
The Iowa Caucus from an Iowa Intercessor – Intercessors for America

As a lifelong resident of Iowa, I am very familiar with the caucus process and the impact it has on our nation. We have been and still are being bombarded with emails, texts, television ads, phone calls, and social media. Candidates and the media that follow them are holding meetings and rallies in small towns, county seats, and our state capitol almost around the clock. As a state we are given lots of political pomp until January 16th when life returns to normal. Wait. Is anything really normal anymore?

Prayer history in Iowa politics

We have been praying for all the candidates long before they set foot on our rich Iowa soil. Our prayer group has been praying in our State Capitol building every Tuesday for the last 33 years. We will normally have 20-40 intercessors and legislators in our prayer room. All IFA members are invited to join us telephonically (listen only mode) on Tuesdays from noon -1 pm or in person if you happen to be in the area and Saturday morning from 9-10 am where everyone is invited to pray together on our live call. Click here for Iowa call details.

We are living in a “Rees Howells” moment in time. (Read more about Rees Howells here.) Through prayer Holy Spirit exposes the enemy, we pray in unity, and the Lord delays and foils plans of death and destruction. Prayer has and still can prevent war. More prayer, more power.

I am highly concerned about the coming generations. My wife Kate and I have been married 44 years and are parents of 4 beautiful children and grandparents of 14 even more beautiful grandchildren. A recent Generation Z poll (I believe it was Pew) stated that 63% of Zs would rather give up their right to vote than give up their Tik- Tok account. To paraphrase a famous Iowan named Meredith Wilson, writer of The Music Man, we got trouble right here in River City. That’s trouble with a capital T and that rhymes with P and that stands for PRAYER (my version).

So, why are the caucuses so important?

A National Bureau of Economic Research of the election found that voters who cast ballots in early-voting states such as Iowa had up to 20 times the influence of late voters in the selection of candidates. Early voters are able to narrow the field, boost longshot candidates, and dim the prospects of perceived frontrunners in a way that voters who cast their ballots once the primary is all but decided are not.

We are expecting record low caucus temperatures of -17 and wind chill of -45 on January 15th Monday night starting at 7:00 pm. It is expected that attendance will be reduced. But God! We have asked pastors to send out texts to their members to carpool for the elderly, single moms, friends, and neighbors, etc. so please pray for good attendance.

Pray for Iowa Caucus

We had our state prayer call Saturday morning and ask that you join us in praying for

  • repentance,
  • forgiveness,
  • truth,
  • unity,
  • righteousness,
  • peace,
  • order,
  • keep fraudulent voters away,
  • election integrity,
  • fear of the Lord,
  • no shrinking back,
  • division of soul and spirit,
  • that Iowa would be a marking point for turning of our nation.

Pray Shalom. Join us and pray for wisdom and discernment in the midst of this huge circus. How are you praying for the caucus today as we enter into the official election season for citizen involvement? Share below. 

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