
Maine won’t decide Trump’s 2024 ballot eligibility until Supreme Court resolves Colorado case – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) – No decision will be made on removing former President Donald Trump from Maine’s 2024 election ballots until a case on the same question is adjudicated in Colorado, state Superior Court Justice Michaela Murphy ruled Wednesday.

Last month, the Colorado Supreme Court ruled 4-3 that Trump was ineligible for the presidency under the Disqualification Clause of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which says that “[n]o person” may “hold any office” who has “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against” the United States, “or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.” 

Democrats argue, and the court agreed, that Trump did so by “engag[ing] in insurrection” by calling for the infamous January 6, 2021 demonstration to protest Congressional certification of his 2020 loss to Joe Biden, which devolved into a riot at the U.S. Capitol Building. The FBI eventually had to admit it did not find evidence that the riot was intended by Trump or otherwise planned by those around him. The U.S. Supreme Court has confirmed that it will review the ruling next month.

The Daily Wire reported that Murphy ordered Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows, a far-left Democrat who already attempted to remove Trump in the case that provoked the appeal to Murphy’s court, to “await the Supreme Court’s decision in Anderson and to issue, within 30 days thereafter, a new Ruling modifying, withdrawing, or confirming her December 28 Ruling.”

This, she said, will “minimiz[e] any potentially destabilizing effect of inconsistent decisions,” “promote greater predictability in the weeks ahead of the primary election,” and hopefully “clarify what role, if any, state decision-makers, including secretaries of state and state judicial officers, play in adjudicating claims of disqualification.” 

Last week, the Oregon Supreme Court confirmed it will not hear a challenge to Trump’s eligibility brought by five voters in the Beaver State, settling that the Trump campaign will not have to worry about the issue impacting his odds in the state’s primary or general elections. Challenges to Trump’s eligibility are awaiting resolution in 18 states; all are expected to be rendered moot by the Supreme Court’s impending decision, as even some anti-Trump liberals have acknowledged that disqualifying Trump is likely unconstitutional.

Trump maintains a commanding lead for the Republican presidential nomination. He posted his first primary victory on Monday in the Iowa caucuses, picking up 51% of the vote and 20 delegates to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ 21% and nine delegates, and former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley’s 19% and eight delegates. Businessman Vivek Ramaswamy dropped out and endorsed Trump after winning just 7.7% and three delegates; the other two remaining candidates have vowed to press on.

Fluctuating national polls currently have Trump narrowly leading a close race with Biden should the former president be nominated, although voters also say that potential convictions in his various ongoing trials will make them less likely to support him. It’s also speculated that Democrats may replace Biden with a younger Democrat such as Gavin Newsom or Dean Phillips, and it is not yet certain which candidate would lose more votes to Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s independent presidential run.

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