a ventilator. And the statistics are staggering about people who went, especially on ventilators, especially the elderly. And it’s devastating and extremely sad.” 

Rodgers’ politically incorrect though entirely accurate analysis triggered many liberal commentators in the sports and entertainment industry. 

Former ESPN contributor Jemele Hill, a black woman who now spends her time pushing Critical Race Theory, was interviewed on CNN to purposefully throw cold water on Rodgers’ remarks. As she spoke, the words “Rodgers, who claims censorship, spits conspiracies uncensored,” appeared on the bottom of the screen. 

Left-wing USA Today columnist Mike Freeman amplified Hill’s woke message in an article he wrote that described Rodgers’ arguments as “reckless opinions.” 

Washington Post reporter Ben Strauss similarly accused Rodgers of “launching into a 20-minute rant about vaccine efficacy.”  

Oliver Darcy of CNN wrote a total of three stories about Rodgers and the purported “headache” it is causing for Disney, which owns ESPN. Darcy charged Rodgers with pushing a “dangerous cocktail of conspiratorial trash.” 

Over the past several years, Rodgers has consistently spoken out against COVID mandates. He has also appeared on the Joe Rogan podcast and criticized the “woke mob” attacking him for his stances. On the McAfee show, he pointed out that Fauci ignored the efficacy of alternative treatments.  

“Anti-malaria drugs” have “been seen to stop viral replication and actually do well against COVID,” he said. “But if that were the case, then these billion-dollar vaccines, one of which in particular Dr. Fauci had a significant financial stake in, wouldn’t have been cleared for [emergency use authorization] — and they wouldn’t have been able to be pushed out. They would have had to go through the normal process of vaccines, which is multiyear studies of efficacy, to develop a safety profile. That didn’t happen.” 

“I don’t know why more people aren’t upset with that,” he continued. “Everybody who lost people to COVID, everybody who dealt with the draconian measures. They locked everybody up forever, was supposed to be a couple weeks. They locked everybody up. Hundreds of thousands of businesses closed and never opened again.” 

One day after Rodgers’ appearance, McAfee, a former NFL punter, announced that, given that the league’s regular season was over, Rodger’s weekly appearances had contractually ended. 

“There could be a lot of people that are happy with that, myself included to be honest,” he said. He later announced on social media that he regretted finding himself “in political wars.” 

Yet on Thursday, January 11, Rodgers appeared on the show again, though he kept his comments exclusively on sports. 

McAfee, 36, reportedly made the decision to bring Rodgers back on air on his own, and not at the behest of ESPN. At the same time, Sports Business Journal has reported that ESPN is “close to a boiling point” with the show.  

McAfee is regarded as something of a wild card with the network. He appeals to younger sports fans with his casual clothing choices and bombastic personality. And more than with other on-air talent, ESPN has given him far more freedom with how he conducts himself and how he covers certain topics. Thus far, the network has refused to issue a public statement about Rodgers’ comments. 

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