
‘Trans inclusive’ rape crisis center snubs woman over request for female-only therapy – LifeSite

EDINBURGH, Scotland (LifeSiteNews) — For some reason, Scotland has become one of the fiercest battlefields in the transgender debate. Former First Minister Nicola Sturgeon spearheaded much of the LGBT agenda, and collective opposition to her push for “self-ID” laws combined with consistent revelations regarding violent male criminals identifying as transgender to get sent to women’s prisons were likely the cause of her political demise. Her departure, however, has not cooled things down. 

READ: Scotland moves convicted transgender sex criminals into women’s prisons 

The cruel consequences of transgender ideology have been on display in Scotland for some time. Earlier this month, the citizen’s journalism outfit “Tribunal Tweets” reported that a survivor had been rejected by the Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre when she requested help: 

[W]e had someone in their 60s – she wanted a women-only group therapy context, and ERCC said they were ‘trans inclusive’ and she said ‘is that women only?’ – and a few days later got an email from ERCC saying she was not suitable for their service.

The Women’s Rights Network responded with justified outrage: 

An email from a rape crisis centre to say she ‘wasn’t suitable’ for their services. An email to tell her she wasn’t welcome when she had been seeking help after her sexual assault. When she had asked a simple question about whether it would be women-only therapy in her recovery. We don’t know this woman’s background or her history with men. We don’t need to know. She required female-only care and she was turned away because she wouldn’t ‘reframe her trauma’ to include males. We will stand up and speak out for these women every single day.

If this is shocking, consider the fact that the CEO of the Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre Mridul Wadhwa is… a man who identifies as a woman. As I’ve reported before, his response when asked about rape victims who only feel safe in female-only spaces was breathtakingly cruel.  

“Sexual violence happens to bigoted people as well,” he said. “And so, you know, it is not a discerning crime. But these spaces are also for you. But if you bring unacceptable beliefs that are discriminatory in nature, we will begin to work with you on our journey of recovery from trauma. But please also expect to be challenged on your prejudices.” When asked what his response was to victims who might be triggered by the presence of male genitalia, Wadhwa suggested the women “reframe their trauma” and “rethink [their] relationship with prejudice.” 

Despite Wadhwa’s disgusting comment that the ERCC is also open to “bigoted people” who can come to be “challenged on your prejudices,” it turns out that some victims, at least, have been rejected when they asked for help simply for asking whether the spaces available to them will be female-only. Transgender ideology is more important to this cross-dressing male than female reality – which is, I suppose, understandable considering the fact that female reality is inaccessible to Wadhwa. 

READ: The mainstream media is ramping up its efforts to normalize polyamory 

It is precisely for this reason that J.K. Rowling has thrown her weight behind a campaign stating that women should have access to female-only services. A report titled “Women’s services: a sector silenced” by Sex Matters, a gender-critical group, stated that a whopping 86 percent of people agree that women should be able to access female only services, but that those who advocate for them are “routinely subjected to investigations, ostracization, bullying, and employment loss, and have been pressured into adopting policies that compromise women’s welfare and safety.” 

“This report exposes the current silencing of sector leaders and the dire consequences for victims,” Rowling noted. She’s right. For standing up for the most vulnerable women – victims of sexual assault – Rowling has been the target of a brutal campaign of defamation, stigmatization, and – perhaps proving her point – threats of sexual assault. But this report of yet another sexual assault survivor desperately seeking a safe space in which to heal proves Rowling is on the right side of history. 

Jonathon Van Maren is a public speaker, writer, and pro-life activist. His commentary has been translated into more than eight languages and published widely online as well as print newspapers such as the Jewish Independent, the National Post, the Hamilton Spectator and others. He has received an award for combating anti-Semitism in print from the Jewish organization B’nai Brith. His commentary has been featured on CTV Primetime, Global News, EWTN, and the CBC as well as dozens of radio stations and news outlets in Canada and the United States.

He speaks on a wide variety of cultural topics across North America at universities, high schools, churches, and other functions. Some of these topics include abortion, pornography, the Sexual Revolution, and euthanasia. Jonathon holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in history from Simon Fraser University, and is the communications director for the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform.

Jonathon’s first book, The Culture War, was released in 2016.

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