Our world revolves around electricity, which means that any attack on our grid would be absolutely devastating. And according to unnamed sources, the U.S. will be forced to conduct rolling blackouts across the nation in 2025, meaning that we may very well see our grid falter over the next few years. What can be done to protect against this?
From Daily Caller. Actor Dennis Quaid joined Daily Caller co-founder Tucker Carlson Saturday to discuss the biggest threat to your life. …
Who is praying on the wall?
“Basically, there is a 100% probability that our sun, generating what they call a GMD, which is a solar storm, that hits hard, hits our Earth, and the magnetic field we have around the Earth, and can fry everything that is electric above the ground, including our entire grid,” Quaid explained to Carlson. …
Ep. 64 At some point America’s power grid will fail. What happens then? Dennis Quaid on a risk the government seems to be ignoring. pic.twitter.com/EzX2e4NfU2
— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) January 13, 2024
These types of solar events have happened before, Quaid continued, describing the Carrington Event of 1859, when the only bits of technology we had were telegraph lines. …
“There wouldn’t be water in your tap. You couldn’t get gas for your car because the whole system is broken down,” Quaid said, accurately. “Everything that we rely upon would be gone. The food would melt in our refrigerators.” Within a year, 90% of the world’s population would be dead. …
This is not some hyperbole being spewed by an unintelligent actor. What Quaid is describing will happen, possibly sooner rather than later. And if the sun doesn’t do it, a bad actor will. …
We have previously covered the issue of our grid’s vulnerabilities. Check out the webcast below to see IFA Chief Program Officer Kris Kubal interview experts on the topic:
Share this article to warn other intercessors and to encourage them to lift our grid up in prayer.
(Excerpt from Daily Caller. Photo Credit: PatriciaEnciso/Getty Images Signature via Canva Pro)