
The Brew: You Wouldn’t Believe What HHS’s Trans Lunacy is Spending Your Money On Now – The Stream

Happy Thursday!

Today’s Brew starts with a bit of slander.

White House Fibs When Blaming Texas for 3 Border Drownings

Remember a few years back the hoax about Border Patrol agents “whipping” illegal immigrants? Even after the tale was proven to be false, the White House and DHS Secretary Mayorkas still pushed the story. Apologies? Demagoguery means never having to say you’re sorry.

Here we go again. The White House is blaming the Texas National Guard for two children and one adult drowning in the Rio Grande. Last week, the Texas National Guard took over a park along the border to stop illegals from entering. The Border Patrol had used to the park to “process” illegals before letting them loose into our nation. The Texas National Guard has not let the Feds into the area. The White House isn’t happy about Texas protecting their border. So they created a fiction.

The White House declared, “On Friday night, a woman and two children drowned near Eagle Pass, and Texas officials blocked U.S. Border Patrol from attempting to provide emergency assistance. While we continue to gather facts about the circumstances of these tragic deaths, one thing is clear: Governor Abbott’s political stunts are cruel, inhumane, and dangerous.” (Yeah. Now tell me about the yearly 100,000 fentanyl deaths, the sex and human trafficking and disease created by your open border policies, Big Guy.)

Added DHS, “In responding to a distress call from the Mexican government, Border Patrol agents were physically barred by Texas officials from entering the area.”

The media ran with it. And ran. Oh, the horror of those wicked Texans!

Problem is, the story is patently false. And the administration knows it. Fox News’ Bill Melugin reports that a DOJ legal filing states the migrants had drowned at 8 p.m. and Border Patrol did not even inform Texas until an hour later at 9 p.m.

The Texas Military Department blasted the lie. “At no time did TMD security personnel along the river observe any distressed migrants, nor did TMD turn back any illegal immigrants from the US during this period.”

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott was also having none of it. “When BP requested access to [the] river, the drownings had already occurred & found in MX,” he tweeted when the true facts were revealed. “The fact is the deaths are b/c of Biden’s Open Border magnet.”

The legal fight over Texas trying to defend our border continues. As does the toll on our nation from the continued unfettered and deliberate flooding of our nation with illegals. The current count of the Biden Border Brigade? Ten million illegals since taking office. But at least none of them took a selfie in the U.S. Capitol on January 6 … .

Your Tax Dollars at Woke: $700,000 for Pregnancy Prevention Targeting Teen Girls Who ID as Boys

HHS is forking over nearly $700,000 to a California pregnancy prevention program specifically targeting teen girls who ID as boys, federal disclosure documents reveal.

The cash grant is going to the Center for Innovative Public Health Research. Innovative indeed.

Listen to this bit of gibberish from the researchers:

Data suggest that afab trans-identified youth may be less likely to use condoms when having sex with people who have penises and are at least as likely as cisgender girls to be pregnant. This health inequity must be addressed.

$698,736 of your tax dollars because girls who identify as boys are just as likely to get pregnant as girls who don’t.

Meanwhile, at the Emmys Monday night, GLAAD was given a special award. GLAAD President Sarah Kate Ellis pushed for the TV industry to create more transgender characters.

As Breitbart noted:

GLAAD’s most recent diversity report found that transgender characters accounted for 5.4 percent of the characters, both regular and recurring, across all platforms on TV from 2022 to 2023.

In reality, less than 1 percent of adults identifies as transgender, according to a study of UCLA School of Law’s Williams Institute.

So transgenders are already overrepresented in Hollywood by over 500%!

But that’s not the best part. A tip of the cup to Breitbart for the “Tweet I Wish I Wrote.” “If trans women are women, why don’t they feel represented by the women who are already on TV?”

Prayers for the British Royals

We haven’t had to care about the British royals since 1776, but sometimes it’s nice to throw a little love across the pond. Two royals are in the medical news. First, word broke that Catherine, Princess of Wales will be hospitalized for up to two weeks and out of action until after Easter after having what the palace calls “planned abdominal surgery.” Details are slight, but to the BBC, her time in hospital and away from official duties suggests the medical condition was “serious.”

A statement from the palace reads Kate “hopes that the public will understand her desire to maintain as much normality for her children as possible.”

If it were Meghan Markle, the surgery would already be up on Netflix.

Meanwhile, King Charles himself is having a “corrective procedure” … aka surgery … for an enlarged prostate next week. Thankfully, they are calling the growth “benign.”

We pray a quick recovery for the two royals.

NBC Fumbles, Cuts Praise for Jesus Out of CJ Stroud’s Post-Game Comments

Flag NBC for a personal foul. Sunday night, Houston Texan rookie quarterback C.J. Stroud led his team to victory over the Philadelphia Eagles and gave praise where praise belonged. “First and foremost, I just want to give all glory and praise to my Lord, Jesus Christ.”

Except when NBC tweeted out Stroud’s comments, the clip was edited. They cut out his love of Jesus to focus on his love of Houston.


Perhaps the editors couldn’t hear Stroud’s praise over the loud thud of the Eagles season crashing and burning.

As Fox News reports, Stroud has long been open about his faith. “I don’t deserve His grace and His mercy, but He still gives it to me and I love Him for that,” he told Fox Digital in November. “It’s not about me, it’s about Him and His glory. So I think that’s where it comes from. I think God made me like that.”

Along The Stream

Jason Jones asks, “Did Trump’s Easy Iowa Romp Hurt the Pro-Life Movement, and Trump’s Own Chance of Winning?

Our Nancy Flory shares drug dealer turned country star Jelly Roll’s amazing Senate testimony.

Plus keep an eye out for the next edition of Resolute, covering the latest election-related news.

Al Perrotta is the Managing Editor of The Stream, co-author, with John Zmirak, of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration and co-author of the counter-terrorism memoir Hostile Intent: Protecting Yourself Against Terrorism.

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