
Nicaragua releases Bishop Álvarez, more than a dozen Catholic political prisoners to Vatican – LifeSite

ROME (LifeSiteNews) — The Nicaraguan government has finally released the Bishops Rolando Álvarez and Isidoro del Carmen Mora Ortega along with 15 priests and two seminarians, the Holy See confirmed on Monday.

The ongoing crackdown against Catholics in Nicaragua recently saw the arrest of six clergy representing the Archdiocese of Managua. Álvarez, who has been jailed for more than a year, became a prime example of the communist government’s persecution following his arrest in July 2023. Dictator Daniel Ortega had begun negotiations to release the bishop but sentenced him back to prison when the religious leader refused to comply with threats of exile. He had been under house arrest for his public criticism of Ortega since August 2022. 

Now, Vatican News reports that all but one arrived in Rome over the weekend, with one opting to remain in Venezuela, and are currently in the Vatican’s care. In October, the Vatican took in another dozen priests the government had previously released.

Last February 2023, Álvarez was sentenced to 26 years for treason, and more than 200 political prisoners (among them priests who had criticized the government) were deported to the United States. In December, exiled Nicaraguan Catholics testified before the U.S. Congress about the extent to which the persecution has already reached, including harsh interrogations and torture. 

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