
New documentary ‘Roe Canada’ looks to inspire pro-life victory in America’s northern neighbor – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — A new documentary is giving Canadian pro-lifers a step-by-step mission in the hopes of accomplishing victory in their lifetimes. Roe Canada: The True North in a Post-Roe World from Canadian filmmakers Dunn Media, aims to bring new life to Canada after the fall of Roe v Wade in America.

In an exclusive interview with LifeSiteNews, director and producer Kevin Dunn said this documentary is a passion project that he has been looking to make for years.

“I have often called this a love letter to the pro-life movement,” he said. “I was looking for an opportunity to really address the history of the pro-life movement here in Canada but never really had that inciting incident of, why do it?”

That changed when the Supreme Court of the United States overturned Roe v. Wade in the landmark Dobbs v. Jackson case in June of 2022. Dunn hopes to build on this momentum with the main message from his documentary: Do not lose hope.

“As Christians, Saint Paul says we are people of hope,” he said. “I think the movement can feel a bit beleaguered, a bit hopeless, especially given the political climate and just the general societal climate.”

Despite this, Dunn pointed out that pro-lifers in the United States were feeling the same way with Roe being in effect for so long.

“The bottom line is, that change happened. Nobody thought it was going to happen. Can it happen here? As Christians we believe yes, and as Christians we believe absolutely, because we know who wins in the end.”

The film follows two women, Ruth Robert from Newfoundland and Josie Luetke from Ontario, as they participate in pro-life protests and demonstrations while interviewing prominent figures like Abby Johnson, Seth Dillon, and Jonathon Van Maren.

“I knew in my heart that this story needed to be told by two females. The rhetoric that this is a top-down man’s issue; men trying to tell women what to do with their bodies, no. Here’s two women who just by their presence call into question that argument right away and put it under the table.”

Dunn had high praise for both leading ladies. The two offer unique perspectives being from different parts of the country, where support for the pro-life movement varies greatly.

Dunn pointed out the relatively minuscule attendance of the Newfoundland March for Life compared to the National March for Life in Ontario, where he met and worked with Luetke

“I saw a heart in her that needed to be shared with rest of Canada, with the rest of the world. Her resilience, her drive, her determination, even following her activism on the streets and seeing how people treat her, this isn’t easy work that she is doing.”

The documentary is intentionally and unapologetically pro-life. Dunn said a secondary goal of the film is to generate discussion.

“I hope this film will not only inspire but also touch a nerve to continue the discussion because there’s just silence on this issue in the mainstream media.”

Dunn clarified that Roe Canada is not a seminar on the arguments or defense of the pro-life position, but rather a showcase of those who defend the pro-life position.

“This film is not to convince anyone. I made it for the pro-life movement, I made it to give hope and inspiration to the pro-life movement, if others’ hearts are moved by it, [that’s] absolutely [welcome].”

Anticipating negative reactions from those on the opposing side, Dunn explained why and where he finds his motivation and conviction.

“For those who say, ‘this is too Christian, this is too one sided,’ I say, without the Lord we will never win this battle. To exclude Him from the conversation, we might as well just give up right now.”

Dunn said there are moments in the film that make known the gravity of the task ahead, but these moments only cement his faith.

“One of the most poignant parts of the film to me was when “Barbara Kay said, ‘I think your task is impossible’ and I love that quote because our God is the God of the impossible,” he said.

“It is only with that conviction that we are going to see our Dobbs here it Canada.”

The film ends with several calls to action, and even direct instructions for the movement. Dunn believes that we are all called to help in our own way, even if we do not know what strengths we can use to be helpful.

“There are so many opportunities for people to get involved with the movement and all we have to do is ask the Lord, what is it you want me to do?” he said. ”What are we doing about the greatest social justice issue of our time, the killing of the innocents?”

The film is available for the public at with additional public screenings happening all around the country. Roe Canada is a crowdfunded grassroots experience that is still fundraising to cover the budget of production. More information on how to support the project can be found on their website.

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