
Physicians org disbars Canadian doctor for three months after ‘misgendering’ a biological woman – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) – A Canadian doctor has been banned from practicing medicine for three months for telling the truth about basic biology regarding a patient’s birth sex after the Quebec College of Physicians disbarred him for what they claimed was him misgendering a biological woman transgender patient who wanted testosterone injections.

The recent ruling, reported by La Presse, found that Montreal physician Dr. Raymond Brière, who has over 40 years of experience, had an “inappropriate and disrespectful attitude” regarding the transgender patient, who he referred to as a biological woman during a doctor’s visit in May 2022.

The patient recorded the entire doctor’s visit, which began with them wanting to “move on to the next stage in their transformation, which is hormone intake.” The patient had already undergone a so-called social transformation a year ago by using different pronouns.

Brière said that he had little experience with “trans people” and suggested that using hormone therapy came with a lot of side effects, such as more aggression.

The patient claimed that added aggression was just based on stereotypes. However, the doctor responded by saying he had never “prescribed hormones to a person who wants to ‘turn into a man.’”

He then suggested that the patient be referred to one of his colleagues who had experience in dealing with transgender patients. However, the patient then asked about the use of a testosterone gel “to encourage a slow, gradual transformation of the body.” Brière in reply said that females can apply this gel with a pump, which irked the patient, who told the doctor that they are “not” female.

In response, Brière said, “You were a woman, dear lady.”

Doctor to trans patient: You are a man ‘only in your brain’

The doctor’s visit escalated as the patient did not take kindly to Brière pointing out the biological fact of the patient’s birth sex.

“If a chromosomal analysis is carried out, it will be shown that their chromosomes carry XX genes, not XY,” Brière said to the patient, who then added that they are a man only “in your brain.”

Things then got more heated after the patient accused Brière of having “ready-made opinions and also of being aggressive. In reply, the doctor said that there are no “lessons” to take from the biological female patient.

At this point, the appointment ended. However, the patient said again that she was a man, to which Brière replied, “a (female) patient until that day, you were a woman, dear lady.”

The patient then again said they were a man, to which the doctor replied they were “biologically a woman.”

Doctor took issue with being recorded

A short while after the appointment, the patient filed a complaint with the Integrated University Health and Social Services Centre, claiming discrimination by Brière.

An investigator concluded that Brière did not discriminate against the patient despite there being “a problem with the quality of the professional relationship and a lack of respect for the patient.”

The patient then escalated the situation and took the complaint to the Quebec College of Physicians, which after some time issued the ruling against Brière.

As punishment for simply stating a biological fact, Brière must serve a total of two debarment periods, with one being three months long and the other two months, both being served simultaneously.

Brière in his defense noted how he was not happy the patient had recorded the visit, saying, “The attitude of the patient, who turns up for the appointment on May 17, 2022, recording the meeting and being somewhat wary of consulting (the patient) to agree on a treatment plan for masculinizing hormones, indicates at best a problem or the non-existence of the mutual trust necessary for the professional relationship.”

The Quebec College of Physicians did not agree and said it was the doctor’s fault for what happened. It also noted how the patient tried to get a referral from Brière, but he refused, saying he did not want that person as a patient citing trust issues.

Prominent Canadians blast decision against doctor

After news broke of Brière’s punishment for stating a biological fact regarding his patient, the decision by the Quebec College of Physicians was widely blasted on social media, notably on X (formerly Twitter).

Canadian author and psychologist Jordan Peterson, who just lost a court case and is now mandated by the Ontario College of Psychologists to undergo “re-education” for remarks he made on social media,” called out the decision against Brière.

“Professional colleges as woke weaponry: sound familiar @CPOntario?” he posted on X (formerly Twitter) a couple of days ago.

Chris Elston, a Canadian parental rights advocate who is known as an activist working to expose the extremism of the transgender movement and the dangers of “sex changes” for kids, said the patient was out to get Brière the whole time.

“The appointment became contentious, as the doctor is one of these old-fashioned truth-tellers who isn’t going to join her cult. He offered to send her to a colleague who deals with trans-identified patients but that wasn’t good enough for her,” Elston posted on X (formerly Twitter) a few days ago.

“She was out to get him disciplined for not respecting her magical, delusional gender identity, and the medical regulatory bodies, which have been fully captured by this body-destroying cult were happy to oblige.”

Over the past few years, there has been a noticeable push in western nations to actively promote gender ideology to young people, particularly in the United States and Canada.

Trudeau’s Liberal government is fully on board with the LGBT agenda. Recently, it pledged $100 million in funding for LGBT activist groups, with much of the money focused on youth and on-the-ground initiatives.

In 2017, the Senate passed a transgender rights bill that adds “gender expression” and “gender identity” to Canada’s Human Rights Code and to the Criminal Code’s hate crime section.

Around the same time, federal public servants were forced to take a mandatory feminist “gender equality” course or face unspecified consequences.

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