
DAILY SIGNAL EXCLUSIVE: Sen. Blackburn Introduces ‘Women’s Right to Know Act’ Requiring Abortionists to Inform Women of Risks – The Stream

FIRST ON THE DAILY SIGNAL — Sen. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., is introducing pro-life legislation Tuesday aimed at protecting the health of both the mother and child.

Blackburn’s Women’s Right to Know Act, co-sponsored by Rep. Vicky Hartzler, R-Mo., in the House of Representatives, would set medical requirements that abortionists would have to meet before they can abort a woman’s unborn baby. Those requirements include explaining all the medical risks associated with abortions and the baby’s probable gestational age and developmental features.

Under the legislation, endorsed by the Family Research Council and the pro-life Susan B. Anthony List, the abortionist would be required to share this information with the mother at least 24 hours before that abortionist aborts the unborn baby.

“The Woman’s Right to Know Act protects the sanctity of life for women and children across the nation,” Blackburn told The Daily Signal. “This bill would set long overdue nationwide standards that most states have already implemented so that women across the nation are provided access to vital information by their medical provider.”

Blackburn’s office noted that many states actually have enacted their own forms of informed consent laws, and the Women’s Right to Know Act would extend those types of safeguards across the country.

The legislation comes the same week as the 51st annual March for Life, which will take place on Friday, Jan. 19, in Washington, D.C. House Speaker Mike Johnson will be speaking at the march, in addition to a number of prominent pro-life voices, among them former NFL tight end Benjamin Watson.

This year’s march has the theme of “with every woman, for every child,” stressing the importance of supporting both mother and child post-Roe v. Wade.

“We are overjoyed to welcome these inspiring pro-life leaders at this year’s 51st March for Life,” said Jeanne Mancini, president of the March for Life Education and Defense Fund. “For the past 51 years, the March for Life has powerfully witnessed to the tragedy of abortion, while calling for stronger protections for women and the unborn.”

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