
WEF panel moderator says elections in 2024 are a risk because people may elect ‘the wrong leaders’ – LifeSite

DAVOS, Switzerland (LifeSiteNews) — The moderator at a panel discussion at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos has said that “there is a risk the wrong leaders will get elected” in 2024.   

Haslinda Amin, Chief International Correspondent for Bloomberg News, said during a discussion titled “Global Risks: What’s in the Mail?” that 2024 is “a critical year for the world.” 

“How are we assessing the election risk? There is a risk the wrong leaders will get elected. There is a risk that the world will get even more fragmented.” 

Turning to Douglas Peterson, the president and CEO of financial giant S&P Global, Amin asked, “How are you looking at it as S&P?” 

Peterson responded that “it’s one of the most important aspects when we look at credit risk, when we look at country risk in research and analytics. It’s one of the top risks of this year.” 

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Without directly naming the former President of the United States, Peterson was apparently referring to the possible re-election of Donald Trump. 

“Fortunately, the United States has very strong institutions, the Congress and the courts; we are going to have to rely on them, depending on what the outcome of the election is,” Peterson stated.  

“We also need to make sure that we stay engaged through the global institutions, like the United Nations, like NATO, other organizations around the world, and I add into that also trade pacts.”  

The fear of Donald Trump’s potential re-election impeding globalist plans was a central theme during many of the discussions held during this year’s annual WEF meeting in Davos. 

In his fiery address on Thursday, Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts said that the next conservative administration in the USA will be “governed by one principle, and that is destroying the grasp that political elites and unelected technocrats have over the average person.” 

“And if I may, I will be candid and say that the agenda that every single member of the administration needs to have is to compile a list of everything that’s ever been proposed at the World Economic Forum and object [to] all of them, wholesale,” Roberts stated. 

“Anyone not prepared to do that and take away this power of the unelected bureaucrats and give it back to the American people is unprepared to be part of the next conservative administration,” he concluded. 

READ: Heritage Foundation president tells Davos: Future Trump admin must reject all WEF ideas 


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