
Pro-abortion org blames cold for canceling March for Life counter-protest, gets roasted in replies – LifeSite

WASHINGTON, D.C. (LifeSiteNews) – Tens of thousands of pro-lifers are braving the cold today to march to the U.S. Capitol building for the 51st annual March for Life, but a planned pro-abortion counter protest has already been canceled after failing to drum up significant social media engagement.

Starting at 1PM Eastern Time, pro-lifers from across and beyond America will gather at the National Mall and march to a concluding spot between the U.S. Capitol and U.S. Supreme Court, to celebrate the 2022 overturn of Roe v. Wade and build on that victory by urging Congress to take further action. 

On January 12 and 13, the pro-abortion activist group Reproaction announced via X/Twitter and Facebook that it would be holding a counter-protest outside the Supreme Court building, to “show the opposition that abortion is popular and unstoppable.”

It is unknown how many people signed up to participate, but out of the group’s 14,000-some Facebook followers, the Facebook post only received seven positive emoji reactions, just one share not from Reproaction itself, and no comments. On X, where the group has 10.7 thousand followers, it got only three likes and two shares not by the group itself.

At 7:35AM Friday morning, Reproaction announced the event was canceled, suggesting that they made the decision to “put safety first” and accusing pro-lifers of endangering children by taking them to the march despite the cold. 

Respondents did not find the organization’s explanation compelling:

LifeSiteNews is in Washington, D.C., led by our Editor in Chief John-Henry Westen. We will be bringing you updates from the ground throughout the day. Live updates can be found here, and a complete schedule of the weekend’s events can be found here.

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