
Canadians ridicule Trudeau gov’t after ‘renewable’ energy failure nearly ends in catastrophe – LifeSite

Tell Canadian politicians not repeat Alberta’s energy nightmare – send a message now

(LifeSiteNews) –– An extreme cold snap which led to near minus 50 degrees Celsius (58 degrees Fahrenheit) temperatures in much of Western Canada over the weekend, and nearly caused one province’s power grid to collapse due to a failure of wind and solar power, saw many call out Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government’s green energy agenda which is looking to phase out carbon-based power in favor of “renewables.”  

“How many would be dead in Alberta tonight if all they had was wind turbines and solar panels to rely on? -31 in Edmonton tonight,” posted X, formerly Twitter, user John Lee Pettimore.  

@s_guilbeault (Trudeau’s Miniter of Environment Steven Guilbeault) is an idiot and should be the first one to freeze.” 

The cold snap became serious after the power grid in the province of Alberta neared collapse due to inadequate production from renewable sources such as solar and wind.  

In response to the situation, the neighboring province of Saskatchewan, which was also facing the same cold snap, announced it would be providing Alberta with electricity to stabilize the grid.  

Many, including Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe, noted that the incident served as a stark reminder of the potential dangers of a looming federal mandate calling for an eventual end to oil and gas power production in favor of less reliable wind and solar power. 

Popular Canadian X user and Albertan “@Martyupnorth_2” said the near collapse of Alberta’s power grid shows the folly of investing “trillions” into so-called renewable power. 

“I want Steven Guilbeault to come to Alberta next week, and explain how forcing us to invest $30 trillion in wind and solar to convert our power grid to NetZero will save the planet,” wrote @Martyupnorth_2 on X (formerly Twitter) on Sunday.  

“I also want him to explain how forcing everyone to buy an electric vehicle in the next 10 years will also do the same thing,” he continued, adding, “While he’s here, I also want to know why he’s not objecting to China building a 1,000 MW, coal fired power plant every 2 weeks.” 

After Alberta’s Electric System Operator (AESO) declared a grid alert on Saturday, the province’s Premier Danielle Smith pleaded with citizens to “unplug” their electric vehicles and conserve energy in other ways to avoid brownouts. 

The incident also drew the ire of Alberta’s Minister of Energy, who criticized the federally funded Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) for publishing a report stating that electric cars are better able to handle cold weather than gas-powered ones.,

Coal and gas power saved lives, says former MP  

Former Conservative MP Derek Sloan noted how if it were not for coal and natural gas, thousands of Albertans could have died from the cold. 

“Rolling blackouts are hitting Alberta because the renewables portion of their grid (wind and solar) can’t function in this cold weather (wind) and at night (solar). If Alberta was 100% renewable right now, people would be dying,” wrote Sloan on X on Sunday.  

Conservative Party of Canada MP and former leader of the party Andrew Scheer noted the obvious, that it gets “cold” in Canada.  

“It gets cold in Canada. Really cold. Home heating isn’t a luxury for hard-working Canadian families. And yet, Justin Trudeau insists on his plan to QUADRUPLE his disastrous Carbon Tax. Common sense Conservatives will axe the tax and bring home lower prices on home heating,” he wrote on X on Tuesday.  

Since taking office in 2015, Trudeau has continued to push a radical environmental agenda similar to the agendas being pushed the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” and the United Nations’ “Sustainable Development Goals.” 

The reduction and eventual elimination of the use of so-called “fossil fuels” and a transition to unreliable “green” energy has also been pushed by the World Economic Forum (WEF) – the globalist group behind the socialist “Great Reset” agenda – an organization in which Trudeau and some of his cabinet are involved. 

The Trudeau government, however, despite the reality of cold winters, is trying to force net-zero regulations on all Canadian provinces, notably on electricity generation, as early as 2035. His government has also refused to extend a carbon tax exemption on heating fuels to all provinces, allowing only Atlantic provinces, this benefit.    

Canada’s government is also going after consumer choice when it comes to what kind of vehicles people can purchase.  

Canadian Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault announced just before Christmas the “Electric Vehicle Availability Standard.” This is a plan that will mandate that all new cars and trucks by 2035 be electric, which would in effect ban the sale of new gasoline- or diesel-only powered vehicles after that year. 

Smith noted that when it comes to Trudeau’s EV mandate, “Ottawa is trying to force increased demands on the electricity grid while simultaneously weakening Alberta’s and other provinces’ grids through their federal electricity regulations.” 

“Our electric grids are not equipped to handle the massive demand surge that a forced full-scale transition to EVs would need to accommodate the delusional timelines in Ottawa’s regulations, and the federal government has not provided remotely enough financial assistance to assist provincial grids to meet this mandated electricity demand,” she noted. 

A June 2017 peer-reviewed study by two scientists and a veteran statistician confirmed that most of the recent global warming data have been “fabricated by climate scientists to make it look more frightening.” 

Tell Canadian politicians not repeat Alberta’s energy nightmare – send a message now

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