
The Brew: Meltdowns, Freezes and Things Starting to Get Hotter With Iran – The Stream

Happy Wednesday!

We’re making today’s Brew a decaf to help settle the nerves of the cable news hosts out there.

Media Gets Nutty Over Trump Iowa Landslide

Did you see them Monday night “reporting” on Trump’s Iowa landslide? They were so agitated and angry at the good people of Iowa, I wouldn’t be surprised if they boycotted corn. MSNBC’s Joy Reid declared White conservative Christians “racists” who want minorities to “bow down” to them.

Then again, Joy Reid would declare snow racist.

Rachel Maddow (and others) didn’t show Trump’s victory speech because she didn’t want to “knowingly broadcast untrue things.” This from the woman who peddled the Russia Collusion hoax the way Mike Lindell pushes pillows.

Colleague Lawrence O’Donnell was flat out bizarre. Iowa voters, he said, didn’t go for Haley because she’s Indian. “81% of the Republican primary electorate believe that Nikki Haley has poisoned blood, and is poisoning the blood of the United States. So that roadblock for Nikki Haley is impossible.”

He left off that Republicans in Iowa didn’t vote for her because she’s a girl and has cooties.

If you missed it, you can catch my Iowa wrap: Resolute: Iowa Goes ‘Huuuge’ for Trump.”

Washington D.C. Gets First Decent Snowfall in Years … Shuts Down.

Strange town, your Nation’s Capital. They will sell your children’s future and their own souls to avoid a government shutdown. But one snowflake falls from the sky and it’s “Shut down! Shut down! Shut down!”

The seat of our federal government was shut down yesterday due to the massive historic blizzard that hit the D.C. region. I exaggerate. It was about 2-4 inches of snow, but you couldn’t tell that from the reaction. You can understand the angst. It’s the first time in two years Washington has gotten snow, so locals had forgotten what it looked like. In fact, Hunter Biden saw all that white powder on the White House lawn and went “Party time!” (C’mon, I’m talking about him rushing out to make snow angels. What do you think I was talking about?)

Tuesday’s closure also meant the walkout planned by Federal workers protesting Biden’s support for Israel’s fight against Hamas was postponed.

Meanwhile, up I-95 in New York City Monday, similarly-minded “pro-Palestinian” protesters swarmed the Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. They accused the hospital of “complicity in genocide.” Part of their protest involved taunting child cancer patients who were watching on. “Make sure they hear you, they’re in the windows.” How the sick little kids and the doctors treating them are complicit in genocide half way around the world was not explained.

Perhaps I should be clearer with my wording. The children are ill. These protesters are sick.

But Should We Be Concerned About a Nuclear Winter? Iran Situation Intensifies … as Threats of a Nuclear Iran Grow

Sure the snow and cold is newsworthy, but should we be more worried about a nuclear winter? Reports have emerged that Iran has accelerated its efforts to build a nuclear weapon. Physicist David Albright of the Institute for Science and International Security issued a report this month called “How quick could Iran make nuclear weapons?” Answer: Too darn quick for our comfort.

Today, it would need only about a week to produce enough (weapons-grade uranium) for its first nuclear weapon. It could have enough weapon-grade uranium for six weapons in one month, and after five months of producing weapon-grade uranium, it could have enough for 12.

So lifting economic restrictions, releasing billions of dollars and turning the other way as Iran ignores oil embargoes didn’t change Iran’s tune about nukes after all. At least Iran isn’t acting belligerently toward anybody.

Oh wait.

Iran has launched missile attacks against three countries in the past two days: Syria, Iraq and Pakistan. Iran says the strike in Pakistan was aimed at bases for Jaish al-Adl, a U.S.-designated terrorist group. This doesn’t include missiles fired by their Houthi proxies in Yemen and, of course, their role in the terrorist massacre in Israel by their Hamas surrogates.

Our Military Responds as Iran-Backed Houthis Continue Red Sea Menace

U.S. forces conducted strikes again in Yemen Tuesday, destroying four Houthi anti-ship ballistic missiles that were set to launch, U.S. Central Command announced.

USCENTCOM also announced Tuesday that U.S. Navy forces seized Iranian advanced weaponry headed for the Houthis in Yemen. The haul included “Iranian-made ballistic missile and cruise missiles components. Seized items include propulsion, guidance, and warheads for Houthi medium range ballistic missiles (MRBMs) and anti-ship cruise missiles (ASCMs), as well as air defense associated components.”

Two Navy SEALS previously announced as lost at sea were part of this operation. “We are conducting an exhaustive search for our missing teammates,” said General Michael Erik Kurilla, USCENTCOM Commander.

We pray for the SEALS and their families.

Finally …

Hunter Loses His Art Dealer, but May Gain a Date for Deposition

Speaking of Hunter, House Rules Committee announced a vote on citing Biden for Contempt of Congress is on hold as Oversight staffers and Biden’s lawyers try to work out an agreement for him to testify.

They have to ask him about the art. Hunter’s art dealer says the First Son knew about 70% of the people who were buying his art … contrary to assurances from the White House that buyers would remain anonymous to avoid the appearance of influence peddling.

Georges Berges also testified to the House Oversight and Judiciary committees that he decided not to renew his contract with the “artist” after its September 1 expiration. “It was a little bit more than I could chew … obviously I kind of wanted my life back,” he said of the commotion and extra headaches associated with repping Hunter. Not that the pair didn’t profit. According to the New York Post, Berges says he made about $1.5 million in sales. Meaning, after Berges got his 40% commission, Hunter brought in about $900,000 in just two years for his “art.”

Along The Stream

John Zmirak scores with a new one: “Do Christians and Communists Have the Same Goals, as Pope Francis Claims?”

Dennis Prager has a fascinating column, “If You Say Men Give Birth, We Know Your Position on Hamas.”

Al Perrotta is the Managing Editor of The Stream, co-author, with John Zmirak, of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration and co-author of the counter-terrorism memoir Hostile Intent: Protecting Yourself Against Terrorism.

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