
Ukraine Day 696: ‘The Lord Will Give You an Inheritance’ – Intercessors for America

696th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

❤️What we thank God for:

  • We thank God that even in the midst of war we have the freedom to preach the Gospel, we can gather in churches and pray, we thank God for the salvation of souls, for peace on our land.
  • We are grateful for international assistance: – Border guards received a mobile hospital from the Netherlands. – Ukrainian rescuers received technical assistance from the representative office of a British charity organization.
  • Our military destroyed the Russian “Grad” with the help of HIMARS.
  • In Romania, the checkpoint on the border with Ukraine was unblocked.
  • In Russia, export profits fell by almost a third over the course of a year.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 4 tanks, 10 units of combat armored vehicles, and 17 units of automobile equipment.

⚡️ Threats remain:

  • Russian troops struck Gulyaipole in the Zaporizhzhya region, and also struck Kupyansk in the Kharkiv region with artillery. They attacked Odesa, Mykolaiv, Cherkasy and Khmelnytskyi regions.
  • More than 100 combat clashes took place at the front. Russian troops concentrated on storming Avdiivka and Novomykhailivka in the Mariinka direction.
  • The Russians re-installed the mines that were removed in November along the perimeter of the Zaporizhzhia NPP.
  • the Russian Federation keeps a missile carrier with “Kalibrs” in the Black Sea.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray for the spiritual strengthening of Ukrainians as a nation that has God’s values ​​and priorities as the basis of its worldview. On the cessation of hostilities and the return to Ukraine of its internationally recognized territories.

‼️ With new strength, a nuclear threat appeared before us, as the occupiers again mined the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant. Therefore, we pray that the criminal intentions of the occupiers will not come true, that the means of influencing them by international forces or politicians will work. May the Lord protect our land and our people from this evil.

  • We pray and bless our defenders to convert to God and come under His protection, so that they do not lose hope in their hearts and do not despair.
  • We bless the ministry of chaplains. Let them be an instrument in God’s hands, so that the Lord may touch the hearts of our defenders through them.
  • We pray for our inner front. In particular, about the exposure of traitors at various levels – both in state and private structures, as well as individuals (fire adjusters, those who provide data on the location of the positions of the Armed Forces or other important objects).
  • Increasing level of refusal of Russian soldiers to fight, increasing crisis regarding proper training and motivation in the Russian army. Let this “house” be divided within itself.

«Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people. Remember that the Lord will give you an inheritance as your reward, and that the Master you are serving is Christ.» Colossians 3:23-24 NLT

Let us be strengthened in the patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ! LET’S NOT LEAVE common prayer!

MAXIMUM REPOST of this important information!

694th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🌾 What we thank God for:

  • A grateful heart always sees the mercies and blessings of God. It is always ready to help others – even if the circumstances are tight, even if, it would seem, nothing changes in the visible world. It was for this purpose that a meeting of pastors of evangelical churches of the Kyiv region was held, at which everyone shared their testimony about God’s salvation, direction and help.
  • Ukraine began negotiations on partner support for the return of refugees.
  • Poland extended temporary protection for Ukrainians.
  • France will produce 78 self-propelled artillery units for the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 21 tanks, 38 units of combat armored vehicles, and 39 units of automobile equipment.

⚠️ Threats remain:

  • Enemies attacked Odesa, attacked Kherson and Mykolaiv regions with drones. Air bombs were dropped on Orykhiv, Zaporizhzhia region. Kharkiv region fell under the Russian attack.
  • The activity of the Russian occupation troops is gradually increasing along the entire front line. The Russian invaders continue to accumulate troops in many areas.
  • Ukrainian troops are facing a shortage of ammunition and ammunition starvation.
  • the Russian Federation took two missile carriers with “Kalibrs”’to the Black Sea.
  • The aggravation of the situation in the Red Sea area led to a slowdown in Ukrainian agricultural exports.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray for the strengthening of prayer positions in the churches of Ukraine, so that the prayers of the intercessors for our region, for unity between the churches, do not fall silent.
  • We pray for continued international support for Ukraine. About unity in determining further goals and their tactical achievements on the battlefield, so that it would benefit Ukraine and serve to preserve its integrity.
  • Our prayer of support is about our warriors. Especially about those who have no hope, who are discouraged and do not see a way out. May the Lord strengthen the heart, may they raise their eyes to Heaven and reconcile with their Savior.
  • We pray for the cleansing of various structures of our country from corruption. About the replacement of dishonest people, who seek anything for profit, with people of honor and conscience, who cheer for their country and their people.
  • We pray for the improvement of the demographic situation in Ukraine. And for this, in particular, about obtaining access to the satisfaction of basic needs – energy supply, water, heat, communication and to social infrastructure – kindergartens, schools, medical institutions. On stopping the outflow of people from Ukraine. We ask that the Lord preserve our people.
  • We pray for higher education in Ukraine, where reforms are taking place. In particular, out of 300 universities, they intend to leave about 100. That these changes should really be qualitative and successful. So that our educational and scientific potential is not lost. About making higher education accessible in Ukraine.

”But thank God! He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 15:57 NLT

LET’S NOT LEAVE common prayer! MAXIMUM REPOST of this important information!

693rd day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🌻What we thank God for:

  • We thank God, who every day gives us the strength to stand in the fight against the Russian invaders. Thank God for the saved lives, for the downed missiles and drones that could not reach the target. Thank God for the upcoming victory!
  • Air defense destroyed 19 out of 20 Shaheds with which Russia attacked Ukraine.
  • Russian tactical aviation operations in the Sea of ​​Azov area are being reduced.
  • The situation at the checkpoints unlocked by Polish protesters will stabilize in the near future. Thank God for the positive changes in this issue. • We are always grateful for international assistance: – France will increase its support to Ukraine. – Germany announced a new package of military aid to Ukraine. – Britain will allocate 25 million dollars to Ukraine for help with food supply.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 13 tanks, 14 units of combat armored vehicles, and 24 units of automobile equipment.

🔥Threats remain:

  • The Russians hit Berislav in the Kherson region, attacked Kherson. Odesa region was bombarded with Onyx missiles. Another shelling of Kharkiv was carried out.
  • The Russians on the left bank of the Kherson region are preparing for defense.
  • The occupiers brought 50,000 migrants from Central Asia to Mariupol.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray that the Lord will preserve our people despite demographic threats. To cover us from the destroyer and help us to recover, as well as renew our faith and trust in Him.
  • Against the background of international events and the emergence of new wars, Ukraine is gradually losing its relevance in the world information space. However, its need for humanitarian aid, which has now significantly decreased, does not decrease. So we pray for increased attention to Ukraine and the involvement of international partners, using objective data and statistics to demonstrate the country’s needs. And also about transparency and efficiency in the distribution of humanitarian aid.
  • We pray for our defenders. May the Lord be for each of them strength and power, a strong support during trials.
  • We pray for state support for socially vulnerable sections of the population, the disabled, families with many children – those who are currently below the poverty line. About the allocation of additional funds for such people. Let help always arrive on time.
  • We do not stop praying for the cleansing of our lands from unexploded mines and shells. On international assistance in demining so that land can be used for agricultural purposes. About equipping our sappers with modern equipment.
  • We pray for the quantitative and qualitative growth of local churches in Ukraine. About their rooting in God’s Word, as well as growth in the power of the Holy Spirit. So that these are really islands of light, love and care.

“Rely on God! I will praise Him again for His wonderful help; He will give me joy in life again, because He is my God.” (Psalm 43:5)

Let us be strengthened in the patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ! LET’S NOT LEAVE common prayer! MAXIMUM REPOST of this important information!

692nd day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🇺🇦What we thank God for:

  • No matter what the enemy of human souls plans, we thank God that He is the One who determined the course of events, Who warned about everything and showed the way – a way out of the anxieties and fears of this world. Grateful to Him, who always has the last word.
  • The Ukrainian military repelled 32 enemy attacks in the Lyman direction, and are also expanding the bridgehead in the Kherson direction.
  • The government allocated 792 million hryvnias from the reserve fund of the state budget to strengthen the defense capability.
  • Despite all problems, Ukraine remains the leader in grain supplies to the EU.
  • Poland signed an agreement on unblocking the border with Ukraine. And also in Romania, an agreement was reached with farmers blocking the border with Ukraine.
  • Latvia is creating a coalition to provide Ukraine with drones – almost 20 countries have already joined.
  • Over the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 24 tanks, 36 units of armored combat vehicles, 2 aircraft, and 33 units of automobile equipment.

‼️ Threats remain:

  • In the occupied part of the Kherson region, the invaders are creating a network of conscription offices to mobilize local residents for the war against Ukraine.
  • In the “LPR” it was allowed to vote in the presidential elections with a Ukrainian passport.
  • the Russian Federation keeps a missile carrier with “Kalibrs” in the Black Sea.
  • The decision to use Russia’s frozen assets for Ukraine’s needs must be collective, which means long preparatory work.
  • Five EU countries asked the European Commission to introduce tariffs on Ukrainian products.
  • Last year, the Russian invaders collected and exported 4.8 million tons of grain from the occupied territories of Ukraine.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • The Lord is our strength, He is an unshakable foundation. So we trust Him and continue to pray for peace on our land – above all, for peace in the hearts of people with God. And also about ending this bloody war.
  • We pray for the leaders of our country, for God’s wisdom for them. That they should not rely on themselves and the riches of this world, but have the fear of God in their hearts and make responsible decisions for the preservation of the country.
  • We pray for a solution to the issue of grain export from Ukraine to neighboring countries. About not introducing an import duty on our grain, the introduction of which Bulgaria, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Hungary are currently demanding from the European Commission. We pray that the economic difficulties faced by Ukraine due to Russian aggression will be taken into account in this controversial issue.
  • We also pray for the agricultural sector, for farmers who are facing great problems due to the war, in particular, the lack of financial resources and the low liquidity of the agricultural sector. About state aid and support for our farmers.
  • Let us pray for our defenders, so that the soul of none of them is stolen by the devil, is not tempted or deceived. May the Lord preserve and support everyone who calls to Him and opens his heart to Him.
  • We pray for the strengthening of our positions on the information front, for preventing the involvement of Ukrainians in the disinformation field that the enemy is creating to achieve its goals.

“Answer me, Lord, out of the goodness of your love; in your great mercy turn to me. Do not hide your face from your servant; answer me quickly, for I am in trouble.” Psalms 69:16-17 NIV

LET’S NOT LEAVE common prayer! MAXIMUM REPOST of this important information!

691st day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🌞 What we thank God for:

  • Thank God that in this extremely difficult time, churches and Christian communities are the initiators of various events that become influential platforms where discussion and drawing attention to acute problems of our society takes place. In particular, a forum was held in Kyiv aimed at strengthening family values ​​and solving problems faced by families in Ukraine.
  • The Ukrainian military shot down a Russian long-range radar detection and control aircraft over the Sea of ​​Azov and shot down an Il-22 aircraft.
  • The Armed Forces repelled Russian attacks in several directions.
  • For the first time, Ukraine spent half of the heating season on its own gas.
  • The UN is asking donors to provide $4.2 billion to support Ukraine: $3.1 billion for humanitarian aid to Ukrainians in 2024, as well as $1.1 billion to support Ukrainian refugees.
  • Over the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 14 tanks, 20 units of armored combat vehicles, and 31 units of motor vehicles.

⚠️ Threats remain:

  • Russian troops shelled Donetsk region and an ambulance station near Kherson. Residential buildings in the Kherson region were shelled with artillery.
  • The Russians continue to test new methods trying to break through Ukrainian air defense.
  • The occupiers carry out mass airstrikes and assaults in the Tavria direction.
  • The target of missile strikes by the Russian aggressors this winter is not energy facilities, but infrastructure facilities, primarily the defense-industrial complex.
  • Russia deployed 10 of its ships on combat duty in the Black Sea, including a missile carrier equipped with 8 Calibers.
  • The Romanians blocked the second checkpoint.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray that the enemy will not have the initiative on the battlefield. So that their criminal plans are not carried out. Let this bloody war machine be stopped.
  • We pray that Ukraine will be able to reach an understanding and agree with its partners on the main points of the Ukrainian Peace Formula. So that hostilities are stopped and Russian troops are withdrawn from our territory.
  • We pray for the equipment of our army. About exposing possible corruption schemes and various abuses. Let everything that is provided for the needs of the army really reach its destination.
  • Our prayer is for the military, that they may know Christ as their Savior, that they may come under His protection and shield.
  • We pray for proper treatment and rehabilitation for soldiers injured or maimed in war. About adequate financing of these needs and provision of state aid so that defenders are not left alone with their problems.
  • Prayer support is needed for our brothers and sisters who remained in the occupied territories. Thus, in the Mariupol district, the Russians began to openly persecute all Protestant churches and religious movements. We pray that the Lord will help in these difficult circumstances, strengthen the spirit and guide.
  • We pray for the creation of platforms in Ukraine for discussing and solving current family problems. About the initiation of new projects aimed at drawing attention to the problems of the family as a result of the war and spiritual support (in particular, the Family Prayer Breakfast Movement). After all, of course, everything begins with prayer.

«Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”» Isaiah 6:8 NIV

LET’S NOT LEAVE common prayer! MAXIMUM REPOST of this important information!

690th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🌻 What we thank God for:

  • We thank God for every prayer of the faithful servants, for stability and constancy, because faith moves mountains, and prayers pave the way in the desert and give light in the darkness.
  • Ukrainian air defense effectively adapts to Russian strikes.
  • In the future, Ukraine will completely switch to Western technology.
  • Ukraine and Romania have started negotiations on the conclusion of a bilateral security agreement.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 10 tanks, 33 units of combat armored vehicles, and 35 units of automobile equipment.

🔥 Threats remain:

  • The Russians destroyed granaries in Vovchansk in the Kharkiv region with an air bomb.
  • Russia sent five large amphibious ships to the sea: there is a threat to Odessa. • Since the beginning of the large-scale invasion, the Russian army has used chemical weapons in Ukraine 626 times. And the dynamics of the enemy’s use of such weapons is increasing.
  • Russians kidnap children from Ukraine and change their surnames.
  • Romanian farmers block the border with Ukraine.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray that the Lord will be the intercessor of our people. Let every wounded heart open to the love of Christ, to His forgiveness and adoption.
  • We cover the hot areas of the front, our defenders, with our prayers. May the Angels of God stand guard over these borders, may help come from above, may the enemy flee from our land.
  • Pray for the increase and strengthening of the army of intercessors throughout the country and beyond. About steadfastness and faithfulness in prayer, about continuous spiritual warfare.
  • We pray for the restoration of Ukraine after the war, for the restoration of critical infrastructure, housing and important social and transport facilities.
  • We pray for the prisoners both civilians and military. May the Lord strengthen their bodies and souls so that they will be able to walk this path to get freedom and return home.
  • We pray for increased protection of information and prevention of its leakage. We pray for the timely repulsion of cyberattacks by our IT specialists, as well as their prevention at the stage of preparation.
  • We pray for the purification of the Church in Ukraine, for the growth of its authority and influence in society, as well as for the growth of people’s trust in it.

“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.” Matthew 18:19 NIV

Let us be strengthened in the patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ! LET’S NOT LEAVE common prayer! MAXIMUM REPOST of this important information!

689th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

❤️ What we thank God for:

  • We thank God, who gives us strength, who lifts us up when we cannot walk, who smooths our paths, helps us to seek above all the Kingdom of God, to be steadfast and stable.
  • Our anti-aircraft defense shot down 8 missiles, more than 20 missiles more did not reach their targets as a result of active countermeasures by means of radio-electronic warfare.
  • A rocket fell near Kremenchuk in Poltava region and did not explode.
  • Since the beginning of its full-scale invasion, Russia has lost at least 2,619 tanks in Ukraine, which is at least 90% of the total number that the Russians had in service.
  • The US authorities and the G7 countries support the draft law on the confiscation of Russian assets in favor of Ukraine.
  • Ukraine and the USA started negotiations on security guarantees.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 5 tanks, 15 units of combat armored vehicles, and 20 units of automobile equipment.

⚡️ Threats remain:

  • Russian aggressors launched a massive missile attack on the territory of Ukraine, attacking 8 regions.
  • An infrastructure object was damaged in the city of Shostka in Sumy region due to a rocket strike, and 12,000 apartments were left without heat supply.
  • Occupiers hit 21 times on the civilian population in Donetsk region.
  • Over the past day, 89 combat clashes took place at the front. The occupiers intensified their assaults in the south of Ukraine.
  • The trend of increasing the number of people seeking asylum in the countries of the European Union from the war in Ukraine continues.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray that the criminal intentions of the enemy, which appear with new force, will not be fulfilled. So that the enemy was defeated in his plans and actions. About providing Ukraine with the necessary assistance for air defense and troops.
  • We pray that the Lord will help us to protect our hearts from malice, bitterness and to be in Him, in His protection, to walk in His narrow path in the midst of darkness, without going astray.
  • We pray that Ukrainian lands will not be sold to foreigners, so that Ukrainians will not be left without their land. So that the plans of those who aim only for momentary mercantile interests and not long-term national interests do not come true.
  • We pray for God’s protection from both external and internal enemies. May the Lord help to identify those who are the enemy of Ukraine, who has no honor and conscience. We pray that new leaders will arise, appointed by God, who will be guided in their lives by His principles.
  • We do not miss a single day in prayer for the soldiers. We pray for God’s protection, God’s intervention in the course of events, so that as many lives as possible are saved and given to Jesus Christ.
  • We pray for Ukrainian families which are strong, based on Christian values and God’s Word. About the operation of various programs in Ukraine to support and encourage the birth of children. By the way, for the first time in history, Ukraine is introducing state financing of infertility treatment procedures, opening the door to parenthood for thousands of couples. We pray for an increase in the birth rate in our country.
  • We pray for the cessation of the flow of refugees from Ukraine, as well as for the return of Ukrainians to their native land. We ask the Lord to help gather those scattered around the world, so that His will and His plans are fulfilled for our Land.

«The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.» 2 Peter 3:9 NIV

Let us be strengthened in the patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ! LET’S NOT LEAVE common prayer!

MAXIMUM REPOST of this important information!

687th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

💛💙 What we thank God for:

  • A meeting of representatives of various Christian denominations of Ukraine took place, which was dedicated to the discussion and condemnation of the ideology of “Russian world “, which became the ideological foundation for Russian war crimes and the genocide of the Ukrainian people. The participants unanimously condemned this doctrine, which promotes the exclusivity of Russian civilization and hostile attitude towards other cultures.
  • Our defenders repelled several attacks in the Lyman direction and near Avdiivka in the Donetsk region.
  • The defense forces act in advance in the north of the country, in particular, they are building defensive lines and creating a powerful system of engineering barriers.
  • The USA supports the project of the law, which makes it possible to confiscate about 300 billion dollars of frozen Russian assets and direct these funds to the reconstruction of Ukraine.
  • NATO promises to continue providing large military, economic and humanitarian aid to Ukraine.
  • Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey signed an agreement on demining the Black Sea.
  • Estonia is preparing billion-dollar aid for Ukraine.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 12 tanks, 22 units of combat armored vehicles, and 21 units of automobile equipment.

⚠️ Threats remain:

  • The occupiers shelled the center of Kharkiv, Kherson region.
  • According to official data, there are currently about 462,000 Russian invaders on the territory of Ukraine.
  • A cargo plane arrived in Russia from Iran, which could bring Shaheds or components from which the Russians can assemble drones on their territory.
  • North Korea may transfer new types of tactical guided missiles to Russia.
  • The occupiers plan to create all-Russian landfills in Luhansk Region.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray for steadfastness in faith despite apparent circumstances, for unity in prayer. Against fear and panic in people’s hearts. About Ukrainians’ deep awareness of the priority of prayer and seeking God in the most difficult circumstances, relying on Him, not on people.
  • We bless our country, because, as it is said in the Book of Proverbs, a city is raised by the blessing of the righteous. Let it rise from the ashes, let it be strengthened by strength from the Lord. Let new leaders rise in it, who strive not for their own, but for what pleases the Lord.
  • We do not stop praying for defenders so that these precious souls are saved. Let miracles happen at the front, so that everyone believes that the Lord still saves today.
  • We pray for the continuation of humanitarian aid to Ukrainians (in 2024, the UN intends to attract 3.1 billion dollars for this purpose). That this help is timely and really reaches those people who need it. So that there are no abuses and illegal actions.
  • We pray for the implementation of state support for people who want to adopt a child. So that in our country, especially because of the war, orphanages and boarding schools would not be filled with kids, but on the contrary – people would have the opportunity to adopt children into their families without bureaucratic obstacles.
  • We pray that every child in Ukraine can get an education (according to official data, almost a million children face a lack of safe access to education due to the war, which puts the future of an entire generation at risk). About providing such opportunities (technical, physical and other).
  • We pray for those people who need spiritual and psychological support. About the fact that, first of all, churches should become places where such people would find healing for their soul and spirit. We pray for ministers who could help and show God’s love and support.

«Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.» 1 Corinthians 15:58 NIV

686th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

❤️What we thank God for:

  • Even in the most difficult circumstances there is something to thank God for. A grateful heart is a gift from Him. Thank God for eternal life, for the strength that the Lord gives to move forward. We are thankful that He is always with those who rely on Him.
  • In the north, our military repulses all attempts to penetrate Russian sabotage and reconnaissance groups even before they cross the Ukrainian border.
  • Thank God for the initiatives that promote the return of our captured fighters. In Ukraine, a project is being launched to find relatives by the Russians, hoping that this will lead to more prisoner of war exchanges.
  • Humanitarian aid for forced migrants from Maryinka has arrived in Pavlograd, Dnipropetrovsk region.
  • Lithuania approved a package of long-term military aid to Ukraine in the total amount of 200 million euros.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 2 tanks, 13 units of combat armored vehicles, and 23 units of automobile equipment.

‼️ Threats remain:

  • The Russians shelled four Ukrainian-controlled areas of Donetsk region. They used their new drones with night vision cameras for strikes on Nikopol. They struck the Kupyansk district in the Kharkiv region.
  • The occupiers continue their attempts to surround Avdiivka.
  • Iran has developed a new version of the kamikaze attack drone, which can be used by Russia, the aggressor country.
  • A record state budget deficit was recorded in Ukraine.
  • “Ukrenergo” predicts a shortage of electricity.
  • Canada has still not delivered the NASAMS air defense system to Ukraine, which it promised last year.
  • Poland continues to oppose trade concessions for Ukraine.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray for God’s help in this bloody war, because hopes for people are futile. We believe that the enemy’s attempts to destroy Ukraine and Ukrainians will not succeed.
  • We pray that Ukraine will be able to solve the urgent needs related to securing the front, to develop a realistic military strategy. About the restoration of political and material support from powerful countries.
  • We pray for additional impetus to the economic development of Ukraine. About supporting the real sector of the economy – strategically important industries, as well as small and medium-sized businesses.
  • We pray for our steadfast defenders who fight for our freedom and independence. May the Lord be their support and protection, may the hope in the heart not fade, may the spirit be strong.
  • We pray for a change in the thinking of the vast majority of Russians (according to recent polls, 63% of the Russian population supports the war in Ukraine). About the awareness of real threats, in particular, for themselves, and not those that propagandists talk about on television channels. About the Church in Russia standing on the positions of God’s Word and not compromising with the Kremlin.
  • Our prayer support is needed by the churches in the occupied territories, which are experiencing obstacles in their ministry and facing repressive measures by the occupation authorities. Above all, we pray for God’s protection and His favor so that they continue to do His will, as well as for the involvement of the international community for the legal protection of our brothers and sisters.

«I love the Lord, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live.» Psalms 116:1-2 NIV

Hope will never disappoint us, because the love of God has poured into our hearts. LET’S NOT LEAVE common prayer! MAXIMUM REPOST of this important information!

685th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🌻What we thank God for:

  • We thank God for encouraging us to pray, for prayer initiatives that become unifying and strategically spiritually important for the development of further events. Thank God for the Fasting and Prayer Marathon 2024, which was joined by hundreds of Protestant churches of Ukraine.
  • Ukrainian border guards immediately destroyed 10 enemy FPV drones in the direction of Zaporizhzhia.
  • The occupiers reduced the activity of enemy tactical aircraft due to the weather and combat operations of the Defense Forces.
  • Over the past three days, almost 30 Russian occupiers surrendered in the Taurian direction.
  • The defense forces burned down the enemy’s heavy flamethrower system “Solntsepek” in the Southern direction.
  • For the first time in the history of Ukrgazvydobuvannya, production from new wells of gas exceeded one billion cubic meters per year. • The US will expand Ukraine’s access to defense technologies.
  • Estonia will invest 0.25% of GDP in the defense of Ukraine.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 5 tanks, 9 units of combat armored vehicles, and 10 units of automobile equipment.

💥 Threats remain:

  • The occupiers made a series of attacks on Kherson, the medical facility was damaged.
  • Russia has increased the number of attacks on the front.
  • The Russian military are making a lot of efforts to advance towards Kupyansk, as this city is very important for them from the point of view of logistics. In addition, the enemies intensified in the Avdiivka direction, increasing the assault pressure on the city. They want to seize it before the start of the presidential elections in Russia.
  • The occupiers are trying to return the settlements liberated by the Armed Forces of Ukraine, or rather what remained of them – Klishchiivka and Andriivka in Donetsk region. They counterattack them from different directions.
  • The storm left more than a thousand settlements without electricity.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray that the plans of the enemies to turn hunger and cold into weapons, as well as the use of nuclear blackmail, will be futile. Let any evil intentions be nullified, let them not be fulfilled in relation to our country.
  • We pray that the supply of air defense systems and missiles to them from Western allies will not be stopped, which is crucial for the defense of Ukraine and the strengthening of the air defense dome. About the fact that our military has the combat ability to repel enemy missile attacks and be able to protect people from missiles.
  • Our prayer today, as always, is for our brave and selfless defenders. We ask God’s blessing and protection over them, help from above.
  • We pray for the success of operations to return our prisoners of war home. Bless those who have returned and are recovering. Let there be healing of soul and body.
  • We pray for the continuation of humanitarian aid by Ukraine’s partners to Ukrainians and refugees, especially during the winter. Let every family, whether in their native land or abroad, feel supported.
  • We support in our prayers the rescuers who work in very difficult conditions. May the Lord support them and give them strength.
  • Let us pray for us to be prudent and restrained, to understand times and seasons, to be those wise virgins whose lamps are filled with oil. As 1 Peter 4:7 says, “The time is coming when the end of all things will come. So be prudent and restrained, it will help you in your prayers.”

«Morning, noon, and night I cry out in my distress, and the Lord hears my voice. He ransoms me and keeps me safe from the battle waged against me, though many still oppose me.» Psalms 55:17-18 NLT

Hope will never disappoint us, because the love of God has poured into our hearts.

LET’S NOT LEAVE common prayer! MAXIMUM REPOST of this important information!

684th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🇺🇦What we thank God for:

  • Any crisis, despite everything, also opens up new opportunities. So we thank God for new opportunities for the Church in this time of crisis, for the emergence of new strong spiritual leaders, for strengthening every believer and converting many in our country to God.
  • During today’s massive attack by the Russian Federation on Ukraine, air defense destroyed 8 attack drones and 18 cruise missiles.
  • The Russians fail to block Kup’yansk in the Kharkiv region.
  • Ukraine exported almost 15 million tons of products through the new sea corridor, starting in August 2023.
  • Thank God for improving economic indicators: – In 2023, 7% more new individual entrepreneurs were registered in Ukraine than in 2021, that is, before the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation. – Revenues to local budgets increased by 11% in 2023.
  • Japan purchased powerful energy equipment for Ukraine.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 9 tanks, 14 units of combat armored vehicles, and 19 units of automobile equipment.

⚡️ Threats remain:

  • Russian troops launched missile strikes on Zaporizhzhia. Kryvyi Rih was covered with a massive missile attack. The Small Southern Railway in Kharkiv was fired upon. They attacked Khmelnytskyi, there are hits on infrastructure facilities.
  • In the occupied territories of the Zaporizhzhia region, the Russians have created a humanitarian disaster – Ukrainians cannot purchase the necessary medicines.
  • Hackers send messages with viral software to servicemen of the Armed Forces.
  • Poland insists on extending the embargo on agricultural products from Ukraine. In addition, there are about 2,000 trucks standing in queues on the border of Ukraine and Poland, and three checkpoints are being blocked.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • The world is looking for weapons to establish peace and justice, but we know that peace can be achieved primarily through unceasing prayers. Therefore, we pray that hearts are reconciled to God and changed. Throughout history, God has miraculously changed hopeless and difficult situations to the better and He can do it again. Let’s trust Him!
  • We bless our enemies, let the insight come to them that do evil. Let them stop, committing lawlessness and violence and shedding the blood of the innocent.
  • We bless our soldiers. God’s protection, support and strength to them, may their spirit be indomitable, may their hopes and expectations be in the Lord.
  • We pray that the economic issues with neighboring Poland, which is waging a trade war with Ukraine, will be settled. After all, due to the blockade of the border by Poland and the rejection of Ukrainian agricultural products, our country is losing millions in profits. About the fact that the European Commission should extend the trade regime with Ukraine without tariffs and quotas to support it in times of war.
  • We pray for God’s wisdom for the leaders of the country’s economic sector in solving the problems facing Ukraine because of the war. About the growth of economic indicators in 2024. About finding opportunities for people to work and fill the budget, and not just putting economic pressure on them.
  • We pray for Ukrainian civilians who are illegally held captive by the Russians. (According to the latest data, Russia is illegally detaining thousands of Ukrainian civilians in more than 30 colonies and detention centers throughout the country and in the occupied territories). About the release of these people, about the intervention of relevant international institutions in these matters.

«The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent.« 2 Peter 3:9 NLT

LET’S NOT LEAVE common prayer! MAXIMUM REPOST of this important information!

683rd day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

💛💙 What we thank God for:

  • We thank God for the unity of churches of different denominations in Ukraine in defending peace on our land and in spiritual opposition to the forces of evil.
  • In the Dnipropetrovsk region, the Armed Forces shot down a Russian missile. In addition, on the front line, our military repelled Russian attacks in several directions. And air defense destroyed 21 out of 28 drones of the Russian Federation at night.
  • Japan allocated $37 million to Ukraine to combat UAVs.
  • The Polish government signed an agreement with farmers to end the blockade of the border with Ukraine.
  • There is no shortage of electricity in the energy system of Ukraine, the generation of Ukrainian power plants is sufficient to cover the needs of consumers.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 4 tanks, 22 units of combat armored vehicles, and 45 units of automobile equipment.

⚡️ Threats remain:

  • The Russians hit Kherson, Kharkiv region.
  • In Germany, unknown drones are spying on training grounds where the armed forces are trained.
  • The Russian military has prepared up to 40 Kalibr missiles in the Black Sea for strikes against Ukraine. They are probably waiting for the frosty weather to hit the energy sector.
  • Russia is strengthening the combat capability of the Roshvardiya.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray that God’s purpose for Ukraine will be fulfilled. Let the seed of God’s Word, which was sown earlier in the hearts of people, sprout abundantly and a bountiful harvest of souls for Christ will be gathered.
  • We pray that in the midst of pain and cries of despair, people will give their hearts to Jesus Christ and receive healing and eternal life.
  • We pray that Ukraine will not be left alone with Russia in this confrontation. That it would continue to receive partner support so that it would not become a bargaining chip in the struggle of global forces.
  • We pray for the president of Ukraine and the people surrounding him so that these people realize their purpose and responsibility before God at this time. So that they make those decisions that will help strengthen our country, and not destroy it.
  • We pray for our defenders, that the Lord will protect these precious souls for Himself, to lead them out of dangerous places, to lead them through these valleys of mortal darkness. • We pray for the protection of critical infrastructure facilities – especially the energy industry. May the Lord help us through this winter period.
  • We pray for our brothers and sisters in the occupied territories, as well as for the pastors and ministers who are in captivity. We ask God to preserve their lives, to help them not to lose heart, but to renew their hope and hope in the Lord. After all, He is faithful!

«With this news, strengthen those who have tired hands, and encourage those who have weak knees. Say to those with fearful hearts, “Be strong, and do not fear, for your God is coming to destroy your enemies. He is coming to save you.» Isaiah 35:3-4 NLT

Hope will never disappoint us, because the love of God has poured into our hearts.

LET’S NOT LEAVE common prayer! MAXIMUM REPOST of this important information!

682nd day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

❤️What we thank God for:

  • We thank our God who directs our gaze far beyond the visible, which is temporary. Thank God for the strength to face all difficulties, to be stable, steadfast, to rejoice in every day and to be in peace that Jesus Christ has already given us.
  • The Armed Forces repelled Russian attacks in several directions.
  • In Crimea, the Armed Forces of Ukraine hit Russian ammunition depots.
  • The Russian aggressor country is delaying the exchange of prisoners of war with Ukraine, however, after the last major exchange, significant positive changes in this process are noticeable.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 7 tanks, 16 units of combat armored vehicles, and 15 units of automobile equipment.

⚡️ Threats remain:

  • Russian troops shelled Pokrovsk in Donetsk region. Vovchansk in Kharkiv region was shelled with mortars. Kherson region was attacked. Nikopol came under artillery fire.
  • the Russian Federation destroyed two agricultural enterprises in the Kherson region.
  • The US warns that it may stop supplying Ukraine with missiles for Patriot missile defense systems because of the high cost.
  • The Russian president signed a decree on Russian citizenship for children abducted from Ukraine.
  • Denmark delays the delivery of F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine for about half a year.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray that the devil’s intentions to destroy our people and our country will not come true. About establishing Ukraine on God’s principles and His truth. Let God’s Word sound from everyone everywhere and change people’s hearts.
  • We pray for the spiritual strength of our people. About God’s support, about the transition of as many people as possible to His Kingdom, under His protection.
  • We bless our soldiers, these courageous and nationally conscious men and women. Let every heart be open to hear God’s call and respond to it. We also pray for the morale of our defenders to rise, as well as the motivation of Ukrainians on various fronts of this difficult struggle.
  • We also pray that in the period of severe frosts, our soldiers will have warm clothes and heating devices, so that they will be provided with the necessary food.
  • We pray for our inner front, so that the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada do not pass laws that are aimed at restricting people’s rights and freedoms, as well as contradicting national interests. In order not to legitimize at this time various perversions that are imposed from the outside and are foreign to the mentality and traditions of our people.
  • We pray for the children, that they feel supported and protected in their families. And also for those children who do not have parents or who have been deported. May God, through good people, support them, help and protect them from evil and selfish people. • We pray for the formation of a powerful IT army in Ukraine and for the implementation of powerful counterattacks on the information front.

«The Lord is my light and my salvation— so why should I be afraid? The Lord is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble? Though a mighty army surrounds me, my heart will not be afraid. Even if I am attacked, I will remain confident.» Psalms 27:1, 3 NLT

Hope will never disappoint us, because the love of God has poured into our hearts. LET’S NOT LEAVE common prayer! MAXIMUM REPOST of this important information!

681st day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🌞What we thank God for:

  • Thank God that this terrible war cannot stop God’s light, love, care for one’s neighbor. Thank God for people who are willing to sacrifice for others. Thus, the youth church team from the Rivne region together with the chaplain and volunteers from the Kherson region held special Christmas meetings for children in Kherson and the region. Small groups of children were formed in the bunkers where the volunteers gave moments of joy, shared the word about the birth of Christ, warming children and adults with the warmth of Christmas.
  • Air defense forces shot down 21 out of 29 Shaheds during the night.
  • A ground robot was created for the Armed Forces, which is capable of performing combat tasks in hot spots.
  • Ukraine’s international reserves for 2023 increased thanks to foreign currency inflows from foreign partners.
  • In the Taurian direction, the invaders do not want to go on the attack, some units begin to rebel and refuse or flee from the trenches. • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 9 tanks, 14 units of combat armored vehicles, and 40 units of automobile equipment.

🔥 Threats remain:

  • The Russians shelled Kherson, a warehouse with a humanitarian aid caught fire. Also the Kherson region was attacked with with drones.
  • Russian troops doubled the number of attacks in the Tavria direction. The enemy continues active infantry attacks with the support of armored vehicles, and does not stop trying to surround Avdiivka.
  • The occupiers have changed the emphasis in launching drones, directing some of them to front-line areas, where it is difficult to immediately destroy them.
  • The occupiers are hitting Ukraine with ballistic missiles obtained from North Korea. • Ukraine is preparing to the offensive of Russian troops near Kharkiv, as the invaders are intensifying their bombardment of the city and region.
  • The Russians again attacked the front-line TPP, the equipment was badly damaged.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray that the plans of the evil one regarding Ukraine will be destroyed. About the weakening and defeat of the Russian army. About the liberation of our lands from the occupiers.
  • We pray that the hearts of Ukrainians will be fundamentally changed and they will be transformed in the image and likeness of God. So that the strongholds of evil and demonic influence on the souls of people in Ukraine are destroyed. So that God’s light pours out from the inside out.
  • We pray that the Church in Ukraine in this difficult time will watch and pray fervently, so that it does not give up. As it is said in the Holy Scriptures: “Think about Him who endured such insults from sinners, so that you do not faint and become weak in your souls” (Heb. 12:3).
  • We pray for the resilience of the Ukrainian economy to the consequences of the current war. About the stabilization of agricultural production and the possibility of shipping grain, in particular, from Black Sea ports. On the uninterrupted operation of alternative export routes.
  • We ask for God’s wisdom for the leaders of the General Staff in defining and achieving strategic and tactical goals. In the conduct of the correct policy in matters of providing for our army.
  • We pray that the network of rehabilitation centers for military personnel will be expanded in Ukraine, so that they can receive comprehensive support. So that the state actively participates in this process, and also cooperates with international partners to implement such an initiative.
  • We pray for people living now in unheated houses, without electricity or water. May God help them to get through these difficulties without losing hope. Let help come where it is not even expected.

“But blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water.

Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they never stop producing fruit.” Jeremiah 17:7-8 NLT

LET’S NOT LEAVE common prayer! MAXIMUM REPOST of this important information!

680th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🇺🇦What we thank God for:

  • We thank and praise the Lord, because He is our light and our salvation: whom should we fear? If evil men come to destroy us, they will stumble and fall. And if a strong army encamps against us, we will not be afraid, because we are sure that God will save us. (Psalm 27:1–3).
  • Thank God for the extraordinary news: the largest exchange of prisoners of war during the full-scale invasion took place – 230 Ukrainians were freed.
  • It was possible to return a 12-year-old boy who lived with his grandmother from the occupied territory of Kherson region, since his mother died in the summer of 2022. Thank God for every child that is saved from the occupation.
  • Almost all Ukrainians who went abroad in 2023 chose to return to Ukraine.
  • Belgium will send two F-16 fighter jets and about 50 people to Denmark to train Ukrainian pilots, technicians and mission planners.
  • Over the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 12 tanks, 21 units of combat armored vehicles, and 32 units of motor vehicles.

⚡️ Threats remain:

  • The Russians shelled Dnipropetrovsk region. They carried out a missile attack on Kropyvnytskyi.
  • The occupiers continue to advance in five directions: Kupyansk, Bakhmut, Mariinka, Zaporizhia, Kherson.
  • Russia chooses periods before the cold for its massive attacks on the energy system.
  • Russia has created a drone that is completely invulnerable to electronic warfare systems.
  • In the Russian Federation, a military expert openly stated that Donetsk residents are being used as human shields, setting up artillery in residential areas.
  • Russia has already received ballistic missiles from the DPRK and is trying to buy more from Iran.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray that this war will come to the end. So that the spiritual forces behind the people who are trying to fan the flames of war are disempowered and have no leverage over them. We know that God’s light is stronger than any darkness.
  • We pray for increased pressure from the world community on Russia, in particular, regarding massive attacks on Ukraine. That the relevant global actions should be very active, that Ukraine should be the initiator of such actions. We pray for an end to the attacks on the civilian population of Ukraine.
  • We pray for agreement between Ukraine and our partners in defining strategic goals and achieving them. About the timely provision of the necessary equipment for the defense and striking of enemy military targets.
  • We see answers to our prayers. That’s the another exchange of prisoners. We are happy for our freed Ukrainians, we bless everyone so that the necessary help will be provided – medical, psychological, spiritual. May the Lord strengthen and heal wounded souls. And we also pray for those who remain in captivity. For making further exchanges.
  • We pray for our courageous defenders. Let every soul be preserved for the Lord. Let human life at the front be the greatest value for commanders, the highest military leadership in determining goals, accomplishing tasks, etc.
  • We pray for Ukrainian children who, for various reasons, are currently under occupation. About opening opportunities for their transfer to the territory controlled by Ukraine. May the Lord protect from psychological injuries and help to find safe places.
  • We pray that Ukrainians will have the opportunity to return home, that they will have the motivation to do so. About the creation at the state level of various programs to support such people.

«I waited patiently for the Lord to help me, and he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and the mire. He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along.» Psalms 40:1-2

NLT LET’S NOT LEAVE common prayer! MAXIMUM REPOST of this important information!

677th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

Happy New Year🙏

💛💙 What we thank God for:

  • We thank God for the power that we, as believers in Jesus Christ, have within us. Thank God for using this mighty power in our country for His glory and the spread of His Kingdom. Thank God for the growth of the prayer movement in Ukraine.
  • Ukrainian defenders destroyed a record number of Russian drones on New Year’s Eve 2024 – 87 out of 90. They also destroyed an X-59 missile in the Dnipropetrovsk region.
  • The Ukrainian military is strengthening our defense capabilities – more than 500,000 anti-tank mines have been installed on the probable lines of attack of the Russian army from the north.
  • Finland promises to continue long-term support to Ukraine.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 6 tanks, 17 units of combat armored vehicles, and 38 units of automobile equipment.

💥 Threats remain:

  • Occupiers attacked Odesa, Lviv, Sumy, Kharkiv and Kherson regions.
  • The enemy keeps up to 19,000 soldiers in three regions bordering Ukraine.
  • Russian aggressors brought five warships into the Black Sea, including three carriers of Kalibr cruise missiles.
  • The occupiers will not stop trying to destroy the port and coastal infrastructure of the Odesa region and the region as a whole.
  • The World Council of Churches has announced that it has been hacked using ransomware.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • Today the marathon of fasting and prayer begins. Let’s pray for its implementation as a whole, for the regional coordinators who took responsibility for the organization of prayer groups, for the pastors of the churches who joined this important mission. May the Lord help, direct with His Spirit, so that these prayers are strong and influential.
  • We pray for a new joint strategy with the West to end the war. About commonality in formulations and their meanings. On achieving mutual understanding in the main issues.
  • We pray for the economic potential of the country to cope with the catastrophic upheavals caused by the war. About reducing the level of corruption, deep social stratification of our society.
  • We pray for our captives so that attention and efforts for their release do not fade away. About the work of the Coordination Staff on these issues, in particular, about reaching agreements on another exchange.
  • We pray for the rescue to safe places of people who want to leave the occupied territories, for the opening of corridors for evacuation, for the provision of the most necessary.
  • Let’s also not forget about the information war aimed at demoralizing Ukrainians and misleading them. We pray that this weapon will not be effective and that any deception will be exposed. • We pray that the Church in Ukraine does not lose its main points of reference, which were pointed out by Christ. So that it had access to God’s resources, operated in the realm of the supernatural, so that it was an answer to the people of this world.

“Nations will roar like raging waters. He will rebuke them, and they will flee far away, he will drive them as the wind drives the chaff on the mountains, as a stormy whirlwind carries thistles. In the evening, terror grips them, and by dawn they are gone. Such is the share of those who rob us, such is the fate of those who rip us off.” (Isaiah 17:13, 14)

Hope will never disappoint us, because the love of God has poured into our hearts. LET’S NOT LEAVE common prayer! MAXIMUM REPOST of this important information!

676th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

❄️What we thank God for:

  • We thank God for the past year. For bringing us to this day. For His mercy and unconditional love that does not change depending on the circumstances. Thank God for leading us on, for having victory over death and peace in Jesus Christ. We thank God for our country, for the people. Thank God that we are not victims but conquerors in Jesus.
  • Germany will provide Ukraine with 24 million euros to restore the energy infrastructure.
  • Exports through the Ukrainian corridor in the Black Sea have almost doubled. Since August 2023, 400 ships have passed through the Ukrainian corridor.
  • Patriot anti-aircraft missile complexes, which the partners handed over to Kyiv, have already shot down 15 Russian “Kinzhal” missiles in Ukraine. Earlier in Moscow it was claimed that this was impossible.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 8 tanks, 17 units of combat armored vehicles, and 48 units of automobile equipment.

💥 Threats remain:

  • The Russians shelled Kharkiv and the region and Kherson. Nikopol, Dnipropetrovsk region, was shelled. Also they attacked the Kirovohrad region. Explosions were in Kryvyi Rih and Kropyvnytskyi.
  • The Russian army is changing the focus of its attacks and is now launching more UAVs specifically on the front-line territory.
  • In the south of Ukraine, the occupiers do not stop trying to knock out our units from their positions on the Left Bank of Dnipro.
  • In the Mediterranean Sea there are three ships of the Russian Federation, including two carriers of cruise missiles “Kalibr”, a total salvo of up to 16 missiles.
  • An infrastructure facility caught fire in Kyiv region as a result of a drone attack.
  • The occupation authorities announced the “nationalization” of 2,600 objects of movable and immovable property of Ukrainian citizens in Crimea.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • 2024 is a year of decisive events and processes. Therefore, all Protestant churches of Ukraine stand in prayer for their country. After all, one of the most powerful tools that the Lord gave to the Church is prayer. It is the zealous and sincere prayers of the saints that serve to change the course of history. Today, the Lord is looking for intercessors who will stand in the gap for Ukraine. For the humility and repentance of the people, for victory and peace, for saving the lives of Ukrainians, for the transformation of every sphere of society in the country. So let us pray and do not despair!
  • We pray for unity – political, social, so that difficult circumstances only contribute to unity in the face of danger. That those who are in power should be guided by the interests of the state, its preservation, and not pursue exclusively their own interests and not be guided only by the desire to enrich themselves.
  • We pray for Ukrainians who suffered after the attacks on our cities. About their recovery, about providing them with help, about healing in soul and body, about reviving their spirit.
  • We pray that right at the front our soldiers will convert to the Lord and rely only on the Almighty God, we pray for the stability and indomitability of their spirit.
  • We pray for our brothers and sisters scattered around the world, as well as for those who remained in the occupied territories. May the Lord strengthen them and help them to be faithful in faith and be a light for the people of this world.
  • We pray for Russia to be held accountable for the war and the genocide of Ukrainians, as well as for the condemnation of the Russian state ideology of racism.
  • We pray for the Church to be based on the words of Christ, to be a real light for this world, not to compromise with it, but, drawing closer to the Lord, to purify itself and prepare to meet Jesus Christ.

«But for you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in his wings. And you will go free, leaping with joy like calves let out to pasture.» Malachi 4:2 NLT

674th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

💛💙 What we thank God for:

  • In Cherkasy today, the regional prayer breakfast was held for the sixth time. The prayer united representatives of the executive power, deputies of the regional and city councils, representatives of public organizations, education, the military, chaplains and clergy. Together they appealed to God to enlist His support for the protection and well-being of our country. We are thankful that the Lord opens hearts regardless of social position. He is the only hope for everyone.
  • Air defense destroyed 114 out of 158 enemy air targets. Thank God for saving lives.
  • American sanctions have become a serious obstacle to the Kremlin’s plans to increase sea exports of liquefied natural gas.
  • Sashko, a teenager from the Mykolayiv region, who became the hero of the Imagine Dragons music video, had his house rebuilt. Thank God for caring people, for helping ordinary people.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 13 tanks, 18 units of combat armored vehicles, and 35 units of motor vehicles.

💥 Threats remain:

  • Today, Russia carried out the most massive attack from the air – it hit with almost everything it has in its arsenal. The cities of Kyiv, Odesa, Dnipro, Lviv, Kharkiv, Zaporizhzhia, Konotop, Smila were attacked.
  • It is already known that 26 people died and more than 130 were injured as a result of the massive Russian attack on Ukraine.
  • During today’s massive missile strike, the enemy’s targets were social and critical infrastructure.
  • Russian aggressors have such a stockpile of missiles that they can repeat a missile attack.
  • The Prime Minister of Ukraine asked international donors for an emergency meeting due to a possible delay in financial aid to Ukraine, which we need already next month.
  • Russia wants to destabilize Ukraine, seeking to destroy its internal unity by conducting several hybrid subversive campaigns along with continued intense hostilities.

🙏Prayer needs: 💔

  • Today is another tragic day for every Ukrainian because of Russian attacks on the cities of our country. Many were killed and wounded, physically and psychologically traumatized. With pain in our hearts and tears in our eyes, we pray for those who need help, who are in the hospital with injuries, who have lost relatives and loved ones. May God’s supernatural comfort fill souls, may the hope that every person has in Jesus Christ be revealed. Despite the pain and tears, we raise our eyes to Heaven, where strength comes from and the light of hope shines.
  • We pray for the complete collapse of the enemies’ intentions to destabilize Ukraine. About the fact that they did not succeed in destroying the unity of Ukrainians by conducting hybrid subversive campaigns. About our preparation of appropriate countermeasures against overtaking.
  • We pray for the rescuers who are working in the rubble, so that help will arrive in time to all who are still alive. Often they risk their own lives. So may the Lord strengthen them, remove the danger and help them in this difficult work.
  • We pray for Ukraine to be provided with special means, such as Patriot air defense systems, to intercept Russian X-22 missiles, which we have no military ability to shoot down. About strengthening our air defense system, and thus strengthening our defense capability.
  • Certainly we pray for the defenders of the front to have protection from God, to be a shelter and hope in the face of death.
  • We pray for mutual understanding and reaching agreements with Ukrainian donors regarding further funding to support macroeconomic stability. That we receive sufficient, prompt and predictable external funding – especially in terms when our country is fighting for its survival.

«Keep watch and pray, so that you will not give in to temptation. For the spirit is willing, but the body is weak!» Matthew 26:41 NLT

Hope will never disappoint us, because the love of God has poured into our hearts.

673rd day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🇺🇦What we thank God for:

  • We thank God for Christian ministers, volunteers, chaplains who help people in this difficult time. Often even risking their own lives, they go to places where people have lost hope and need help.
  • The Armed Forces more than 60 Russian attacks.
  • The occupiers tried to storm the Ukrainian positions in Synkivka in the Kupyansk direction, but were defeated. Thank God for every repulsed attack.
  • In Kharkiv region border guards destroyed the long-range surveillance complex “Murom-M”.
  • The Cabinet of Ministers allocated UAH 8.5 billion to solve the problem of water supply for residents of the southern regions.
  • Thank God for partner support. During 2023, the United States provided Ukraine with 34 military aid packages totaling more than $24 billion.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 27 tanks, 42 units of combat armored vehicles, and 40 units of automobile equipment.

⚡️ Threats remain:

  • 404 shells arrived in Kherson region in 24 hours. The Russians shelled Vovchansk in the Kharkiv region, and hit Kherson. The coastline of the Dnieper in Zaporizhzhia was shelled with artillery.
  • Forced passporting continues in occupied areas of the Kherson region, the occupiers conduct raids.
  • Russia is preparing sabotage and intelligence groups for provocations in the south.
  • In the occupied regions of the Luhansk region, the invaders bring whole families of representatives of “small nations” from remote regions of Russia.
  • Ukraine may become the country with the lowest birth rate in the world.
  • In the Black Sea, a civilian ship under the flag of Panama was blown up by a Russian mine, which was heading to one of the Danube ports to load grain.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray for the development of joint actions with international partners regarding the further position of Ukraine in the war against Russia, taking into account our national interests. That Ukraine does not become a bargaining chip in the geopolitical confrontation of various forces. On the protection and preservation of people and the Ukrainian gene pool.
  • We pray for the coherence of various branches of state agencies and power structures regarding strategic issues of military operations, defense and mobilization issues. About conducting an open dialogue with society, outlining clear plans and tasks.
  • We pray for the consolidation of forces in opposition to the aggressors. About the fact that the efforts of various forces to divide society, to sow hatred and fear would be futile.
  • We pray that the hearts of our soldiers will be opened to God’s love, that the seeds of faith, sown earlier, will germinate in them. Let support and hope come from above.
  • We pray that there will be stable employment of the population and regular replenishment of the treasury thanks to tax deductions. On preserving Ukraine’s gold and currency reserves to preserve its national security and geopolitical stability.
  • We pray for an end to the rapid decline in the birth rate in Ukraine, for the state to pay special attention to this problem and use specific actions and programs, not just discussing these issues.
  • We pray for the children who were taken from the families of Ukrainian refugees in the countries of the European Union. About drawing attention to this acute problem of the international community. About establishing diplomatic work in this area and quick response to such situations. About returning the children to their families.

«I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.» Psalms 91:2 NIV

With God we will win because He will trample our enemies! LET’S NOT LEAVE common prayer! MAXIMUM REPOST of this important information!

672nd day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🌻What we thank God for:

  • We thank God for equipping us, as His Body, as intercessors for this nation with the necessary spiritual weapons, so that at this very time we can resist the tricks of the devil, against evil spirits in the heavenly realms. And not only to resist, but also to change the course of history using this spiritual weapon.
  • In December, Ukraine received $5 billion in external financing, of which 11% was grant funds provided on non-refundable terms.
  • The EU is preparing an alternative plan to provide Ukraine with financial support of 20 billion euros, bypassing Hungary’s veto.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 14 tanks, 17 units of combat armored vehicles, and 31 units of automobile equipment.

🔥 Threats remain:

  • The Russians hit Kherson again, damaging the shopping center and apartment buildings. Kherson region was shelled. Odessa was attacked with drones.
  • The Russian invaders are not giving up their attempts to break through the defenses of the Ukrainian troops in the east of the country. The enemy is pressing in four directions.
  • The occupiers have changed the tactics of launching attack drones – they launch drones through residential areas.
  • Russia is increasing the production of drones.
  • During the war in Ukraine, Russia carried out 465 chemical attacks.
  • Russian special services are implementing a new information attack against Ukrainians who are abroad.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • Let us not tire of praying for the end of bloodshed in our country. On the return of Ukrainians to peaceful life. May evil retreat from our land, may the Lord help us in this struggle.
  • Let us pray that the fire of prayer in Ukraine does not go out, but on the contrary, ignites new and new hearts. So that we do not weaken in the spiritual struggle, but on the contrary – become stronger. The fight continues!
  • We pray for the weakening of our internal enemies – corruption, treachery, greed, which also bleed our country. We pray for the purification of our society, for a change in people’s mentality.
  • We pray for our soldiers at the front. Let them feel that the Lord is with them “in the valley of mortal darkness”, let them rely on Him, open their hearts to Him.
  • We pray for people who have experienced traumatic events and have psychological injuries. About the healing of their soul, about the rebirth of their spirit. May the Lord send His messengers to them, who would bring them God’s message, help them to be filled with His Word and His Spirit.
  • We pray for the creation of prerequisites in Ukraine, in particular economic, humanitarian, social, for the return of our people. About creating a favorable climate in the country for business, and not the other way around – hindering its development.
  • We pray for Ukrainian families – especially those that are currently divided by war. About their strength, about the fact that they must unite, so that the spouses can go through these difficult trials together and not lose our each other. »After I looked things over, I stood up and said to the nobles, the officials and the rest of the people,

«Don’t be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your families, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your homes.» Nehemiah 4:14 NIV

With God we will win because He will trample our enemies! LET’S NOT LEAVE common prayer! MAXIMUM REPOST of this important information!

671st day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

💛💙 What we thank God for:

  • We thank God that He opens people’s hearts and they join the Church, the Body of Christ. For the thirst for knowledge of God in our country, for the filling of churches.
  • During the attack on Feodosia, the armed forces of Ukraine destroyed the Russian landing ship “Novocherkask”, which is in service with the Black Sea Fleet of Russia.
  • 20% of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet was destroyed in four months.
  • The first Ukrainian pilots underwent basic training for F-16 flights. • France handed Ukraine a second pilot ship for the export of grain.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 22 tanks, 37 units of combat armored vehicles, and 34 units of motor vehicles.

⚡️ Threats remain:

  • 391 shells arrived in Kherson region during the day. Russian troops shelled Kharkiv region.
  • In the last week, the Russians have significantly increased the number of attacks on the south.
  • The occupiers increased patrolling and mobilization measures in Mariupol.
  • Russia recognized the use of prohibited chemical weapons in Ukraine.
  • Polish carriers announced the strengthening of the blockade at one of the checkpoints.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray for God’s intervention in the course of this war to stop it. Our hope is in the Lord. May He strengthen us so that we do not weaken in our souls, but are established in the Holy Spirit.
  • We pray for the spiritual strengthening of Ukrainians as a nation that has God’s values ​​and priorities as the basis of its worldview. And also about the growth of authority and influence of Ukraine on other countries.
  • We pray for our defenders. About God’s supernatural protection, about miracles of salvation and healing, about being born again. About the enemy not being able to steal souls.
  • We pray for the wounded, crippled by war both physically, psychologically. May the Lord heal, may His love give hope. Let people’s hearts be filled with faith in the One who has already saved them, who gives peace and hope.
  • Pray for agreements with our partners to provide Ukraine with more critically needed demining equipment. About the training of soldiers, sappers and officers for this area of ​​work. We also pray for the protection of these specialists.
  • We pray for families to be spiritually healthy. About the restoration of families that are now separated or have been destroyed. Let them be strengthened in God’s Word, let it become flesh for them.
  • We pray that God will raise up new workers who are lacking in the churches today, especially ministers in those churches that do not have a pastor. We also support our brothers and sisters who are under occupation. May the Lord strengthen their spirit so that they have the strength and courage to go through difficult circumstances and not despair.

“…Do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will give you strength and help you! I support you with the right hand of My truth!” (Is. 41:10)

With God we will win because He will trample our enemies! LET’S NOT LEAVE common prayer! MAXIMUM REPOST of this important information!

670th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

Merry Christmas!

❤️What we thank God for:

  • We thank God for the Born Savior, who is the Way, the Truth and the Life for every person on earth. Thank God for His unconditional love and the opportunity to have eternal life with Him for all without exception.
  • The Air Force shot down 28 enemy drones out of 31 and two missiles that were used by Russian troops to attack Ukraine that night. And on the front, the Armed Forces repulsed more than 80 Russian attacks.
  • The administration of the US president began urgent negotiations on the use of frozen assets of Russia to help Ukraine.
  • Ukraine received 1.34 billion from the World Bank for pension payments and payments to employees of the State Emergency Service.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 19 tanks, 31 units of armored combat vehicles, 2 aircraft, and 53 units of automobile equipment.

💥 Threats remain:

  • The invaders attacked Odesa region with shahedes. Chornobayivka, Kherson region, was covered with heavy fire.
  • In the Mariupol district, the movement of Russian tanks in the direction of Berdyansk was recorded.
  • The Kremlin is actively trying to use the new regiments to strengthen Russia’s control over the occupied rear areas.
  • The Russians destroyed the third humanitarian aid base in Kherson.
  • In Luhansk region, the occupiers are forming a network of lecturers to promote Russian narratives among the locals.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • On the day of Christmas, we congratulate and support each other. After all, this day is evidence of the victory of light over darkness. The born Savior gives hope to everyone who opens their heart to Him, who follows Him through life, who trusts in Him. So let’s follow Christ, trust Him, pray and let God’s peace fill people’s hearts, fill our country.
  • We pray for God’s intervention in the course of this war to stop it. There are many predictions, but our hope is in the Lord, His protection. May the Lord strengthen us so that we do not weaken in our souls, but are united with the Holy Spirit.
  • We pray that the enemies will not succeed in realizing their intentions to freeze Ukraine in winter and plunge it into darkness through massive missile and drone attacks on the energy industry. May the Lord avert the enemy’s plans, may His power stop even the most terrible threats.
  • We pray for targeted rational use of funds that come from other countries. About exposing corruption schemes and bringing the culprits to justice. About the formation of a positive image of our country in the eyes of the international community.
  • On this Christmas day, we bless every soldier on the front who today is not able to hug his relatives and spend Christmas with them. May the Lord strengthen hearts, warm with His love and give hope where there is none.
  • We pray for the creation in Ukraine at the state level of programs for the social rehabilitation of military personnel and their relatives. About providing assistance in physical and psychological recovery, about the active participation of churches in these processes, about the involvement of clergy.

“Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool.” The Lord will extend the rod of your strength from Zion; reign in the midst of your enemies! The dominion is with you, since you were born in holy adornment.” (Psalm 110:1-3)

669th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

Merry Christmas🙏

❤️What we thank God for:

  • We thank God for the purity of the Church, for those heads of churches who do not compromise with sin. Thus, the head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church stated that the UGCC will not bless same-sex couples, despite the recently approved declaration by the Pope, which allows the blessing of same-sex couples.
  • Air defense forces of Ukraine destroyed 14 shaheds within Mykolaiv, Kirovohrad, Zaporizhzhya, Dnipropetrovsk, and Khmelnytskyi regions.
  • Ukraine returned three more children from the temporarily occupied territories. Thank our God for everyone involved in this.
  • In two days, DTEK repair crews restored electricity for residents of 20 settlements in the frontline areas of Donetsk and Dnipropetrovsk regions.
  • The State Border Service reported a partial release of the blockade on the border with Poland.
  • The Great Britain announced plans to increase aid to Ukraine.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 4 tanks, 17 units of combat armored vehicles, and 27 units of automobile equipment.

⚡️ Threats remain:

  • The invaders again shelled the Kherson region. • During the day, the enemy carried out seven airstrikes, carried out 51 combat engagements, and carried out 916 artillery barrages.
  • The Russian occupiers want to reach Chasiv Yar near Bakhmut in order to advance to larger settlements.
  • In the south of Ukraine, the enemy has reduced the use of guided aerial bombs and the activity of tactical aviation, but is putting pressure on the population with artillery and drones.

🙏 Prayer needs:

  • We pray for the retreat of the enemy from our territories, for the invaders to be powerless against our troops, for panic and fear to spread among them. Let their evil plans and intentions regarding Ukraine not come true.
  • We pray that the Ukrainian military command will make effective decisions and choose the right strategies for conducting military operations. That there should be coherence and unity among all branches of the power structures.
  • We bless our defenders at the front. We pray that no one perishes without being reconciled to God, so that the devil cannot steal souls.
  • We pray that people in the occupied territories have alternative channels of information, apart from Russian propaganda. So that the enemy’s intentions to strengthen local loyalty to the occupation administration were useless.
  • We continue to pray that there will be opportunities for the return of Ukrainian children from the occupied territories, so that they can be reunited with their families. We ask for God’s help in solving these issues, for the preservation of children’s lives, for the integrity of their psychological state.
  • We pray that any provocations by Russia will not be successful. About the failure of manipulative politics and fueling hatred and enmity. Let the light of truth shine where deception, speculation, distortion of information and other evil reign.
  • We pray for the unity of Christians of different denominations. Let their voices merge and join hearts in fervent prayer for our land, for the rooting in God’s Word, for the conversion of people to the Lord and the salvation of souls. Let the main thing be what unites us, not what separates us.

“O Lord, I give my life to you. I trust in you, my God! Do not let me be disgraced, or let my enemies rejoice in my defeat. No one who trusts in you will ever be disgraced, but disgrace comes to those who try to deceive others.« Psalms 25:1-3 NLT

With God we will win because He will trample our enemies! LET’S NOT LEAVE common prayer! MAXIMUM REPOST of this important information!

668th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🌞What we thank God for:

  • We thank God for His strategy of service in the war conditions, for orientations in the issues of responsibility of the churches for the fate of Ukraine and how the church can influence the formation of these identities in the conditions of war.
  • Soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine repelled a massive enemy assault in the Kupyansk direction.
  • The Ukrainian and Polish sides agreed on an action plan for unblocking checkpoints on the common border.
  • At the beginning of January 2024, a 24-hour hotline for consultations of servicemen and their family members will start working. It will be possible to call there on matters of material support, in case of legal issues or in any conflict situation.
  • The representatives of Ukraine and Russia met for the transfer of humanitarian packages and letters for prisoners of war of both countries. • There are no enemy ships in the Black and Azov seas.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 17 tanks, 28 units of armored combat vehicles, 3 aircraft, and 51 units of automobile equipment.

💥 Threats remain:

  • The occupiers are shelling Kherson and the region, Chernihiv and Sumy regions. They attacked the Kirovohrad region with rockets, the region was under a massive attack.
  • In recent weeks, Russian forces have made small territorial gains on the eastern front in Ukraine thanks to their manpower advantage.
  • The Russian invaders are attacking in six directions, the hottest is near Avdiivka, which the enemy is trying to surround.
  • Russian aggressors again attacked one of the Ukrainian thermal power plants.

🙏Prayer needs: • We pray for negotiations at all levels to establish peace in Ukraine, taking into account the interests of our country. On preventing the seizure of new territories and the expulsion of the enemy from occupied cities and villages.

  • We pray that the Lord will help us to walk in the armor of His righteousness, in His strength, and helped us to be in His peace, to be firm in spirit.
  • Our prayer for the leadership of the General Staff, the power structures of our country, that there would be people who fear God, people with honor and conscience, who do not do evil and do not act unjustly.
  • We pray for our soldiers at the front. May the Lord give them a special feeling that He, as a Good Shepherd and Protector, is with them “in the valley of mortal darkness”, may they rely on Him, open their hearts to Him.
  • We pray for military medics. May the Lord give them strength, courage, endurance. Let them work, relying not on their strength and knowledge, but on God. May He be the One who guides and helps them. We also pray for our doctors to be properly equipped with everything necessary to provide qualified care.
  • We pray for the children who suffered because of the war, for those who lost their parents. We pray for their physical and psychological recovery, that they are not left alone, but receive the help they need.
  • We pray for the restoration of human capital in our country. About stopping the brain drain and creating various programs to attract and encourage highly qualified specialists.

“So submit yourself under the strong hand of God, so that He will exalt you in His time. Put all your sorrows on Him, because He takes care of you! Be sober, watch out!” (1 Peter 5:6, 7)

With God we will win because He will trample our enemies! LET’S NOT LEAVE common prayer! MAXIMUM REPOST of this important information!

667th day of intercession for Ukraine!

✨Merry Christmas!!!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🌾 What we thank God for:

  • We thank God for uniting the efforts of churches of different denominations in spiritual confrontation with the enemy of human souls. Thus, a meeting of the heads and authorized representatives of the Christian Churches of Ukraine was held, at which a decision was made to make a joint appeal on the occasion of the celebration of Christmas. The heads of the churches also discussed a number of issues related to Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, processes in Ukrainian society and the future reconstruction of the country after the victory in the war. It was decided to resume cooperation in an inter-Christian format within the framework of the Meeting of Representatives of Christian Churches of Ukraine.
  • Defense forces in the Southern direction today destroyed three Russian Su-34 fighter-bombers. • The Netherlands decided to start preparing the first 18 F-16 fighter jets for transfer to Ukraine.
  • The government has improved the procedure for providing Ukrainians with means of rehabilitation, in particular, providing prostheses and wheelchairs to those who need them.
  • The Czech Republic allocated 10 million dollars to strengthen the medical sphere of the Kharkiv region.
  • Finland offered to allocate 80 billion euros from the European Stabilization Mechanism to Ukraine.
  • The President of Ukraine signed a law that simplifies the import of humanitarian aid.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 9 tanks, 18 units of combat armored vehicles, and 25 units of automobile equipment.

⚡️ Threats remain:

  • The invaders attacked Kyiv.
  • The Russian occupation forces changed the tactics of their actions around Avdiivka in the Donetsk region. The situation there is difficult, active fighting continues.
  • The Russian invaders form another pseudo-volunteer battalion “Donetsk” from residents of the Krasnodar region of the Russian Federation.
  • Russians take Ukrainian children to Moscow for propaganda events, where they are convinced that Ukraine does not exist.
  • Queues of trucks at the borders of Ukraine with neighboring countries have increased again – up to 5,900 trucks.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray for our people, for our country. We ask the Lord to help us overcome all these trials and persevere. We pray for unity, strengthening – primarily spiritual, for the rebirth of our nation.
  • We pray that the light of the church of God shine brightly in the midst of this darkness. So that we do not become embittered, do not fall into despair, do not weaken, but are strengthened in Christ and announce His soon return.
  • We pray that our country will continue to have freedom to preach the Gospel. So that under the guise of war, insidious laws aimed at limiting the freedom of religion and the activities of churches are not passed.
  • We pray for the economy of our country. On the wisdom of the Cabinet of Ministers in the settlement of economic issues in the conditions of war, in the distribution and expenditure of public funds, as well as in conducting negotiations on the restructuring of the debt or its partial write-off.
  • We pray for the conversion of our soldiers to the Lord, the stability of their spirit, indomitability and reliance on the Almighty God.
  • We pray for the strengthening of the institution of the family in our country at the state level. Let the influence of diabolical ideologies, which various political and social forces are currently trying to instill in our people at various levels, be stopped. On drawing special attention to the demographic crisis in Ukraine.
  • We pray for the mental health of Ukrainians. About timely assistance to those who have experienced stress. About people finding peace and comfort.

«A single day in your courts is better than a thousand anywhere else! I would rather be a gatekeeper in the house of my God than live the good life in the homes of the wicked.» Psalms 84:10 NLT

With God we will win because He will trample our enemies!

666th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

💛💙 What we thank God for:

  • We thank God that it is prayer meetings that become unifying platforms for representatives of the clergy, government, parliament and international partners. Thus, the Christmas Prayer Breakfast was held in the capital of Ukraine. As part of the joint prayer meeting, the focus was on prayers for the victory of Ukraine. President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi and Speaker of the US House of Representatives Mike Johnson addressed the participants with a welcome speech. The Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine also joined the Christmas Prayer Breakfast.
  • We are thankful for God’s help in confronting the enemy: the Armed Forces of Ukraine repelled more than 80 Russian attacks. Enemy ammunition depots and equipment in Mariupol were hit. Air defense destroyed 34 out of 35 Shaheds.
  • Ukraine managed to return a 17-year-old boy from the occupation. We thank God and all who were involved in this comeback.
  • Thank God for partner assistance:

🔸Finland transferred arms worth 106 million euros to Ukraine.

🔹Poland transferred 5,000 Starlinks to Ukraine. 🔸Ukraine received a tranche of 1.5 billion euros from the EU.

🔹Switzerland has decided to allocate additional aid to Ukraine in the winter period – about 13.66 million dollars.

🔸The Federal Republic of Germany provided Ukraine with a “winter” energy aid package. 🔹Ukraine received 950 million dollars from Japan. Funds will be directed to urgent and priority needs in the field of rehabilitation and social assistance.

  • Over the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 14 tanks, 31 units of armored combat vehicles, and 48 units of motor vehicles.

🔥 Threats remain:

  • Nikopol was hit by a Russian attack. Enemies attacked Poltava region. Aerial bombs were dropped on civil infrastructure facilities in Toretsk, Donetsk region. Kherson region was shelled.
  • The Russians fired twice at the TPP in eastern Ukraine. As a result of shelling, there is new damage electricity networks in Dnipropetrovsk, Kharkiv and Kherson regions.
  • North Korea handed Russia another batch of weapons for the war against Ukraine.
  • In the second reading, the Verkhovna Rada voted for the legalization of medical cannabis in Ukraine.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • Let us not tire of praying for the end of bloodshed in our country. On the return of Ukrainians to peaceful affairs. May evil retreat from our land, may the Lord help us in this struggle.
  • We pray for the correct development of international relations, negotiation processes at various levels in view of certain changes in partner support of Ukraine. May the Lord protect against falls, betrayals, exchange of national interests.
  • We pray for the creation of conditions in Ukraine, in particular economic, humanitarian, social, for the return of our people. About creating a favorable climate in the country for the work of small and medium-sized businesses.
  • We stand in prayer for our soldiers. May the Lord be their protection, may their souls seek His face and turn to Him in the midst of the fire.
  • We pray for the exposure of various Russian intelligence networks in Ukraine, which collect intelligence about the Armed Forces and correct air attacks of the Russian Federation. About the work of our intelligence and law enforcement agencies in this direction.
  • We pray that the Lord will help us to see the events that are taking place, in terms of the spiritual plane, to understand the course of today’s historical processes in view of the Word of God. To be strengthened in Him, to announce salvation and to be doers of His will.
  • We pray for the inadmissibility of imposing on Ukrainians artificial ideological stamps about gender, the so-called freedom of choice, which goes beyond God’s principles of worldview, the purpose of man and woman on this earth, as well as their mission

“Be steadfast in your faith… In any circumstances, through prayer, ask the Lord for what you need, and always thank Him for everything you have.” (Philippians 4:1, 6)

With God we will win because He will trample our enemies!

664th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🇺🇦What we thank God for:

  • Thank God for strengthening the prayer movement in Ukraine. Thus, the 3rd All-Ukrainian Women’s Prayer Breakfast “The Future of Lost Childhood. The realities of war” took place in Kyiv. Women of four generations, representing all regions of Ukraine, different religious denominations, shared their experience of restoring and supporting the mental health of children, involving children and youth in volunteer activities, and through joint prayers strengthened the spiritual strength of all those who today stand on the path to the victory of Ukraine.
  • In Dnipropetrovsk region, the Armed Forces shot down a Russian missile.
  • In Ukraine, two gas wells have been put into operation at one field.
  • EBRD increased capital by €4 billion for the sake of Ukraine. The additional capital will be used to ensure sustainable investments in the real economy of Ukraine both during wartime and during the recovery period.
  • Italy passed a law that will allow continued supplies to Ukraine until the end of 2024 (this is not only weapons, but also transport, electric generators and everything necessary to protect the unarmed civilian population).
  • British companies concluded a number of defense agreements with Ukraine.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 15 tanks, 19 units of combat armored vehicles, and 20 units of automobile equipment.

💥 Threats remain: • The Russians shelled Kherson and Kharkiv regions.

  • The Armed Forces repelled Russian attacks in six directions.
  • In the Vinnytsia region, there was an accident at the Ladyzhynskaya TPP. Several districts remained without electricity.
  • At the end of December, the United States will transfer another package of aid to Ukraine, after which the supply will stop until a decision is made in Congress.
  • In Russia, they announced that they mined 7,000 square meters in the occupied regions of Ukraine while the depth of minefields is up to 600 meters, which is twice as much as the standard.
  • Poland wants to introduce an embargo on agricultural products from Ukraine for 20 years.
  • Record queues of trucks formed on Ukraine’s border with four neighboring countries – more than 5,000 trucks.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • Pray that Russia will not be able to accumulate resources and seize the initiative and freeze the war for indefinite time. About not being able to gain a foothold in the occupied territories and involve Ukraine in its war scenarios. And also about preventing the enemy from advancing deep into our territories.
  • We pray for the support of the West so that Ukraine does not remain alone with its adversary. About reaching new agreements on these important issues.
  • We cover our defenders with prayers. Let help come to everyone from above, let them call to God and rely on Him, on His protection. Let souls accept salvation.
  • We pray for the overthrow of the Kremlin’s bloody regime, which is based on the suppression of freedom of speech, on murders, on the occupation of the territories of other countries.
  • We pray for the unity of Christians of different denominations in fasting and prayer and doing good deeds for the victory of Ukraine, for its spiritual revival and restoration. After all, prayer is that supernatural weapon given by God to destroy evil and the devil’s plans.
  • Great indignation among the Christian community was caused by the Vatican’s permission to bless non-traditional couples, which contradicts the evangelical understanding of marriage. Therefore, we pray that various impurities under the guise of humanism and tolerance do not enter the Church, so that it stands firmly on the foundations of the purity of God’s Word without any impurities or compromises.

”I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.” Jeremiah 31:25 NIV

With God we will win because He will trample our enemies! LET’S NOT LEAVE common prayer! MAXIMUM REPOST of this important information!

663rd day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🌻What we thank God for:

  • Thank God that God’s Word – especially in Ukrainian – is becoming more accessible to the public. The new Ukrainian translation of the Bible, which is the result of 25 years of work of the Ukrainian Bible Society, is now available in the YouVersion application, opening new horizons for understanding the Word of God.
  • The Armed Forces repelled more than 50 Russian attacks.
  • The Ukrainian military destroyed the Russian flamethrower system “Solntsepek”.
  • Russia removed all large ships from Crimea to Novorossiysk, including 10 missile carriers.
  • The enemy’s intelligence network was neutralised. They directed Russian airstrikes on the military and civilian infrastructure of Zaporizhzhia.
  • Latvia is increasing the volume of training of the Ukrainian military.
  • WHO handed over medicines to frontline hospitals.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 44 tanks, 60 units of combat armored vehicles, and 56 units of automobile equipment.

⚡️ Threats remain:

  • Artillery shortages are a very big problem, and cuts in foreign military aid are already affecting the battlefield.
  • There is a shortage of more than three thousand doctors in the occupied territories, and there is also a shortage of medicines.
  • There are about four thousand trucks on Ukraine’s borders with Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania.
  • Farmers join the action of Polish carriers.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • Let our prayer for God’s protection and victory for Ukraine never cease. About stopping Russia’s aggression and destroying the Kremlin’s criminal plans against Ukraine and the world. May the Lord help us restore the integrity of our country and return the stolen lands. May peace come to Ukraine.
  • We pray for the provision of everything necessary for our front. On the restoration of international aid. We pray for God’s support for our soldiers, for wisdom for the military leadership in planning military operations. May the Lord help us to protect our land from the invaders.
  • Our prayer is for those in power today at all levels. That these people understand their responsibility and use the positions they have received, not for their own enrichment, but for the implementation of positive changes in this country. We ask for wisdom, strength and the fear of God for these people.
  • We bless our defenders in the trenches, on the front lines. And also those soldiers who are in prison. May the Lord preserve and protect. Let His miracles happen and let these souls be warmed by His warmth and light.
  • We pray for the wounded and crippled both military and civilian. About their recovery, healing of physical and mental wounds. Let the Gospel become a reality, comfort and hope for them. And let’s also support in prayer people who have lost their relatives and loved ones. May their hearts be opened to be touched by God’s healing love.
  • The need to pray for the unblocking of the borders with Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania does not disappear. We pray for God’s wisdom for those people who have the authority to deal with these issues. And we also pray for the truck drivers who have become hostages of this problem. We ask for God’s support for these men, for finding alternative options to get to Ukraine.
  • We pray that there will be more and more people in our country who would not commit any lawlessness and dishonesty. To love righteousness and honesty. May the Lord help us to rise up and get rid of the impurities and make what is right and good in the eyes of the Lord.

«Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.» Psalms 91:1-2 NIV

With God we will win because He will trample our enemies! LET’S NOT LEAVE common prayer! MAXIMUM REPOST of this important information!

662nd day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

💙What we thank God for:

  • Not only weapons, but also steadfast faith and prayer play a key role in gaining victory. So we thank God for military chaplains, who carry the important mission of supporting the morale of soldiers and preserving their humanity in war conditions, and become an integral part of our fight for victory. Thus, after a six-week intensive course that included both general military and specialized pastoral training, about 30 chaplains from six religious denominations received certificates of successful completion of training at the Kyiv National University.
  • Air defense forces shot down a missile and 20 attack drones.
  • Our soldiers stopped the advance of the occupiers near Kupyansk.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 19 tanks, 25 units of combat armored vehicles, and 56 units of automobile equipment.

⚡️ Threats remain:

  • The occupiers shelled the border areas of Sumy region, Kherson and the region.
  • The Russian occupiers advanced in three directions: near Bakhmut, Avdiivka and Verbove. • The enemy activated sabotage and reconnaissance groups in the Sumy and Kharkiv regions.
  • The occupiers are increasing pressure on Ukrainian citizens working at the Zaporizhia NPP to force them to obtain Russian passports and sign contracts with Rosatom.
  • In Ukraine, more than 600 settlements have been cut off due to bad weather and hostilities.
  • On the border with Ukraine from the Polish side, three checkpoints remain blocked, and more than 2,000 trucks are staying there.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • Despite what we see and hear, we pray with faith that our Ukraine is hidden in a safe place – in the mighty Name of Jesus. God is the protection of our country, in whom we put our hope. Our help is from the Lord.
  • We pray for the president of the country, the prime minister, the chairman of the Verkhovna Rada. So that these people know the Lord, so that they take care of people in Ukraine and rely only on God. Let the wisdom of God guide their actions and be the cornerstone when making important decisions.
  • Bless every soldier on the front line. May the Lord lift up those who are exhausted, may he give hope to those who have lost it. Let hearts be open to Christ.
  • Let us pray for people who live in de-occupied or front-line areas and who suffer from constant shelling, often do not have the basic conditions for a normal life, and do not have the necessary food. Let help come to every home, let a way out in any situation and let hope appear.
  • We pray for the restoration of damage to critical infrastructure facilities, due to which people do not have electricity, water. And also about repair crews, about safe conditions for their work and the speedy elimination of these damages. About the fact that people receive help in time while the repair work is ongoing.
  • We pray that we understand the will of God in all wisdom and spiritual understanding, so that we live a life worthy of the Lord, pleasing Him in everything, bearing fruit in every good deed, growing in the knowledge of God (Colossians 1:9, 10).

“As those who forsake the law praise ungodliness, so those who love the law defend themselves with a strong wall.” (Proverbs 28:4)

The Lord is our unbreakable rock. We will not waver! LET’S NOT LEAVE common prayer! MAXIMUM REPOST of this important information!

661st day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

❤️ What we thank God for:

  • We thank God that every day we are getting closer to victory. Thank God that in this process our country is strengthened, united and purified. • It was possible to return to Ukraine two children from the occupied territories, as well as one child who was in the territory of Russia.
  • Thank God for the international help:

🔹 Ukraine will receive additional shells from Germany. The movement of trucks on the border with Slovakia has resumed.

🔸 Australia will expand the Ukrainian military training program.

🔹 Ukraine received 10 more robotic demining machines from South Korea.

  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 14 tanks, 13 units of combat armored vehicles, and 11 units of automobile equipment.

⚡️ Threats remain:

  • The occupiers attacked Kyiv with drones. Four communities of the Sumy region were shelled. An infrastructure object was attacked in Kherson.
  • In the Taurian direction, the enemy continues active infantry attacks and artillery shelling.
  • Last day, the Russian invaders continued to advance locally near Bakhmut, Avdiivka and Maryinka and achieved confirmed successes there.
  • Large-scale power outages in Donbas and Kharkiv region.
  • The occupiers are looting industrial facilities in Zaporizhzhia. They are taking scrap from the factories and sending it to the Russian Federation through the port in Berdyansk.

🙏Prayer needs: • Let us continue to stand firmly in faith, keep the word of God’s patience, and we will see how the One who caressing Ukraine with His hand will put everything in its right place. The Lord is a righteous judge, we will see our salvation!

  • We ask for God’s mercy for Ukrainians, for His intercession for our people. May every wounded heart be opened to the love of Christ, to His forgiveness and adoption.
  • We pray for further solidarity of major countries with Ukraine. About depriving the Russian military machine of key technologies and funding around the world. On the strengthening of sanctions pressure on the aggressor.
  • As usual, we pray for our soldiers, for their protection and salvation. Let every heart be open to Christ.
  • We pray for the attraction of investments to restore destroyed schools and houses, to finance business and the agricultural sector. Raising of medium and small businesses, assistance in this from the side of the state.
  • We pray for the youth in Ukraine, that they will be people who know God, who hear His voice, who strive to do good and justice. Let them be peacekeepers. We bless children who are the future of our country.
  • Let’s support in prayer our Ukrainians in the occupied territories, who are subjected to constant intimidation and pressure from the aggressors. And also our brothers and sisters who remained there. May the Lord be their strength and refuge in times of trial. May the Lord save and guide.

«You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.» Jeremiah 29:13 NIV

The Lord is our unbreakable rock. We will not waver! LET’S NOT LEAVE common prayer! MAXIMUM REPOST of this important information!

660th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🌞What we thank God for:

  • Thank God for the ideas He gives Christians to reach people’s hearts. In Zaporizhzhia, unusual evangelistic events are successfully practiced, where unchurched people are invited to talk about family topics. During such meetings, people learn about the principles established by the Creator of the family.
  • The EU agreed on a new package of sanctions against Russia.
  • The World Bank allocates an additional $1.34 billion to Ukraine. These funds will be used to pay pensions, teachers’ salaries, support for IDPs, and other priority state budget expenditures.
  • Germany is sending Ukraine a batch of “winter” humanitarian aid worth 6.1 million euros, which includes not only air defense systems, but also generators, blankets, tents and batteries.
  • “Ukrenergo” will receive EUR 150 million from the EBRD for the comprehensive restoration of Ukrainian trunk networks.
  • The movement of trucks on the border with Slovakia has resumed.
  • Argentina will transfer helicopters to Ukraine.
  • Over the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 14 tanks, 38 units of armored combat vehicles, and 24 units of motor vehicles.

⚠️ Threats remain:

  • During the day, Kherson region experienced 102 shellings. The Russians shelled Kherson. The S-300 missile hit the Kyiv district of Kharkiv.
  • 110 skirmishes took place at the front during the day.
  • The movement of Russian equipment in the direction of Berdyansk was recorded in Mariupol. • Russian sabotage and reconnaissance groups tried to enter Ukraine seven times in two weeks.
  • Hungary blocked the adoption of the EU budget decision, which would have included a medium-term aid program for Ukraine.
  • In Ukraine, 800 settlements have been cut off.
  • The section of the Dnipro in the southern part of Ukraine is polluted with oil products after the sinking of the ship.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray that God will lift up our country that is strong in Him. We pray for the spiritual strength of our people. We also pray for the further success of the Armed Forces at the front, the increase of the de-occupied Ukrainian territories. • We pray for our defenders in hot spots, who hold back the enemy in extremely difficult conditions. We pray for a competent response of the military command to the current situation, taking into account all the circumstances, tasks and the principle of military expediency.
  • We bless the leaders of our country. Let the hearts be filled with the fear of God and wisdom. May the Lord help them make the right decisions that would lead to new victories both economic and on the battlefield.
  • We pray for the resumption of the prisoner exchange process, which Russia has currently stopped. About our soldiers who are currently in Russian prisons. May the Lord be their support, help them survive these difficult circumstances and return home.
  • We pray for volunteers who, risking their lives, bring humanitarian aid to peaceful people in frontline towns and villages. May the Lord be a shield for them, may He protect them from bullets, shells and mines.
  • We pray for the strengthening of our faith, so that we do not succumb to temptation, that we do not lose heart, that we are comforted by the Lord and that we are always in the peace that everyone who believes in Jesus Christ has.
  • We pray for the strengthening of Ukrainian positions in the information war. Exposure of various fakes of Russian propaganda. Let the intentions of propagandists to manipulate people’s consciousness be futile.

“You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water.” Psalms 63:1 NIV

The Lord is our unbreakable rock. We will not waver! LET’S NOT LEAVE common prayer! MAXIMUM REPOST of this important information!

659th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🌻What we thank God for:

  • Anti-aircraft fire shot down 41 out of 42 Shaheds.
  • Our military continues to maintain defense in the Avdiyivka area and positions on the left bank of the Dnieper in the Kherson region.
  • In the Chernihiv region, the lines and positions of the first and second line of defense are being equipped in the most dangerous directions.
  • Five more Ukrainian children were returned from the occupied territories of the Kherson region. Thank God for these saved lives.
  • Ukraine received $900 million from the IMF. This money will be used to finance priority budget expenditures.
  • Estonia announced another package of military aid to Ukraine for 80 million euros.
  • Slovakia partially unblocked the border with Ukraine.
  • Over the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 10 tanks, 22 units of armored combat vehicles, and 13 units of automobile equipment.

💥 Threats remain:

  • The Russians shelled the Kherson region. Starokostyantynov, Khmelnytskyi region, was struck by an aeroballistic missile “Kinzhal”.
  • The Russian occupiers have launched 17 missile and 36 air strikes on Ukraine over the past day.
  • In the occupied territories of Ukraine, in connection with the preparations for the so-called elections, the Russians are increasing the pressure on the local population, denying people access to medical and social assistance, depriving them of access to electricity and the water supply system.
  • In Luhansk region, the occupiers introduced a new rule of voting in elections.
  • In the Sumy region, border guards engaged in a battle with the enemy sabotage and reconnaissance group.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray for agreement between Ukraine and our partners in defining strategic goals and achieving them. About sufficient and timely support from the West so that Ukraine can defend itself and carry out offensive actions. About reaching new agreements on these important issues.
  • We pray for the spiritual leaders of Ukraine, that they are people completely devoted to the Lord, uncompromising, that their service is in the power of the Spirit and truth, that their voice is influential and authoritative for our society, as well as for the leaders of our country.
  • We pray for our faithful defenders. Let every soul be given and preserved for the Lord.
  • Every victory, even a small one, inspires prayer. Another 5 Ukrainian children were returned to their homeland. Therefore, we continue to pray for other children who are in an enemy country against their will, but want to return to Ukraine. Let these opportunities open up for them.
  • We pray for an effective migration policy in Ukraine in these times of crisis. About the fact that we do not approach the level of depopulation and can maintain the development of the territory at a sufficient level. We pray that the current disappointing demographic forecasts for Ukraine will not come true.
  • We pray that church communities function in every town and village, that the Word of God spreads and touches people’s hearts. And also about cohesion, unity and active service of those who migrated to Europe due to the war. That every group and church there is focused on mission, evangelism and discipleship.
  • Let us pray for the Church of Christ to stock up on oil, like the wise virgins, so that the lamps of our hearts burn at all times and do not go out. That Day would not catch us like a thief in the night, and we would be ready for the long-awaited meeting with the Lord.

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 NIV

The Lord is our unbreakable rock. We will not waver! LET’S NOT LEAVE common prayer! MAXIMUM REPOST of this important information!

658th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🇺🇦What we thank God for:

  • We thank God for the opportunities that are opening up for churches today to warm people with the warmth of God’s love, to help them with food, basic necessities, and most importantly, to harvest people’s souls for Christ.
  • The Air Force of the Armed Forces shot down 10 enemy UAVs and 10 ballistic missiles.
  • 51 attacks were repelled in the Avdiivka direction.
  • Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion in Ukraine, more than 2.6 thousand square kilometers of territories have already been demined.
  • Norway will provide Ukraine with additional NASAMS air defense systems. Also they will provide additional financial and humanitarian assistance in the total amount of 800 million dollars.
  • Germany handed over the second Patriot air defense system to Ukraine, it will be deployed and put into operation by the end of this year.
  • Great Britain created a coalition for the development of Ukraine’s maritime capabilities.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 18 tanks, 15 units of combat armored vehicles, and 12 units of automobile equipment.

⚡️ Threats remain:

  • The Russians attacked Kyiv with ballistic missiles, and struck Odesa with shahedes. Kherson region was under Russian fire 113 times per day.
  • During the past day, 95 combat clashes took place on the front line.
  • the Russian Federation began to use a new site in Crimea for the launch of Shaheds.
  • In Ukraine, almost 700 settlements are without electricity.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray for Ukraine’s readiness for any plans of the enemy. About Western countries supporting us in this confrontation. About the equipment of our army and the proper training of our soldiers.
  • We pray for the ministry of chaplains, for the increase of ministers in their ranks. May they be filled with God’s power to proclaim His Word and manifest His power.
  • We pray for the expansion of opportunities to provide qualified medical care to our military personnel abroad. On the exclusion of the corruption component in medical institutions when making decisions about leaving for treatment. About providing the necessary assistance to as many of our defenders as possible.
  • We pray for families to be spiritually healthy. About restoration of families. We pray that parents will be responsible for their children, for their proper upbringing. We also pray for the orphans whose number have increased because of the war, to be adopted and accepted.
  • We pray that Christian youth actively serve and evangelize during the war, so that God’s light spreads and ignites the hearts of their peers who do not yet know God. That they are brave and zealous for Christ.
  • We pray for the needy and those who have financial difficulties. About displaced persons and all those who lost their homes due to the war. So that these people are not deprived of attention and warmth, so that they come to Christ and in Him receive everything they need for their spirit, soul and body.
  • We pray for the strengthening of information protection in Ukraine and prevention of its leakage. About the timely repelling of cyber attacks by our IT specialists, as well as their prevention at the stage of preparation.
  • We pray for the preservation of our cultural heritage, especially in the captured territories. May the intentions of the Russians to destroy Ukrainian literature and language on the occupied territory and impose their own be futile.

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10 NIV

The Lord is our unbreakable rock. We will not waver! LET’S NOT LEAVE common prayer! MAXIMUM REPOST of this important information!

656th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

💛💙 What we thank God for:

  • We thank God for the hearts of His servants who seek His face, who join forces for a common task on the spiritual front – to stand and win, to think through the challenges, accept them and get back to work – each in the area entrusted to him. Thank God that we do it not by our own strength, but by His strength.
  • Our Armed Forces are making progress on the left bank of the Kherson region.
  • All enemy targets that attacked Ukraine today (18 attack UAVs and 8 missiles) were shot down by our anti-aircraft defense. Thank God for such results and for so many lives saved.
  • It was possible to unblock one of the main checkpoints on the border of Ukraine and Poland.
  • Britain and Norway, which led a new “naval coalition” to help Ukraine, will give us Viking ships, boats and amphibious vehicles.
  • Sweden allocated 120 million euros to Ukraine for the purchase of heating equipment and increasing the capacity of the electricity network, as well as for other measures that will help Ukrainians survive the winter.
  • Over the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 19 tanks, 31 units of armored combat vehicles, and 13 units of motor vehicles.

💥 Threats remain:

  • Russian troops attacked Kyiv, Kryvyi Rih. Kherson region was shelled.
  • Russian troops intensified their offensive in the Avdiivka direction. A significant aggravation of the situation is recorded, the number of combat clashes is record.
  • A rotation of Russians was recorded at one of the airfields in Belarus.
  • Russia completed the construction of two nuclear submarines.
  • In the energy system of Ukraine, a deficit has been recorded due to a lack of capacity.
  • The CEC of Russia allowed elections to be held in the occupied territories of Ukraine.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • Let’s continue to pray for the Avdiivka direction, where it is very hot now. About God’s intervention in the course of these events, about the turning point in the situation. About the supernatural protection of our soldiers and God’s guidance.
  • We pray for our military, which is resisting the enemy’s invasion in the east. Let God’s guardians cover them from enemy fire, let there be as few losses as possible, let souls be saved.
  • We pray for steadfastness and strength in the spiritual battle. Let everyone who believes in Jesus Christ be clothed in God’s armor, have weapons strengthened by God to destroy strongholds and evil plans.
  • We pray that various forces cannot use the division of the people as a tool to achieve certain interests that are not in favor of the state. About the coherence of actions in Ukraine at all levels of government, about the eradication of corruption and theft.
  • We pray for those children who, because of the war, cannot get quality education, and sometimes do not have access to it at all. May God help them find open doors and opportunities. Let God help them to make up for what was lost.
  • We pray for opportunities to sell the harvest, which is very high this year, but with export difficulties due to the blockade of the Black Sea by Russia and the blockade of the border for trucks by our European neighbors. We pray that farmers will be able to sell grain at an acceptable price, that grain prices and logistics will be balanced.
  • We pray for families separated by war. We pray that the Lord will help overcome difficulties so that the hearts of the spouses do not grow cold, that they can be able to resist and unite in due time.

“Will You not revive us again, so that Your people may rejoice in You? Show us Your grace, Lord, and grant us Your salvation. I will listen to what the Lord God will say; He promises peace to His people, but let them not return to their sinful life. (Psalm 85:6–8)

The Lord is our unbreakable rock. We will be moved! LET’S NOT LEAVE common prayer! MAXIMUM REPOST of this important information!

655th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🌻What we thank God for:

  • Thank God that He is faithful and unmovable. He said – and it happened. He does not change under the influence of different circumstances. He said about everything, warned about everything – he equipped his Church so that it would be light and salt and His voice.
  • The Armed Forces repulsed 54 attacks in the east and south.
  • Thank God for alternative solutions to the issue on the Polish-Ukrainian border. A batch of trucks arrived in Poland by rail. The Ukrainian and Polish sides have agreed on all issues related to transportation and the registration of customs and border procedures.
  • In Kharkiv region they plan to install 65 modular shelters in strategically important places.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 4 tanks, 10 units of combat armored vehicles, 25 units of automobile equipment.

⚡️ Threats remain:

  • The situation in the east remains difficult, the enemies do not stop offensive actions along the entire front.
  • In the south of Ukraine, the Russian invaders continue to strengthen the fortification of the positions and tighten their reserves. •russia began a more concerted campaign of airstrikes to destroy Ukraine’s energy infrastructure.
  • Russian troops, trying to destroy the bridgehead of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kherson region, use new tactics. In particular, the enemy is trying to launch an amphibious assault to the rear of Ukrainian positions.
  • The Russians use decoy missiles to detect Ukrainian air defense.

🙏Prayer needs:

‼️ Dear intercessors, let us be more active in the prayer of the Spirit for the situation on the front – the invaders are advancing on the entire front, very difficult battles are going on. We pray for God’s supernatural intervention and help from above. For every soldier, that their souls may be reconciled with Christ and be saved. May the Lord be their shield and their help.

  • We pray for military leadership. So that the right decisions are made to ensure the stability of our defenses, the preservation of the lives of our soldiers and the rational use of ammunition. May the Lord help and protect.
  • We pray for the president of the country. Let the Lord be his chief adviser. Let him be guided by God’s wisdom in making important decisions in the interests of the country, let his heart be open to truth and light.
  • We pray for further aid to Ukraine from Western countries, for their support in this extremely difficult time. We pray that Ukraine does not become a bargaining chip in global interests. Let it be a place of God’s glory and supernatural wonders.
  • We pray that the enemy will not succeed in destroying our power system. Let their criminal intentions against the civilian population be in vain. We pray for Ukrainian air defense so that it can successfully intercept Russian missiles.
  • We pray for the provision of real security guarantees to Ukraine by most countries of the world against the attacks of aggressor countries and for the stabilization of the situation in Ukraine. On assistance in solving the issue of increasing the capacity of the Ukrainian Air Defense Forces.
  • We pray for military medics, who often provide medical care to our soldiers in critical conditions. About providing hospitals with doctors, nurses, orderlies, and about their proper provision. May the Lord give medics strength and patience.

“Truly I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, then … just as you will say to this mountain, ‘Be moved and be thrown into the sea!’ – it will happen like this. And whatever you ask in prayer with faith, you will receive.” (From Matthew 21:21, 22)

Through faith and patience we inherit the promises! LET’S NOT LEAVE common prayer! MAXIMUM REPOST of this important information!

654th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

❤️What we thank God for:

  • We thank God that He is the rock of our salvation, who gives us His strength and mercy. For the fact that He widens the path under our feet, and our feet will not stumble on it. “I pursued my enemies and overtook them, and did not return until I defeated them. I will press them to the ground, and they could not rise, and I will trample them. (Psalm 18:37, 38)
  • Air defense destroyed 14 cruise missiles of the Russian army.
  • Ukraine’s economic growth in 2023 is faster than expected, thanks to the growth of exports through seaports, stable electricity supply and high harvests.
  • Low-income families with many children and families with children with disabilities living in the war zone will receive funds from UNICEF to prepare for winter.
  • Germany provided a new package of weapons to Ukraine.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 6 tanks, 11 units of combat armored vehicles, and 7 units of automobile equipment.

⚡️ Threats remain:

  • Russian troops shelled at least 17 settlements in the Kharkiv region and 17 settlements in the Zaporizhzhia region. They hit the outskirts of Mykolaiv with a rocket. Kherson and the region were shelled.
  • In the Mediterranean Sea, the Russian occupiers keep two Caliber carriers.
  • In Ukraine, 504 settlements have been cut off.
  • Russia plans to hold presidential elections in the occupied territories of Ukraine.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We do not tire of praying for this war to end. We pray that those spiritual forces behind the people who are trying to ignite the flames of war will be disempowered and have no leverage over them. We know and believe that God’s light is stronger than any darkness. Victory is in Jesus Christ.
  • We pray that our Armed Forces will show strength and be sufficiently equipped, so that in the difficult winter period the enemies will not be able to seize the initiative on the front and strengthen themselves. We ask for wisdom for military leadership and God’s support for every soldier.
  • We pray for our Ukrainians who were forced to leave their homes and go abroad. May the Lord help these people to settle in other places, may these lives be preserved, may they place their hope in God. And the most important thing is that there should be opportunities for them to return home.
  • We pray for the stability of our energy system, that there will be enough resources for this winter period. About the fact that the enemies did not manage to cause damage and disable the power equipment.
  • We do not stop praying for such an important component of our country’s defense as cyber security. On preventing cyberattacks on state resources of Ukraine and disabling them. About the involvement of highly qualified specialists in this field to strengthen our positions.
  • We pray for the weakening of Kremlin power, the emergence of protest sentiments in Russian society. And also about weakening the influence of aggressive Russian propaganda on people in Russia.
  • We pray for the Church in Ukraine to be the head, not the tail, to be at the forefront of society. That it may be God’s voice of truth in these dark times, a truly influential instrument in God’s hands through which change will take place in our country.

«Contend, Lord, with those who contend with me; fight against those who fight against me. Take up shield and armor; arise and come to my aid.» Psalms 35:1-2 NIV

Through faith and patience we inherit the promises! LET’S NOT LEAVE common prayer! MAXIMUM REPOST of this important information!

653rd day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🌻What we thank God for:

  • From the first days of the war, evangelical Christians of Ukraine, with the support of partners from all over the world, have been providing assistance to people who suffered from Russian aggression. Hundreds of projects are being implemented, thanks to which millions of people have already received various assistance. This is a real example of the Gospel in action – through good deeds to transformation of society. • Anti-aircraft defense managed to destroy 14 enemy missiles.
  • According to the results of November, inflation in Ukraine slowed down compared to October, September and August.
  • Three times less companies closed in Ukraine in 2023 than before the war.
  • 87% of the water supply to the cities affected by the explosion of the Kakhovskaya HPP is ready.
  • Germany provided a new package of weapons to Ukraine.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 8 tanks, 26 units of armored combat vehicles, and 30 units of automobile equipment.

⚡️ Threats remain:

  • Russian bombers fired several waves of missiles over Ukraine, their flight was disguised as a training flight: Russians hit Dnipropetrovsk region with missiles, and struck Kharkiv six times. • Russian troops do not reduce the number of attacks in Avdiivka and Marinka and use aviation. • The Russian occupiers transfer their assault units to the Kupiansk direction to intensify assault operations.
  • In the south, the enemy is increasing the fortification equipment of the positions and is trying to raise reserves, has increased the number of observation points and firing positions, and is intensifying the use of drones.
  • The European Union still imports 50% of Russian liquefied gas.
  • In Ukraine, electricity consumption is growing at a record level. In order to avoid blackouts and maintain the balance in the energy system, emergency assistance is being brought in from Romania and Poland.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray that the Lord will help us to be faithful in praying for our country, to support each other, do not give up. After all, it may be this time that the Lord has called us to stand on the spiritual guard of the protection of our land.
  • We pray for a speedy end to the bloodshed in our country, for peace to come. Let any plans of the enemy to destroy Ukrainians as a nation, break our spirit and sway us to their side be useless.
  • We pray for the assistance of other states in the implementation of the Ukrainian peace formula, taking into account the interests of our country. We pray that Ukraine will not be just a bargaining chip in solving their own problems of the more influential states of the world.
  • We pray for the leaders of our country – the president, the prime minister, the chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, the heads of the security forces. May they always be guided by the fear of God, great responsibility before God and before people.
  • We pray for the economic balance in Ukraine in this extremely difficult time, for the restraint of consumer prices and the search for additional financing channels, in particular, international ones. We pray for the adoption of reasonable and balanced decisions in the economic sector of the country, for the support of small and medium-sized businesses.
  • We pray for our defenders, for them to be provided with warm clothes, quality products, and means of heating. We pray for their strong moral spirit, for God’s protection.
  • We pray for the children who suffered because of the war, for those who lost their parents. We pray for their physical and psychological recovery, that they are not left alone, but receive the help they need.

“You save the humble but bring low those whose eyes are haughty. You, Lord, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light. With your help I can advance against a troop; with my God I can scale a wall.” Psalms 18:27-29 NIV

Through faith and patience we inherit the promises!

652nd day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🌞What we thank God for:

  • We thank God for His support during this extremely difficult time. After all, He is a source of patience and strength for everyone who drinks from this source. Not a word that comes out of His mouth returns to Him empty, but fulfills all that the Lord sent it to do.
  • 15 out of 18 Shaheds were shot down over Ukraine. In addition, the Armed Forces repelled more than 70 Russian attacks per day.
  • In Ukraine, the prosthesis procedure has been simplified. The Cabinet of Ministers has optimized the list of documents that must be submitted to receive prostheses.
  • Four more Ukrainian children returned home thanks to the efforts of an organization dealing with these issues in Ukraine. Thank you!
  • “Ukrzaliznytsia” plans to organize the transportation of trucks across the Ukrainian-Polish border.
  • Japan is ready to allocate $4.5 billion to Ukraine for reconstruction.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 18 tanks, 26 units of combat armored vehicles, and 29 units of motor vehicles.

⚠️ Threats remain:

  • The Russians attacked Kharkiv and Odesa Regions, as a result of which they targeted the port infrastructure of the Danube. They hit Kherson. The Russians hit the TPP in the front-line zone: two blocks of the station stopped work.
  • The occupiers have intensified their attacks in the Avdiivka direction: they use drones with night vision.
  • The US Senate blocked aid to Ukraine.
  • One of the crimes of the Russians is changing the demographic composition of the population of the occupied territories of Ukraine. Thus, since 2014, 800,000 Russians have illegally arrived in Crimea.
  • The Russians are spreading a fake about the “mobilization of orphans” in Ukraine.
  • In Ukraine, due to the cold weather, electricity consumption increased, which led to a deficit in the energy system.
  • The amount of new aid promised to Ukraine decreased by almost 90% compared to the same period last year.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray that Ukraine will be able to renew itself spiritually and defeat the Russian evil that came to our land with the war. We pray for the resurrection of our country!
  • We ask for God’s help in holding positions in the hot spots of the front, we pray for equipment for our soldiers, for wise military leadership, and for the preservation of lives.
  • We bless our soldiers. We pray for the preservation of lives, for supernatural miracles of protection and healing.
  • We pray for Ukrainian children whom Russia deported to its territories (currently, the officially confirmed figure is more than 19,540 people). About the search and actual use of new tools for their return (unfortunately, Ukraine has few such tools today).
  • We pray for the strengthening of air defense systems for Ukraine, for increased international support. We pray that we will be able to get through the winter in conditions of constant threats from the Russian invaders to the Ukrainian security and defense forces, as well as to peaceful citizens.
  • We pray for the civilians who are currently in Russian captivity (according to official data, there are 28,000 such confirmed citizens of Ukraine). For their release, we pray for their condition – physical and mental. We pray for God’s support for these people.
  • We pray for the unity of Christians of different denominations. Let fervent prayer for our region, for the proclaiming of God’s Word, for the conversion of people to the Lord and the salvation of souls that unite us all.

“Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. Be alert and of sober mind.” 1 Peter 5:8 NIV

Through faith and patience we inherit the promises! LET’S NOT LEAVE common prayer! MAXIMUM REPOST of this important information!

651st day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

💛💙 What we thank God for:

  • We thank God for the activation of the churches despite the difficult wartime, for providing spiritual and material help to people who need it, uniting in prayer.
  • 41 attack UAVs of the Russian invaders were destroyed by the forces and means of air defense of Ukraine.
  • The Armed Forces forced the occupiers to retreat from two positions near Avdiivka. Thank God for the smallest successes on the battlefield. • Thanks to mutual agreements of the Offices of the authorised representatives in Ukraine and the Russian Federation, their employees visited 119 prisoners of war who are in the territory of Ukraine and Russia. We are grateful that the relatives were able to receive the long-awaited news from the captured soldiers.
  • Ukraine will be able to export to world markets 50 million tons of grain and oilseed crops of the 2023 harvest, as well as about 10 million tons of vegetable oils.
  • Britain allocated a winter aid package to Ukraine. Thank God for every country that helps us.
  • The Council of the International Register of Damages Caused by Russian Aggression will hold its first meeting in The Hague.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 13 tanks, 40 units of armored combat vehicles, 1 aircraft, and 49 units of automobile equipment.

💥 Threats remain:

  • Russians shelled Kharkiv region and Kherson.
  • In the Taurian direction, the Russian Federation intensified the use of drones, aviation and artillery.
  • The Russian military was tasked with taking Avdiyivka at any cost by December 14, when the head of the Kremlin is to hold the summary press conference.
  • Russia is improving attack drones to weaken Ukraine’s electronic warfare measures.
  • Russia has intensified information and psychological operations of various kinds.
  • International reserves of Ukraine have decreased for four months in a row.
  • 1,750 objects of cultural infrastructure were damaged in Ukraine due to Russian aggression.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray that the light of the Gospel becomes saving for various people in our country – despairing, tired, wounded, without hope and expectation. And so that they see a way out in this light. So that our country is resurrected. 🇺🇦 Today is the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. We thank God for every defender, who is far from his own homes and relatives, who devotes every day to the unceasing struggle to protect our country and creates its history, our future. We pray that everyone will come to know the Lord, be strengthened by His strength and not lose hope in their hearts.
  • We also do not stop praying for those who are currently in captivity, so that the Lord strengthens them spiritually and physically. So that they get the long-awaited freedom and return to their native land. We pray for the resumption of the negotiation process and the return of the exchange of prisoners.
  • We pray for the continuation of international military support, for the adoption of relevant decisions in the Senate. We rely primarily on God’s support and His help.
  • We pray for the defense of Avdiivka, that the enemy’s plans to take the city before December 14 will not be implemented. We pray for the military strengthening of our troops, the improvement of the morale of the soldiers. About wisdom for military leadership in planning strategic and tactical tasks.
  • We pray that the majority of Russians will change their thinking and analysis of events so that they are not just consumers of propaganda, but support what promotes peace, and not destruction.
  • We pray that Ukraine will be able to counter all kinds of hostile informational and psychological operations aimed at discrediting our country, as well as at demoralizing and dividing society. May these intentions not be realized and be forewarned from our side.

«Lord, be gracious to us; we long for you. Be our strength every morning, our salvation in time of distress.» Isaiah 33:2 NIV

649th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

❤️What we thank God for:

  • Thank God for the fact that ministers in churches understand the importance of using modern information channels in reaching the people of this world with the Gospel. Therefore, they offer various educational programs to increase the professionalism and effectiveness of preaching. So, in Zhytomyr region, training was conducted for media persons who write about the life of the Church.
  • Air defense destroyed a Russian missile and 18 Shaheds. Thank goodness the lethal weapon missed its target.
  • Thank God for the combat capability of our Armed Forces. Over the past day, they repelled more than 60 attacks by the occupiers.
  • Ukraine received modern anti-aircraft complexes and missiles for air defense from Western partners.
  • The military will receive more drones in December.
  • Ukraine returned a family with two children from the occupied part of the Kherson region. We rejoice and thank God for every life saved.
  • Thank God for the smallest positive results in solving the issue of blocking the Polish-Ukrainian border. One of its points was crossed by our 50 trucks.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 5 tanks, 5 units of combat armored vehicles, and 19 units of automobile equipment.

🔥 Threats remain:

  • The Russians shelled the Kherson region.
  • the Russian Federation began to install thermobaric charges on Shaheds. Their main danger is not the area of ​​damage, but in the inability to hide from the explosion in the affected area.
  • Enemy Shaheds have already reached the western regions.
  • German authorities seek to reduce their contribution to the EU fund for Ukraine due to significant bilateral military aid.
  • Bulgaria blocked the transfer of armored vehicles to Ukraine.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray that the enemies will not be able to take over our country, that the yoke of occupation will be removed. We believe and speak the word that Ukraine is a spiritual cradle and granary for many peoples. The enemy is trying to defile, disgrace and humiliate our country, but we believe that it will be resurrected and exalted by God.
  • We pray for steadfastness and strength in the spiritual battle. Let every soldier of Christ be in God’s armor, have weapons strengthened by God to destroy strongholds and evil plans.
  • We pray for the strengthening of international aid to Ukraine, for further cooperation in the field of security and defense, for the training of the Ukrainian military.
  • We pray for the attraction of investments to restore destroyed schools and houses, to finance business and the agricultural sector. About the strengthening of medium and small businesses, assistance in this from the side of the state.
  • We pray for further solidarity of major countries with Ukraine. About depriving the Russian military machine of key technologies and funding around the world. About the strengthening of sanctions pressure on the aggressor.
  • We pray for the stabilization of the economic situation in Ukraine, as well as an increase in the demand for labor, the filling of the labor market with qualified personnel, which is currently lacking due to the departure of a large part of young people and middle-aged people from Ukraine.
  • We pray that Ukrainians will continue to receive humanitarian aid (in 2023, 10 million Ukrainians received humanitarian aid). For having favorable conditions at the legislative level and opportunities to deal with these issues

«The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.» 2 Peter 3:9 NIV

Through faith and patience we inherit the promises! LET’S NOT LEAVE common prayer! MAXIMUM REPOST of this important information!

648th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🌞What we thank God for:

  • Thank God that the Lord is our unmovable rock of salvation. We place our hope in Him. “This is what I remind my heart, that’s why I have hope: It is the Lord’s mercy that we did not perish, because His mercy does not end, it is new every morning, because Your faithfulness is great! The Lord is my portion, says my soul, therefore I put my hope in Him!” (Lamentations 3:21–24).
  • Air defense shot down ten attack drones at night.
  • Japan started a new program to support Ukrainians fleeing the war.
  • One of the checkpoints on the Ukrainian-Polish border will be opened for the passage of empty trucks.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 4 tanks, 11 units of combat armored vehicles, and 22 units of automobile equipment.

💥 Threats remain:

  • The Russians hit Kherson.
  • Russian troops are trying to strengthen the defense in the southern directions and continue the pressure with bombardments using guided aerial bombs of various power.
  • the Russian Federation activated the infantry in the Taurian direction.
  • Poland tightened control over trucks from Ukraine.

🙏Prayer needs: • We pray for the strengthening of the positions of our troops, for the implementation of offensive actions. About the destruction of the defensive and offensive forces of the occupiers. About the weakening of the enemy – military and moral.

  • Let’s keep hot spots on the front in prayer. Let God’s angels help our soldiers, let the supernatural happen despite the natural course of things. We pray for God’s intervention in difficult situations. About making wise and balanced military decisions.
  • We pray for the provision of real military aid to Ukraine, so that our country can oppose the enemy on the battlefield, as well as protect the civilian population from rockets and missiles.
  • We pray for the conversion of our soldiers to the Lord, the stability of their spirit, indomitability and reliance on the Almighty God.
  • We pray that Russia will not succeed in achieving its criminal goals in attacking Ukraine’s energy system. About the creation of effective protection of our energy facilities, about the accurate work of air defense.
  • We pray for a decrease in the ability of Russian troops to conduct effective combat operations, a lack of clear coordination between command and battalions. About the decline in the morale of Russian servicemen, the understanding of the unjustification of the risk of giving one’s life for empty ideas.
  • We pray for the strengthening of the Church at this time, for its effectiveness and influence in Ukraine and beyond. About unity, love between brothers and sisters despite differences in views and actions. We bless every church in Ukraine regardless of denomination. May the Lord help us to focus on what unites and strengthens us.

“And if I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; You are my guide and protect me.” (Book of Psalms 23:4)

Through faith and patience we inherit the promises! LET’S NOT LEAVE common prayer! MAXIMUM REPOST of this important information!

647th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🌾 What we thank God for:

  • In many churches, emphasis is now placed on the teaching of ministers who are engaged in soul care, since more than 90% of Ukrainians experience traumatic events. So the church is the answer to the acute needs of society in this difficult time.
  • Ukrainian defenders shot down a rocket in the sky over Dnipropetrovsk region. They also shot down and destroyed 10 of the 11 “shaheeds”.
  • In the Tavri direction and, in particular, near Avdiivka, the Russian occupiers reduced the number of attacks by one and a half times.
  • In Germany, another 70 Ukrainian soldiers completed training on the Patriot air defense system.
  • The Czech Republic extended temporary protection for refugees from Ukraine.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 7 tanks, 13 units of combat armored vehicles, and 11 units of automobile equipment.

⚡️ Threats remain:

  • The occupiers shelled the border areas of Chernihiv region. They hit the Dnipro district with rockets.
  • The occupiers attacked at once on six front lines: 84 combat clashes took place.
  • Due to the transport blockade, Ukrainian exports across the border with Poland fell by 40%.
  • There was a complete blackout at the ZNPP, which poses a threat to nuclear and radiation safety.
  • Massive power outages in western Ukraine due to bad weather.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray that the trials that have befallen us at this time will help us to be purified and strengthened. May the Lord lead us through this path and help us not to break down and despair, but to stand up.
  • We pray that responsibility for corruption will become more severe in Ukraine, for cleansing in various spheres of illegal schemes, embezzlement, which weakens the country and break trust in it.
  • We pray for continued aid to Ukraine from allied countries, because the war is taking away a lot of our resources. So that it really was help, and not just the provision of loans under binding conditions.
  • We pray for Ukrainian soldiers who protect us on the battlefield. May the Lord be their strength and power, their protection, and most importantly, their Savior.
  • We pray for the situation at the Zaporizhzhya NPP, for the avoidance of an accident for any reason and the creation of a radiation hazard. We pray for the establishment of a clear operation of the station and not to use such objects as a method of military pressure and influence.
  • We also pray for the avoidance of a blackout in Ukraine this winter. We bless the repairmen so that they can quickly restore power. About the possibility of finding alternative options for electricity supply.
  • We pray for the dismantling of the Kremlin system of government, political destabilization in Russia. Let the idols fall and Russian propaganda lose its power. We pray for a change in social values in Russia.

“If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” (Matthew 21:22)

Through faith and patience we inherit the promises! LET’S NOT LEAVE common prayer! MAXIMUM REPOST of this important information!

646th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🇺🇦What we thank God for:

  • We thank God for unity in the Body of Christ regardless of country and language of communication. Thank God for the support of believers from other countries who pray for Ukraine. In particular, on the last Wednesday of every month, the European Baptist Federation organizes a prayer meeting, during which our brothers and sisters pray for peace in Ukraine.
  • Thank God for our air defense that shot down the enemy’s tools of death every night. The Air Force shot down 18 drones and a missile that night.
  • Thank God for our fertile land, for the new harvest. Almost 77 million tons of grain and oil crops were threshed in Ukraine.
  • The aggressor country Russia was not re-elected to the board of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) for 2024-2025.
  • Switzerland froze about 8.8 billion dollars of Russian assets.
  • The World Bank will provide $1.2 billion to Ukraine. The money will go to support 29 programs of social assistance to the most vulnerable sections of the population.
  • Over the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 13 tanks, 32 units of combat armored vehicles, and 38 units of automobile equipment.

💥 Threats remain:

  • 528 shells arrived in Kherson region in 24 hours. Kryvyi Rih and Nikopol district were hit by Russian strikes. They attacked Kropyvnytskyi with two cruise missiles.
  • Russian troops do not stop trying to surround Avdiivka.
  • As a result of a nighttime attack by drones on agricultural enterprises in Mykolaiv region, there were damaged a warehouse building, a hangar, and agricultural machinery.
  • There are 2,100 trucks standing in queues at the border between Poland and Ukraine.
  • In Russia, the strategic exercises “Ocean-2024” were announced.
  • In occupied Energodar in Zaporizhzhia region, Russian soldiers are being resettled in the apartments of local residents who left for evacuation.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray for the filling of people’s hearts with a thirst for knowledge of God. Let Ukraine become a center of God’s fire, anointing and supernatural manifestations of His power.
  • We pray that our military will displace the occupiers from Ukrainian lands. About cleaning up our territories and minimizing the damage caused by enemies to our country.
  • We cover the hot areas of the front, our defenders, with our prayers. Let the Angels of God stand guard over these borders, let help come from above, let the enemy have no strength to attack.
  • We pray for the economic potential of the country to cope with the catastrophic upheavals caused by the war. About reducing the level of corruption, deep social stratification of our society.
  • We pray for the chaplains, for their service. May the Lord fill them with strength so that through them souls are saved, bodies are healed, and supernatural miracles occur. May the Lord bless everyone.
  • We pray for the reunification of families. About the search and return of abducted Ukrainian children. On providing state assistance to families who have lost their relatives.
  • The Ministry of Health and the All-Ukrainian Council of Churches discussed the possibilities of involving chaplains in the process of providing care to patients. Therefore, we pray that in the conditions of a full-scale war in Ukraine, a holistic approach to the provision of medical care will be implemented, which would take into account both the physical and psychosocial aspects of each patient. To involve chaplains in providing spiritual and psychological support to patients, as is practiced in the world, where chaplains are full members of multidisciplinary teams in medical institutions.

“Hear my prayer, God. Hear the voice of my plea! In the day of my grief I will pray to You, and You will help me.” (Book of Psalms 86:6, 7)

Through faith and patience we inherit the promises! LET’S NOT LEAVE common prayer! MAXIMUM REPOST of this important information!

645th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

❤️What we thank God for:

  • Thank God for dedicated ministers who support people in dangerous places. Despite the proximity to the front (4 km from the contact line), believers from Zaporizhia and other regions continue to serve people in Gulyaipole, Zaporizhzhia region. Together with food kits, they distribute hygiene products, share Gospel, pray for people, communicate and encourage.
  • Our defenders of the sky shot down 14 Russian drones.
  • The National Guard stopped an assault group of Russians near Avdiivka.
  • The last families with children were evacuated from dangerous areas of the Kupyansk area in the Kharkiv region.
  • The Polish government agreed with the carrier strikers to localize the blockade and not extend it to other checkpoints.
  • The Netherlands is ready to support Ukraine with an additional aid package in the amount of 2.5 billion euros for 2024.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 13 tanks, 28 units of combat armored vehicles, and 13 units of automobile equipment.

⚡️ Threats remain:

  • Russian troops attacked the Kherson region with more than 100 shellings. Six rockets hit the district in Donetsk region
  • 101 combat clashes took place at the front during the day.
  • Russia is deploying a new paratrooper division in Ukraine.
  • Russia has increased the number of missile carriers in the Black Sea.
  • IAEA experts recorded military activity in the vicinity of two Ukrainian nuclear power plants – Khmelnytskyi and Zaporizhzhya.
  • Hungary will not support the decision to start negotiations on Ukraine’s accession to the EU and the provision of 50 billion euros by the European Union until 2027.
  • Russia produces six times more drones than Ukraine every month.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray that people who are in Jesus Christ will stand in the truth, not grow cold in God’s love, be filled with the Holy Spirit and be in God’s peace. That they may be the ones through whom God’s light spreads in the darkness that has descended on our land.
  • We pray that each of our soldiers will be under God’s protection. May the Lord strengthen them physically and morally. So that trials are not overwhelming, but that God is hope and a solid foundation for everyone.
  • Let’s support in prayer our brothers and sisters who serve people not far from the front line. We ask for God’s protection for them, support from the Holy Spirit to give love and hope where there is despair, grief and loss. We also ask for God’s provision for their families.
  • Let us also pray for the children in Ukraine, because the war caused new health problems in many. May the Lord help to touch the heart of every child so that they feel His love and peace. We also pray for the implementation of various government programs aimed at supporting children in wartime, which would include the provision of medical care, psychological support, educational services and provision of basic needs.
  • We pray for the adoption of balanced approaches to the distribution of financial support for internally displaced persons. From February 1 next year, only 170,000 IDPs will receive assistance, currently 2.6 million. That people who really need it are not left without help.
  • We pray for an increase in social tension in Russia due to dissatisfaction with the war, and therefore – an increase in prices and a decrease in the standard of living. Let awareness and insight come to people, and let the delusion created by television propaganda fall away.

“And He said to me: Son of man, will these bones live? And I answered: Lord God, You know! And He said to me: Prophesy about these bones, and you will say to them: Dry bones, listen to the words of the Lord! …And I prophesied as commanded.” (Book of Ezekiel 37:3,4).

Through faith and patience we inherit the promises! LET’S NOT LEAVE common prayer!

MAXIMUM REPOST of this important information!

644th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🇺🇦What we thank God for:

  • We thank God that the voice of the Church sounds louder and louder in these dark times in Ukraine – on the streets of cities and villages, in government offices, at the front through chaplains and other ministers. The call to repentance, to reconciliation with Christ has now acquired extraordinary sharpness and significance.
  • At night, air defense shot down all the drones that attacked Ukraine.
  • For the first time in history, Russia was not elected to the Executive Council of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. At the same time, Ukraine, Poland and Lithuania were elected for the period of 2024-2026.
  • In Crimea, due to a storm, a “shakhed” fell, which the Russians launched over Ukraine.
  • The movement for the return of mobilized men from the war in Ukraine is gaining momentum in Russia. Soldiers’ relatives write appeals, petitions and organize closed channels.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 15 tanks, 27 units of combat armored vehicles, and 46 units of motor vehicles.

‼️ Threats remain:

  • Russian troops shelled 26 towns and villages of Zaporizhzhia region during the day. Kherson region was hit with 778 shells, and Kherson was also shelled, causing the lights to go out in a number of districts.
  • 87 skirmishes took place at the front during the day.
  • Two Russian submarines remain on combat duty in the Black Sea, their equipment is up to eight Kalibr missiles.
  • Under Mariupol, the invaders arrange “clearings”.
  • The Russians settled more than 100,000 migrants from Asia in the occupied territories.
  • Slovakia will extend the ban on the import of agricultural products from Ukraine. In addition to crops, the ban will also be extended to the import of honey, sugar, malt and soybeans.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray for more decisive support of foreign countries in our opposition to Russia. That some neighboring countries, in this difficult time for us, are ready to seek compromises, and not to speak in the language of ultimatums and economic blockades. About the end of this bloodshed on our land. Let new opportunities for establishing peace in Ukraine open up.
  • We pray that our economy will not fall, and that our national currency will not depreciate. About supporting small and medium-sized businesses, rational use of funds from the state budget.
  • We pray for the proper equipment of our army, for the observance by our allies of the previously given promises and agreements. About the prevention of any abuses that lead to problems at the front regarding the provision of our soldiers. We bless every Ukrainian defender.
  • We pray for the adoption of a truly balanced and well-founded decision by the government regarding the procedure for importing and distributing humanitarian aid. So that such decisions benefit Ukrainians, and not, on the contrary, make it impossible to receive humanitarian aid from foreign partners and cause the collapse of volunteering.
  • We pray that due attention will also be paid in Ukraine to issues that are important components of national security: family policy of the state, protection of children’s lives, support of fatherhood and motherhood.
  • We do not stop praying for protection on the information front, countering various fakes spread by the Russian special services. May the enemies’ attempts to manipulate people’s consciousness, as well as intentions to destabilize the situation in Ukraine, be futile.
  • We pray for the exposure of the work of the enemy’s agent network on the territory of Ukraine. That our counter-intelligence agents timely expose the perpetrators, and also prevent possible terrorist attacks.

«Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.» Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV

Through faith and patience we inherit the promises!

643rd day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🌞What we thank God for:

  • We thank God for courageous and faithful ministers who remain where life is I. danger, but where there are people who need the Lord. Thus, a mobile House of Prayer was opened in an almost completely destroyed village in the Mykolayiv region.
  • Thanks for God’s support of our soldiers during this period, which is complicated by weather conditions. Our defenders repelled more than 70 attacks of Russian troops.
  • Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, 2,598 Ukrainians have been freed from Russian captivity.
  • Ukrainian air defense forces were able to shoot down already 15 Russian X-47 “Kinzhal” aeroballistic missiles.
  • Almost 6 million hectares of winter crops were sown in Ukraine.
  • The United States allocates $25 million for Ukraine’s energy sector. And the EU allocated 194 million euros for the training of fighters for the Armed Forces.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 3 tanks, 3 units of combat armored vehicles, 3 units of automobile equipment.

💥 Threats remain:

  • The Russians hit Toretsk, Donetsk region, Berislavsky district, Kherson region, and a five-story building in Nikopol. They hit an enterprise in Zaporizhzhia and Kryvyi Rih with a rocket. They shelled Kherson, the civil infrastructure of the city of Seredyna-Budy in Sumy region.
  • Presumably, Russia is preparing to increase the number of hostilities, as well as the number of air attacks against Ukrainian cities.
  • The President of Russia signed the state budget with record spending on defense, the amount pledged is 70% more than in 2023.
  • The Russians took a missile-carrying frigate to the Black Sea.
  • The ruling regime of Russia is preparing for the upcoming elections and therefore ordered the collaborators to strengthen the process of passporting.
  • The Russians are looking for teachers who work remotely for Ukraine in the occupied territories.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • Intercessors, let us continue to be united in the prayer of faith – for our country, for our people, so that miracles of salvation may occur in the midst of war. That our prayers pave the way for the realization of those events that should happen by God’s will on our earth. Let’s not give up, let’s not silence our voices! Let the power of unity, the power of the word, the power of the Holy Spirit be manifested!
  • We pray that each of our soldiers will be under God’s protection. May the Lord strengthen them physically and morally. So that trials are not overwhelming, but that God is hope and a solid foundation for everyone.
  • We pray for the successful course of bilateral consultations with all G7 countries regarding long-term support for Ukraine in the field of security and economy, as well as for the conclusion of bilateral agreements on security guarantees, as stipulated in the G7 Joint Declaration on the support of our country.
  • We pray for the restoration of the exchange of captives. About reaching agreements on this issue with the Russian side, which is currently blocking this process. About the international influence on Russia, which must fulfill its international agreements and arrangements, which it has signed.
  • We pray that Ukrainian youth will be converted to Christ. And also about the fact that strong anointed ministers devoted to God would rise up among believing young men and women. On strengthening service to teenagers and children, sharing Gospel among students.
  • We pray for the protection of the rights of Ukrainian children, an end to their deportation and forced transfer to the territory of Russia. On the effective work of specialized committees to identify and respond to violations of children’s rights committed by the Russian occupiers.

«The end of all things is near. Therefore be alert and of sober mind so that you may pray.» 1 Peter 4:7 NIV

The Lord is our light and salvation: who should we fear? LET’S UNITE in common prayer.

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641st day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

💛💙 What we thank God for:

  • We thank God for keeping Ukraine in His hands. For the fact that the plans of the enemies will not be realized. Thank God for His future for our country.
  • Air defense destroyed eight out of nine Shaheds during the night.
  • The Armed Forces repulsed eight Russian attacks on Robotyne in the Zaporizhzhia region.
  • Energy workers restored the electricity to residents of 60 settlements.
  • About 30 servicemen of the Russian Federation surrendered to the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Tavria direction during the week.
  • Switzerland will provide 100 million francs (approximately 103 million euros) for humanitarian demining in Ukraine.
  • Over the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 11 tanks, 16 units of armored fighting vehicles, and 29 units of automobile equipment.

⚠️ Threats remain:

  • The Russians want to reoccupy Kupyansk.
  • The Russian occupiers can launch combined strikes on the Ukraine. They can use kamikaze drones and long-range missiles.
  • A reduction in international aid to Ukraine can significantly damage the defense capability of the Ukrainian army. At the same time, Russia continues to produce weapons.
  • The group of “big countries” of the European Union seeks to mitigate the 12th package of sanctions against the Russian Federation.
  • Human resources are one of the challenges for Ukraine in the long war with the Russian Federation.
  • The Poles want to make the blockade of the border harder.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray for the strengthening of the defense capability of our country, negotiations on further support of Ukraine from strategic partners. About the end of the war and the liberation of our land from the invaders.
  • We pray for the salvation of souls. Even where life cannot be saved, the main thing is that the soul is saved. We pray that the main attention of the Church today is focused on the salvation of the souls, for which Jesus Christ gave Himself.
  • We pray for our high officials to realize their personal sinfulness and their daily need to be cleansed from sin by Jesus Christ. So that they realize the inability to solve the tasks on their own and rely on God’s wisdom and knowledge and have the courage to do what is right.
  • We pray for our defenders, for God’s supernatural protection, for the power from above and the miracle of salvation right on the front.
  • We ask God in prayer for the healing of sick and wounded soldiers in hospitals and clinics, in the trenches and at home. May the Lord raise and strengthen them. And also about those who are in enemy captivity. May the Lord preserve their lives.
  • We pray for missing Ukrainians – soldiers of the Armed Forces and civilians. May the Lord help to send a message to the relatives, if the missing person is alive, may He give the opportunity to return from captivity. May the Lord also support the relatives, help not to lose hope.
  • We pray for increased protection of critical infrastructure facilities. About more effective detection of threats and the use of appropriate measures for their prevention. We pray for the provision of permanent and reliable protection of such objects.

“When I pray, You answer me and encourage me, giving me the strength I need.” (Psalm 138:3)

The Lord is our light and salvation: who should we fear? LET’S UNITE in common prayer.

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640th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

❤️What we thank God for:

  • We thank God for equipping us, as intercessors, with the necessary spiritual weapons for this very time, so that we can stand against the tricks of the devil, against evil spirits in the heavenly realms.
  • This night, air defense destroyed 74 of 75 attack drones that the Russians launched over Ukraine. In particular, 66 Russian drones were destroyed over the Kyiv region, which is a record number for the region.
  • About a dozen Russians surrendered near Avdiivka. • In order to escort ships through the “grain corridor”, Kyiv will receive combat boats from the allies.
  • The European Commission announced that it will allocate 50 million euros for the repair of Ukrainian ports affected by Russian attacks. This should facilitate the export of grain to international markets.
  • Azerbaijan handed over a demining machine to Ukraine. • Switzerland allocated EUR 100 million in aid to the Armed Forces.
  • Germany will strengthen its support for Ukraine, both at the level of the European Union and NATO.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 6 tanks, 7 units of combat armored vehicles, and 29 units of automobile equipment.

⚡️ Threats remain:

  • Russia massively attacked Kyiv with drones from the south and east. A powerful explosion was in Dnipropetrovsk region. The occupiers continue to shell Nikopol area and Kharkiv region. • the Russian Federation modernizes Shaheds with carbon to make them more difficult to detect.
  • During the autumn, Russia could accumulate hundreds of war missiles in military warehouses.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray that the bloody war machine will be stopped. So that those who seek to support and kindle the fire of war lose their strength. About consolidating the efforts of people of peace – at all levels of society.
  • We pray for a decline in the ability of the Russian army to resist in one direction or another. About the destruction of the logistics and warehouse infrastructure, so that the supply of resources and reserves of the enemy to the front line decreases.
  • We pray for the creation of prerequisites in Ukraine, in particular economic, humanitarian, social, for the return of our people. About creating a favorable climate in the country for business operations, and not hindering its development.
  • We pray that the Lord will help our soldiers to hold the defense of the occupied positions, as well as advance forward. We pray for God’s protection, help and strengthening in spirit, soul and body for each defender.
  • We pray for people who have experienced traumatic events and have psychological injuries. About the healing of their soul, about the rebirth of their spirit. May the Lord send His messengers to them, who would bring them God’s message, help them to be filled with His Word and His Spirit.
  • We pray for socially vulnerable groups of people in Ukraine. About the purposeful attraction of funds to help them, as well as about the help of various foundations and public organizations.
  • We pray for Ukrainian children – those who are under fire every day, who hear alarming sirens every day. We ask that the Lord fill them with His love, so that they are supernaturally open to Him. About strengthening their psycho-emotional health.

«Hear my prayer, Lord; listen to my cry for mercy. When I am in distress, I call to you, because you answer me.» Psalms 86:6-7 NIV

The Lord is our light and salvation: who should we fear? LET’S UNITE in common prayer.

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639th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🌻What we thank God for:

  • We thank God that even in the midst of the war in Ukraine, the Good News is spreading, the voice of the Church is becoming louder and firmer. In particular, a tent flashmob from the mission “Christ is the answer” was held in the Zaporizhia, Mykolaiv, Odesa, Kyiv, Chernivtsi, Ternopil, Khmelnytskyi, Rivne, Sumy, and Dnipropetrovsk regions, where ministers of local churches evangelized passers-by in evangelistic tents on the streets of cities and villages.
  • Air defense forces destroyed all enemy drones during the night.
  • Another Patriot system will be deployed in Ukraine in the winter.
  • Truck traffic is unblocked on the border with Slovakia.
  • The Government of Finland has made changes to the budget for next year, which provide for an increase in aid to Ukraine by more than 95 million euros.
  • The Declaration on the Holodomor of Ukrainians was signed by 55 UN member states. We are thankful for support.
  • Over the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 30 tanks, 32 units of armored combat vehicles, and 32 units of motor vehicles. ⚠️ Threats remain:
  • Russian troops attacked with drones Starokostiantyniv in Khmelnytskyi region, and also struck Kharkiv region, as a result of which the infrastructure object was damaged. Kherson was shelled.
  • The Russian occupiers are attacking Avdiivka from all sides, demolishing all the buildings in the city to their foundations in order to make it impossible for Ukrainian defenders to stay there. • The Russians destroyed a children’s library in Kherson.
  • Ukraine’s economy will lose billions of euros due to the blocking of Polish borders.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • With faith in our hearts and hope in the Lord, we pray for the cessation of hostilities, for the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine and the prevention of the outbreak of war.
  • We pray that the Body of Christ will be united, act in the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit, directing the people of this world to Christ and showing them His love and His light. As it is written in the Book of the prophet Isaiah 60:2: “For darkness covers the earth, and gloom over the peoples, but the Lord shines upon you, and his glory appears over you!”
  • Our prayer is needed by the current hottest direction of the front – Avdiivka. The situation there is critical. We ask for God’s help for our soldiers, wisdom for combat commanders and senior military leadership to prevent great losses. • We pray for the economic strength of the country, for the banking system, which is currently showing stability despite the war. We pray that balanced steps are taken, economically sound decisions are made.
  • We pray for the leaders of our state to make wise and balanced decisions, not to be the tools of evil, not to betray state interests. We pray that they will have a deep awareness of their responsibility before God and before people.
  • We pray for our soldiers, as well as those people who provide the front with everything necessary. May the Lord strengthen, open hearts and fill with hope.
  • We continue to pray for the situation on the Polish border. Four checkpoints are currently blocked, and approximately 3,700 trucks are waiting in line for Ukraine. May the Lord help the authorities to find wise solutions that will be a way out of this situation. We pray for the involvement of influential European politicians in solving this issue.

“Your tested faith is much purer and more precious than gold, which is perishable, even though it is tested by fire. But when Jesus Christ appears, your flawless faith will deserve praise, glory and honor.” (1 Peter 1:7)

The Lord is our light and salvation: who should we fear? LET’S UNITE in common prayer.

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638th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🌾 What we thank God for:

  • Thank God for the promotion campaign to support families with children in Ukraine. Street boards and posters are placed in public transport in Kyiv, thanks to which family values ​​and reminders of what the Ukrainian military on the front lines are actually fighting for.
  • Thank God for every life saved. Doctors removed a mine fragment from the heart of a 4-year-old girl who came under mortar fire in Kherson.
  • Ukraine received 400 million dollars from Britain. The money will go to pension payments and wages of medical workers under the medical guarantee program.
  • At one of the checkpoints, Polish border guards began to let up to 20 Ukrainian trucks through per hour, whereas before they let through only 5 or less.
  • The Russians keep a small contingent of troops on the territory of Belarus, which is not enough to start a new invasion of Ukraine.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 20 tanks, 36 units of combat armored vehicles, and 39 units of automobile equipment.

⚡️ Threats remain:

  • Russian troops shelled the residential quarters of Kherson, Chornobayivka in the Kherson region. Explosions were in Kryvyi Rih.
  • The Russians started a new wave of active actions as part of the offensive in the Avdiivka direction.
  • There is a high probability that Russia will receive Iranian ballistic missiles and use them for air attacks on Ukraine, which will pose a serious threat to our air defense.
  • The occupation administration ordered the principals of the controlled schools to hold talks with parents so that they would sign waivers for their children to learn the Ukrainian language.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • As those who have power and authority in Jesus Christ, we pray that the devil’s plans to destroy Ukrainians, plunder our lands, and destroy cities and villages will not be realized. We pray for God’s intercession to stop this bloody war.
  • We pray for the strengthening of Ukraine’s air defense, which is the best strategic investment in security. About the possibilities for closing every major city and region with a reliable air shield, thanks to which more Ukrainians will be able to return from abroad. And this will give a significant boost to the economy, help reduce the budget deficit and, as a result, the need for international financial assistance.
  • We pray for the strengthening of Ukraine’s position in the international arena, as well as for the strengthening of our positions in foreign policy activities, for the expansion of the country’s security capabilities.
  • We pray for opportunities to restore critical infrastructure, in particular, energy facilities, centralized water supply and heating systems, so that people’s basic needs for water, heat and electricity are met.
  • We pray for the support of our soldiers in difficult areas of the front – physical, moral, spiritual. May the Lord lift up and inspire those who are tired, whose hearts are gripped by fear and despair. Let hope and God’s peace fill hearts. • We pray for the lifting of the blockade for Ukrainian carriers on the Polish border. On the intervention of other EU countries in solving this issue. We pray for our drivers who have become hostages of this situation – may the Lord help and strengthen them, give them a way out (two dead drivers who were stuck in queues have already been reported).
  • We pray for steadfastness in the spiritual battle. Let every soldier of Christ be in God’s armor, have weapons strengthened by God to destroy strongholds and evil plans. Let him live by faith, and not by what he sees in the physical world.

«He turned the desert into pools of water and the parched ground into flowing springs; there he brought the hungry to live, and they founded a city where they could settle. They sowed fields and planted vineyards that yielded a fruitful harvest;» Psalms 107:35-37 NIV

The Lord is our light and salvation: who should we fear? LET’S UNITE in common prayer.

637th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🇺🇦What we thank God for:

  • We thank God that the Good News is spreading in Ukraine even despite the war, that we can work freely in God’s field, saving precious souls for God’s Kingdom.
  • Our military shot down 4 Shaheds over Kyiv and Zhytomyr regions.
  • Thank God for being able to return cultural attractions stolen and taken away by the occupiers: Ukraine agreed with the Netherlands to return the Scythian gold collection from four Crimean museums.
  • The European Union is preparing a plan to provide Ukraine with long-term security commitments.
  • Canada will allocate almost a billion dollars in military aid to Ukraine.
  • Slovak carriers have temporarily unblocked the checkpoint with Ukraine.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 7 tanks, 14 units of combat armored vehicles, and 25 units of automobile equipment.

🔥 Threats remain:

  • The Russian military launched a missile attack on Zaporizhzhia.
  • Russian troops are actively attacking in the east of Ukraine. During the past day, 48 combat clashes took place at the front.
  • Russians dropped explosives from a drone on an ambulance in Beryslav, Kherson Region.
  • Due to hostilities, Nikopol was left without water, and another district of Dnipropetrovsk region was without gas.
  • Russian invaders continue to rob farmers and export Ukrainian grain from the occupied territories.
  • The fifth power unit of the Zaporizhzhya NPP is put into “cold shutdown”.
  • In Poland, the expansion of the blockade on the border was announced.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray for the strength of our country – primarily spiritual, as well as military. About strengthening its defense capabilities, the ability to protect cities and villages from missile attacks and drones. On the continuation of international assistance despite the emergence of new challenges.
  • We pray that today’s Rammstein meeting will be productive for Ukraine, and that our soldiers will receive the necessary provisions for the winter period. And also that our allies provide air defense systems, artillery and ammunition.
  • We also pray for the receiving of short-range radars, for which Ukraine has made a request to the USA. These radars are designed to track ballistic missiles, slow-moving drones, airplanes and helicopters, and much more.
  • We pray for the Ukrainian military, who are fighting hard defensive battles in difficult weather conditions in four directions – Lyman, Bakhmut, Donetsk and Avdiivka. May the Lord be a source of strength and hope for them. May the Lord help to resist the enemies.
  • An urgent need for prayer – for the restoration of the exchange of prisoners, which is currently blocked by Russia. On the one hand, as a result, a large number of Russians appeared, for whom there was already little room in the existing camps in Ukraine. And on the other hand, what is most painful, our Ukrainians still do not have the opportunity to return home from Russian captivity.
  • We pray that before making any decisions on tariff increases, various aspects of the consequences of such increases will be taken into account in the current difficult conditions. About eliminating the corruption component, when large companies receive excess profits, small and medium-sized businesses are on the verge of closure, and ordinary Ukrainians are impoverished.
  • We pray for Ukrainians (especially those who are near the front line) who lack food, medicine, etc. About the timely delivery of humanitarian and food aid to these people. So that they can also receive financial assistance.

«All the trees of the forest will know that I the Lord bring down the tall tree and make the low tree grow tall. I dry up the green tree and make the dry tree flourish. “ ‘I the Lord have spoken, and I will do it.’ ”» Ezekiel 17:24 NIV

The Lord is our light and salvation: who should we fear?

LET’S UNITE in common prayer.

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636th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

❤️ What we thank God for:

  • We thank God for equipping His children and for them to carry His love and hope where there is despair, pain and evil. Thank God that they do not act by their own power, but by His one.
  • Thank God for the smallest success in resisting the Russian aggressors: air defense forces shot down a cruise missile and 10 drones. The Armed Forces repulsed 20 Russian attacks near Bakhmut.
  • Thank God for the international help and support:

🔸 Western countries have trained 100,000 soldiers for the Armed Forces;

🔹 rescuers of Kirovohrad region received new special equipment;

🔸 Norway handed over a mobile radiation control complex to Ukrainian border guards;

🔹 The European Union postponed paid entry of Ukrainians to European countries;

🔸 Ukraine will receive weapons worth 1.3 billion euros.

  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 6 units of combat armored vehicles, 7 units of automobile equipment.

⚡️ Threats remain:

  • Russian troops launched a mass attack with S-300 missiles on Selidovo, Donetsk region. Kharkiv region was shelled.
  • The US supply of artillery shells to Ukraine has dropped by more than 30% since Israel’s war against Hamas began.
  • Russians damaged gas pipelines in Kharkiv, Sumy and Khmelnytskyi regions.
  • the Russian Federation keeps 11,000 Ukrainian children in “re-education camps”.
  • Iran’s new Shahed-238 is more difficult to detect in the air.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray for the reduction of the enemy’s offensive potential, their demoralization. Let all incentive to fight be lost. We pray that “the Lord will protect us from violent people who plan evil in their hearts and cause wars every day.” May the Lord protect us from the hands of the wicked. • We pray for the leaders of our country, to whom the Lord has entrusted power at this time. That they defend the interests of their country and their people. To be guided not by the desire to enrich oneself, but by the desire to change one’s country for the better.
  • We pray for the strengthening of the spirit of our soldiers, for God’s support for everyone who is tired, discouraged, everyone who has lost hope. May they have an amazing encounter with the living God and may they receive salvation.
  • We pray for the creation of a professional army in Ukraine, as well as a new system of defense procurement, which will include interaction with international partners and long-term budget planning.
  • We pray for the successful cooperation of all our law enforcement institutions, the Office of the Attorney General with the International Criminal Court, so that Russia will be held accountable for war crimes committed and reparations will be paid.
  • We pray for Ukrainians in the occupied territories who are experiencing intimidation, torture, persecution of dissidents, etc. We ask God’s help for them to go through this path, not to lose hope, to be in Christ.
  • And we also pray for our brothers and sisters living under occupation. May the Lord strengthen them, give them the opportunity even in such conditions to testify about Christ, to share His love. May God’s supernatural protection protect them from evil.
  • We pray for the purification and strengthening of the Body of Christ, for the establishment of the Church at this time in the power of the Holy Spirit, in the uncompromising word of truth, for its effectiveness and influence in Ukraine and beyond.

“Be patient in prayer; wait for God’s answer to your prayers and don’t forget to be thankful.” (Colossians 4:2)

The Lord is our light and salvation: who should we fear?

LET’S UNITE in common prayer.

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635th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🌻What we thank God for:

  • We thank God for the churches in the border villages, which continue to serve people despite the shelling. Thank God for the courageous and faithful hearts of the ministers who stay and help where there is a need.
  • Ukrainian defenders conducted a successful counterattack near Avdiivka and advanced.
  • Ukraine’s energy facilities will be under three levels of protection against Russian attacks.
  • The large-scale repair campaign at the power units of the NPP, which lasted several months, was completed before the beginning of winter.
  • Japan will provide €160 million for the economic recovery of Ukraine.
  • Thank God for continuing work and constant negotiations regarding the deportation of Ukrainian children and the return of hostages. In particular, there is an agreement with the authorities of Qatar on assistance in the return of not only Ukrainian children, but also civilian hostages. In addition, possible ways to create an international mechanism to stop deportations and return Ukrainian children home are being discussed with representatives of the British Parliament.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 4 tanks, 2 units of combat armored vehicles, and 7 units of automobile equipment.

⚠️ Threats remain:

  • Russians shelled Kherson. Nikopol in the Dnipropetrovsk region was shelled from the artillery.
  • Energy infrastructure was damaged in Kharkiv, Chernihiv and Zaporizhzhia regions.
  • the Russian Federation transfers equipment with new markings to the Mariupol direction.
  • In the occupied part of the Kherson region, 50 settlements were cut off.
  • At the Polish border, the strikers do not let trucks with humanitarian aid, which are heading to Ukraine, pass.
  • Inmates of a psycho-neurological boarding school were taken to the Russian Federation from the Kherson Region.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray that the voice of praise to our God will sound loudly in different churches in Ukraine. So that in the midst of threats and death we glorify Christ and proclaim His victory of life over death. After all, this weapon defeats the enemy in war, destroys his plans and changes the atmosphere: from fear to FAITH, desperate for HOPE and defeat for VICTORY!
  • We pray for the further strengthening of the strategic partnership between Ukraine and the USA, in particular, for the provision of the Armed Forces with the necessary combat capabilities – both for the winter period and for the protection of our country from future Russian threats.
  • We pray for our defenders – for God’s support in this cold period. About conversion to the Lord, steadfastness of spirit and reliance on God.
  • Let our prayer be heard for the Chairman and deputies of the Verkhovna Rada, so that they will really be on the guard of legality, and not pass anti-state laws that harm the country. That they have the fear of God in their hearts and remember that they must answer for their actions first of all before God’s law.
  • We pray for the strengthening of the institution of the family in our country at the state level. About depriving perversion ideologies of power, which various political and social forces are currently trying to instill in our people at various levels.
  • We pray for Ukrainian youth. Let opportunities for learning and development open up for them so that they are interested in staying in their country and building it. That these would be people who know God, who hear His voice, strive to do good and justice.
  • We pray for the exposure of corrupt officials and various criminal schemes. About prosecution regardless of personality and rank. About cleaning our country from embezzlement, from total corruption at all levels.

“And it is for this reason that I suffer now, but I am not ashamed, because I know the One in whom I have believed. I am certain that He is able to protect all that He has entrusted to me until that Day comes.” (2 Timothy 1:12)

634th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🇺🇦What we thank God for:

  • We thank God for His opportunities for the Church in this time of crisis, for the emergence of strong spiritual leaders, for the strengthening of every believer in our country.
  • We thank God for enabling our soldiers to repel enemy attacks, in particular, the Armed Forces of Ukraine repelled 26 attacks on Avdiivka. And also to shoot down air targets: air defense forces shot down 15 out of 20 kamikaze drones.
  • In Ukraine, the number of mobile groups to fight against the Shahed will be increased.
  • In a week, sappers neutralized almost 3,000 explosive objects.
  • We thank God for every child who can be returned to Ukraine. Thus one deported Mariupol teenager returned to Ukraine.
  • The Congress of the United States of America will approve a new aid package for Ukraine.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 13 tanks, 25 units of combat armored vehicles, and 29 units of automobile equipment.

⚡️ Threats remain:

  • Russian military shelled Kherson, Sumy region, attacked Cherkasy and Kyiv regions with drones, as a result of which an infrastructure facility was damaged.
  • Avdiivka is threatened by a new wave of Russian offensive.
  • The Russian invaders will not be able to ensure the heating season in the occupied territories of the Kherson region.
  • There was a leak of borated water, which is used in the primary coolant to maintain nuclear safety, at the Russian-occupied Zaporizhzhya NPP.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray that the Lord will grant us mercy and His protection in winter. To save our Ukraine from terrible missile and drone attacks, which threaten the most important infrastructure facilities in the country, as well as the lives of people. We pray for the end of this terrible war.
  • We pray for the strength of spirit of our people, for open hearts for God, for finding protection and comfort in Him. May every broken heart be comforted and healed by God. May they find hope in the Lord.
  • We pray that the new wave of the offensive of the Russian occupiers and the intention to surround Avdiivka will be defeated. So that the enemy could not take under fire control the route that goes directly to Avdiivka and is the main logistical artery.
  • Let’s pray for every soldier, especially in the hot areas of the front. About providing them with warm things and quality food. We ask for God’s support and protection in the most difficult circumstances. Let God’s supernatural corridors be opened for exits where there are none.
  • We pray for an agreement with international partners on the issue of confiscating the sovereign assets of the Russian Federation as soon as possible and directing them to help Ukraine. About the strategic support of the United States of America, which is important for Ukraine.
  • We pray for containment of inflationary processes in Ukraine. About the slowdown in the growth of food prices and state support for vulnerable sections of the population.
  • We pray for the people in the occupied territories, where the Russians cannot provide living conditions – heat, water and other communal services. That these people receive help so that they can find alternative options for heating in winter.

“Children, you are of God, and you have overcome the servants of the antichrist, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” (1 John 4:4)

The Lord is our light and salvation: who should we fear? LET’S UNITE in common prayer. SHARE this information with your friends!

633rd day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

💛💙 What we thank God for:

  • We thank God that believers from different churches and denominations are united by prayer in this difficult time. And not only in Ukraine, but also abroad. That these prayers are like sweet incense before the Lord, which He hears and answers.
  • Defense forces received more than 2,000 Ukrainian UAVs.
  • Almost two hundred fortifications will be built to protect Dnipropetrovsk region.
  • Ukraine collected almost 74 million tons of new crop.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 7 tanks, 9 units of combat armored vehicles, and 14 units of automobile equipment.

⚠️ Threats remain:

  • Russian occupiers attacked Kyiv, Odesa region, where an enemy drone hit an energy infrastructure facility,, and Zaporizhzhia region.
  • The Russians began using the new Scalpel kamikaze drone to attack ground targets in the war against Ukraine.
  • The occupiers have already brought more than 30,000 migrants from Central Asia and the North Caucasus to Mariupol.
  • Systematic Russification of the local population is taking place in the occupied regions of Ukraine.
  • Russian hackers tripled their cyberattacks on Ukraine during the war.
  • For now, the situation on the border with Poland remains tense, where the number of trucks has increased.
  • Russia actually stopped the exchange of prisoners of war, so the aggressor country wants to shake Ukrainian society and use prisoners as a lever of influence.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray that, just as the plans of Russia, which wanted to use famine as a method of military pressure and the export of grain from the occupied territories as a means of political pressure, will not be realized, so its other criminal anti-human intentions will not be realized. We rely on God, on His protection. Let the criminals be shamed.
  • We pray for the continuation of financial support for Ukraine on favorable terms. About the economic stability of Ukraine in the conditions of the war and about the development of the economy after its end.
  • We raise our voices for our soldiers on the front lines. Let their hearts be open to cry to the Lord, for He will hear their voice and save them. As it is said in the Holy Scriptures, “for the angel of the Lord watches over those who honor God and delivers them. Blessed is the man who trusts in Him” ​​(Psalm 34:7, 8).
  • We support in prayer our soldiers who were injured or maimed in the war. We pray for their treatment and rehabilitation. About allocating funding for these needs and providing state aid so that defenders and their families are not left alone with their problems.
  • We pray that in the future Ukraine will be able to successfully pass the heating season and that the situation in the energy sector will be stable. On the continuation of repair and protection of key parts of the power system – substations and other critical equipment.
  • We pray for strengthened cyber security defenses to prevent Russia’s destructive and subversive cyber attacks against Ukraine. About the fact that the enemy could not penetrate the network and spy, so that they could not carry out operations of cyber influence on citizens of the whole world. About strengthening our positions in this area of ​​resistance.
  • We pray for the strengthening of the Church, for new intercessors who would zealously pray for the country, for the people and whose prayers would be inspired by the Holy Spirit. “Full of sorrow and anxiety, He prayed even more diligently; and His sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground. After the prayer, He came to His disciples and found them asleep from grief. And he said to them:

“Why are you sleeping? Get up and pray, so that you will not enter into temptation!” (Luke 22:44-46)

The Lord is our light and salvation: who should we fear? LET’S UNITE in common prayer.

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632nd day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

❤️What we thank God for:

  • We thank God for His fire, which He kindles in the hearts of His people – to believe, to pray, to be steadfast, not to faint, but to walk the narrow path of God’s truth. Despite the pain, new challenges and threats.
  • Air defense destroyed 9 out of 10 Shaheds at night.
  • Ukrainians train on F-16 in the USA.
  • Five children were returned to the territory controlled by Ukraine.
  • In Ukraine, a list of places of temporary residence of IDPs will be formed, and international donors will pay for the repair of these facilities.
  • The Development Bank of the Council of Europe allocated €100 million to Ukraine for the restoration of hospitals.
  • The USA will continue to strengthen the stability of Ukraine’s energy system and plans to allocate another 500 million dollars to protect it from Russian attacks.
  • Finland provided Ukraine with weapons worth €100 million. And the Netherlands reserved €2 billion for Ukraine for 2024.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 27 tanks, 11 units of combat armored vehicles, and 17 units of automobile equipment.

💥 Threats remain:

  • the Russian Federation staged fire terror in the Kherson region.
  • Due to Russian shelling, Kostyantynivka in Donetsk region was left without electricity.
  • More than 2,400 children from Ukraine between the ages of six and 17 have been deported to Belarus since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine.
  • Germany “froze” aid to Ukraine for 8 billion euros.
  • At the occupied ZNPP, Russian personnel damage equipment critical to the station’s safety, which threatens a nuclear accident.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray for the adoption of wise decisions by the military leadership of the country regarding the further course of the military confrontation. So that there is no prolongation of this war, so that these decisions contribute to its end as soon as possible. And also about the assistance of international allies.
  • We pray for the legislative branch of government, so that various perversions in legislation are not legalized in our country. So that laws in Ukraine are based on Christian values ​​and God’s Word.
  • We bless our defenders in the trenches, on the front lines. May the Lord reveal himself to them. Let these souls be enlightened by His truth and His light. • We pray for an acceptable solution so that long flights of Russian MiG-31K aircraft, which can carry Kinjal missiles, do not paralyze Ukraine. And also about meeting the needs of the Armed Forces in equipment, missiles, ammunition, equipment and services.
  • We pray for the return of our Ukrainians from captivity (according to official data, 4,337 Ukrainian citizens are still in Russian captivity, of which 3,574 are military personnel and 763 are civilians). About God’s help and support for everyone who is in captivity. About conducting negotiations and achieving effective results on these issues.
  • We also pray for the return of children to Ukraine who were taken to enemy territory. About the reunification of families separated by war. May the Lord help them overcome all obstacles, strengthen and prevent them from giving up.
  • We pray for the safe operation of our nuclear plants, for the restoration of their full operation. We bless the employees of the stations, especially Zaporizhia NPP, who work under constant pressure from the occupiers.
  • Countering the influence of Russian propaganda mouthpieces and other, more clear ways of influencing public opinion in European countries. Establishing effective work of Ukrainian media channels for coverage of events in Ukraine.

«Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.» James 1:2-4 NIV

The Lord is our light and salvation: who should we fear?

LET’S UNITE in common prayer.

630th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🌻What we thank God for:

  • We thank God that He never forgets His Covenant with us, His Word, which He commanded for a thousand generations. God is faithful even when we are unfaithful.
  • Our military is pushing back the enemy on a line from 3 to 8 kilometers along the coast of the Kherson region.
  • Ukrainian families belonging to socially vulnerable categories will receive aid from the UN for the winter.
  • The USA will give 1 million dollars. The International Center for the Prosecution of Russian Aggression in Ukraine for assistance in the investigation of war crimes.
  • The EC improved the forecast for the growth of Ukraine’s economy.
  • Over the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 15 tanks, 18 units of armored combat vehicles, 1 aircraft, and 47 units of automobile equipment.

⚡️ Threats remain:

  • Russian aggressors launched a missile attack on the Zaporizhzhia district. Beryslav in the Kherson region was shelled. They hit a residential building in Selidovo, Donetsk region.
  • Russian troops used chemical weapons in the Bakhmut and Swatovo areas.
  • The Russians are forming new units for assaults.
  • The enemy shelled the territory near the TPP in Donetsk region, and also damaged a gas pipeline in Kharkiv region.
  • They tried to export icons of the 19th century and body crosses of the times of Kievan Rus from Ukraine.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray with faith that our Ukraine is hidden in a safe place – in the mighty Name of Jesus. Even in spite of what we see with our physical eyes, God is our defender, we put our hope in Him. We are hidden in His hand. So let’s stand firm and we will see God’s Glory.
  • We pray against missile and drone attacks. About God’s protection, about the skill of our military, so that all rockets and shahedis were shot down, about preventing the destruction of houses and the death of Ukrainians.
  • We bless our soldiers. We pray for the preservation of lives, for supernatural miracles of protection, healing, for the conversion of souls to Christ.
  • We pray for the families who lost loved ones in this war. May they be comforted by God, may they find peace and hope in Him. Let their needs be fully satisfied.
  • We continue to pray for the restoration of the labor market, for overcoming the disproportion in it, when, on the one hand, we have a shortage of qualified specialists, on the other, a large number of unemployed. About raising wages and stopping the impoverishment of Ukrainians.
  • Let us pray that the Church was guided by the Spirit, which leads to Jesus, to the Word of God, to prayerful dependence on the Father, to testimony about Christ to the people of this world. About keeping the faith to the end and being faithful.
  • We also pray for opportunities for demining our territory as soon as possible. After all, today we have very sad statistics: Ukraine is among the leaders in the number of civilian victims in 2022 due to landmines. We pray that the demining priority will be correctly determined, for a sufficient number of specialists. And also about ensuring that Ukrainians do not die from unexploded mines.

«Hear my prayer, Lord; listen to my cry for mercy. When I am in distress, I call to you, because you answer me.» Psalms 86:6-7 NIV

The Lord is our light and salvation: who should we fear? LET’S UNITE in common prayer.

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629th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🇺🇦What we thank God for:

  • We thank God for our country, for the freedom to preach the Gospel, for saved souls, for peace on our land.
  • Our defenders repelled 24 enemy attacks in the Mariinka direction, and also continue assault operations south of Bakhmut.
  • Russians transfer their ships from occupied Crimea to Novorossiysk, trying to save the remnants of their fleet from Ukrainian missile strikes.
  • The USA handed over 22 mobile boiler houses to Ukraine to survive the winter in war conditions. • The EC announced the allocation of an additional 110 million euros for humanitarian aid to Ukraine.
  • The US supported a draft law that would allow the confiscation of frozen Russian assets for the benefit of Ukraine.
  • Germany transferred a batch of Leopard tanks to Ukraine.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 8 tanks, 7 units of combat armored vehicles, and 24 units of automobile equipment.

⚡️ Threats remain:

  • Russian troops shelled Kharkiv region. They hit Nikopol with three drones. They attacked Kropyvnytskyi and Kherson.
  • The Russian army increased the number of assaults near Avdiivka, Kupyansk and in the Donetsk direction.
  • The Russians attacked the TPP and the oil refinery.
  • In Russia, the construction of a factory for the production of shakhed is underway – international sanctions have not yet been introduced.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray for God’s intervention in the course of this war to stop it. We trust in the Lord. We ask that He strengthen us and that we do not weaken in our souls, but are strengthened in Him.
  • We pray that the Lord will help us to be faithful in praying for our country. That we know how to pray according to His will. To support each other and not give up.
  • We pray for the president, the commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces, and the leaders of the security forces. Let them be united in making decisions and in actions, have wise advisers, do not seek their own, but only what will contribute to victory over the enemy.
  • We pray that the Lord will support our soldiers, that their souls will be saved there, in the midst of death, and receive eternal life, that everyone will be under His protection and have peace in their hearts.
  • We pray for the restoration of Ukraine after the war, for the restoration of critical infrastructure, housing and important social and transport facilities. About providing international financial and material and technical support to our state.
  • We pray that the bloody plans of the Kremlin will not be implemented. About the insight of the main mass of Russians and the realization of the madness of this war and the understanding of the essence of the war-killer machine.
  • We pray for help in demining our lands so they can be used for agricultural purposes. About equipping our sappers with modern equipment.

«Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.» Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV

LET’S UNITE in common prayer.

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628th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🌞What we thank God for:

  • We thank God in our hearts, because this is God’s will for us in Christ Jesus. We do not extinguish the spirit, we examine everything, we hold on to what is good. We thank the Lord for helping us in this.
  • Thanks for God’s help in restraining the enemy: our military repelled 17 enemy attacks near Avdiivka. And also in offensive actions: Ukraine intensified attacks on Russian military facilities in the occupied territories and in the Russian Federation.
  • Thank God for the international support:

🔸The EU has already provided Ukraine with 27 billion euros in military aid and will continue to support us.

🔸Norway will allocate 84 million euros for humanitarian aid to Ukraine.

🔸The USA bought a large batch of Gepard installations for Ukraine.

🔸 Great Britain handed over helmets, winter clothes, body armor and dry rations to the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the eve of winter.

  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 5 tanks, 6 units of combat armored vehicles, and 5 units of automobile equipment.

💥 Threats remain:

  • The Russians hit the center of Kherson. During the day, 279 shells arrived in Kherson region. Kharkiv suffered another rocket attack.
  • During the week, the occupiers shelled the border areas of Chernihiv region 63 times, 569 explosions were recorded.
  • Russia is probably planning to withdraw new manpower reserves to the Melitopol region of the Zaporizhzhia region.
  • the Russian Federation continued military exercises in Belarus, which last more than 80 weeks.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray that the Lord will help us win this war, give our leaders wisdom to save the country and the people, and give our soldiers stability and courage in an unequal struggle. May God’s grace and mercy accompany us in our efforts with His will.
  • We pray that the Lord will preserve our people despite demographic threats. To cover us from the destroyer and help us to recover, as well as renew our faith and trust in Him.
  • We pray that the American F-16 multirole fighter jets will soon appear on the front lines. About the successful training of our pilots.
  • We also pray for the strengthening of our anti-aircraft defense. About partner help in this need. By the end of the year, Germany plans to deliver two more IRIS-T air defense systems to Ukraine. • We pray for the continuation of the sanctions policy against Russia and the weakening of the aggressor. About the limitation of Russia’s political and economic opportunities, its isolation – the impossibility of having access to key markets, and therefore – the worsening of the industrial potential.
  • We pray for state support for socially vulnerable sections of the population – the disabled, families with many children – those who are currently below the poverty line. About the allocation of additional funds for such people. Let help always arrive on time.
  • We pray that the Lord will help us to always walk in the armor of His righteousness and in His strength despite the fact that evil is increasing. To be in His peace, to be firm in spirit.

“Be patient in trouble and pray always. (Rom. 12:12) LET’S UNITE in common prayer. SHARE this information with your friends!

627th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🌻What we thank God for:

  • We thank God for giving us strength and allowing us to be faithful in prayer, daily pouring out our hearts before Him and filling the cup of requests. We know that the Lord hears us, and we believe that He will guide us and lead us to a spacious place. The Lord is faithful!
  • The Russian invaders have weakened their attacks in the Avdiivka area.
  • Since the creation of the United24 online platform, more than $490 million has already been collected for Ukraine.
  • The coalition in the Bundestag is ready to approve an increase in military aid to Ukraine.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 7 tanks, 32 units of combat armored vehicles, and 19 units of automobile equipment.

⚡️ Threats remain:

  • The Russian occupiers intensified their actions in the direction of Bakhmut in order to regain lost positions.
  • The Russians transferred the former “Wagnerians” near Skadovsk. In addition, in Russia, civilian planes deliver military personnel to Rostov.
  • The situation on the border with Poland is still worsening.
  • The occupiers attacked the largest library in southern Ukraine in Kherson.
  • Russia imports microchips through smuggling channels created decades ago.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We do not tire of praying for our country – sick, torn and crucified, as it is today. But like the battle between David and Goliath, this battle is about a miracle, divine intervention, and victory against the odds. Yes, we understand the lack of our own resources and at the same time we do everything we can, firmly hoping for help from above. And yes, we believe that the sacrifice will not be in vain!
  • Our prayer is for the restoration of Ukraine. As it is said in the Holy Scriptures, “they will build the eternal ruins, rebuild the ancient desolations and restore the ruined cities.” (Isaiah 61:4)
  • We pray for the quantitative and qualitative growth of local churches in Ukraine. About their rooting in God’s Word, as well as growth in the power of the Holy Spirit. So that these are really places of light, love and care.
  • Let our prayers for the soldiers not abate. May the Lord be strength and power for each of them, may they be under His protection.
  • We pray for the correct planning of the defense of strategically important objects, for depriving the enemy of strength, for reducing his combat capabilities, as well as for a decrease in morale.
  • Let’s join the All-Ukrainian Day of Prayer for Orphans, which was announced today. About 67,000 children in Ukraine are deprived of parental care. 5.5 thousand of them are complete orphans who currently live in orphanages and boarding schools. Because of the war, their number is only increasing. We pray that Ukrainian orphans find shelter, love and support, and also find loving parents.
  • We pray for ordinary Ukrainians, many of whom are under stress due to the war and subsequent uncertainty. Let as many people as possible find peace and tranquility in Jesus Christ, let them not put their hopes in the flesh, but seek the highest.

«Let those who love the Lord hate evil, for he guards the lives of his faithful ones and delivers them from the hand of the wicked.» Psalms 97:10 NIV

What is impossible for people is possible for God! LET’S UNITE in common prayer.

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626th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

💛💙 What we thank God for:

  • We thank God for His support and faithfulness. For the implementation of His will in our country. Thank God for His answers that we have already received and will receive.
  • Our anti-aircraft defense shot down several rockets and 19 missiles at night.
  • The IMF doubled Ukraine’s GDP forecast. In addition, Ukraine and the IMF agreed on new financing.
  • We thank other countries for helping Ukrainians who went abroad. Thus residence permits for Ukrainian refugees will be renewed in Lithuania.
  • Canada prepares $385 million for military aid to Ukraine.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 25 tanks, 24 units of combat armored vehicles, and 49 units of automobile equipment.

⚡️ Threats remain:

  • Russian troops attacked Kyiv, Dnipropetrovsk region, Kherson, and Kharkiv region. Artillery hit Toretsk, Donetsk region.
  • The Russians advance near Avdiivka. In addition to infantry, the enemy uses a significant amount of armored vehicles.
  • The enemy is hitting the power system: Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, Sumy, Chernihiv, Kharkiv, and Kherson regions are partially without power. • The Russians massively recruit Ukrainian children from the territory of the Russian Federation and force them to report the demining of schools and other institutions.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray that our country will be based on the principles of Christian values, so that the efforts of various forces to direct its further development in a direction that does not correspond to God’s Word will be futile. After all, under such conditions, the country will only weaken.
  • We pray for our soldiers who hold back the Russian advance near Avdiivka, that the Russian troops do not manage to create a cauldron around the city and thus deprive the Ukrainian forces of the opportunity to hold positions in the rear areas in the Avdiivka direction. We ask for God’s protection and God’s help to hold our positions with as few losses as possible.
  • We also pray for the prevention of hostile strikes on the Ukrainian energy system. About developing measures to counter this terror. About the restoration of electricity supply to the homes of Ukrainians. About the possibilities for quick repair of damaged equipment.
  • Prayer support is needed for our prisoners of war. We pray that the Lord will help them in captivity to strengthen their spirit and not to give up, not to lose hope. So that the doors of the dungeons would open, and they would go free and return to their native land.
  • We pray for reaching agreements with Poland and unblocking border checkpoints. About the settlement of disputed issues and the continuation of mutually beneficial good-neighborly relations between our countries.
  • We pray for our brothers and sisters all over the world who are persecuted and who are ready to sacrifice their lives for the preaching of the Gospel. May the Lord strengthen them in faith and help them not to lose what the Lord has given them.

«No king is saved by the size of his army; no warrior escapes by his great strength. A horse is a vain hope for deliverance; despite all its great strength it cannot save. But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love,» Psalms 33:16-18 NIV

What is impossible for people is possible for God! LET’S UNITE in common prayer. SHARE this information with your friends!

625th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🇺🇦What we thank God for:

  • We thank God for the active position of the Church in Ukraine. Thus, at the meeting of the General Assembly of the Commission of Bishops’ Conferences of the EU, the head of the UGCC called on the representatives of the episcopates of the European Union to make efforts so that the war in Ukraine does not become forgotten.
  • The Armed Forces repelled more than 50 Russian attacks.
  • Thank God for the success of our military. Air defense forces destroyed four Shaheds during the night. Scouts destroyed two Russian landing craft in Crimea.
  • The Verhovna Rada adopted the law on free housing for certain categories of immigrants.
  • Ukraine received equipment to combat drones from Lithuania.
  • Some Ukrainian pilots are already training with instructors in the sky on F-16 fighter jets.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 1 tank, 3 units of combat armored vehicles, 23 units of automobile equipment.

💥 Threats remain:

  • Russian troops attacked the Kherson region. Nikopol was under fire. Russia fired missiles at southern Ukraine.
  • The EU will not be able to fulfill its promise to supply one million ammunitions to Ukraine.
  • Russia has no intention of ending its large-scale military aggression against Ukraine, and the war may continue for quite some time.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray for Ukraine, for its people who are suffering in various cities and villages from this war. We pray that the Lord will help us to stand up, pass through the valley of death and come out victorious.
  • We pray for the failure of Russia’s plans to use winter as a weapon, trying to sow fear in people before the threat of cold weather and blackouts, as well as demoralize them.
  • We pray for the president of our country, so that his efforts are primarily aimed at protecting the sovereignty of the country and the interests of Ukrainians.
  • We continue to pray for the return of our children to Ukraine. Another small victory – we managed to return two more children from the occupied Crimea. We bless those who deal with these matters, that they may act in the wisdom of God.
  • We pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, will grant us a wise heart and openness to His revelation, so that we can know Him. And the most – in this difficult and controversial time. In order not to go astray, not to get carried away by something that does not come from God’s heart.
  • We pray for people living now in unheated houses, without electricity or water. May God help them to get through these difficulties without losing hope. Let help come where it is not even expected.
  • We pray for countermeasures against Russian propaganda and for strengthening Ukrainian positions in the information war.

«But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves. Then you will trample on the wicked; they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day when I act,” says the Lord Almighty.» Malachi 4:2-3 NIV

What is impossible for people is possible for God! LET’S UNITE in common prayer. SHARE this information with your friends!

624th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🌞What we thank God for:

  • We thank God for the strength to stand in the fight against Russian terrorists every day. Thank God for the downed anti-aircraft missiles, drones that could not reach the target. Thank God for the upcoming victory!
  • Thank God for the professionalism of our military: a Russian missile was shot down in Dnipropetrovsk region.

‼️ Three more children were returned to the territory controlled by Ukraine.

  • Ukraine sent six ships with agricultural products.
  • The Verkhovna Rada adopted the state budget for 2024.
  • We never get tired of thanking God and people for any international assistance: the Czech Republic has extended the training of the Ukrainian military for another year. Switzerland has opened a service center for demining robots in Ukraine.
  • At the Zaporizhzhia NPP, the Russian military was reduced. • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 15 tanks, 18 units of combat armored vehicles, and 39 units of automobile equipment.

🔥 Threats remain:

  • Russian troops struck the Naval district of Kherson, and also fired more than 500 shells in the Kherson region.
  • Russian troops continue their attempts to surround Avdiivka, diversifying their tactics.
  • Russia is stockpiling missiles to carry out combined attacks on peaceful cities and villages and important critical infrastructure facilities.
  • Since the beginning of autumn, the occupiers have forcibly mobilized 3,000 people, mostly Crimean Tatars, in Crimea.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray for the restoration of peace on our land, for the complete victory of Ukraine and the return of all occupied lands. About the withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine. Let the sun of truth rise over our land.
  • We pray for new revenues to the state budget, for the reduction of the state debt. About finding an internal resource to fill it, and not focusing only on external loans. About the wisdom of the leaders of the economic sector in these matters, about the thoughtfulness of their decisions.
  • We pray for the reform of the army, in particular, with the introduction of an approach to the management of the careers of military personnel, taking into account their education and professional development; an effective and transparent system of monetary support and housing provision; provision of psychological support, etc.
  • We also pray for our loyal defenders in various areas of the front. May the Lord be for each of them strength and power, a faithful support during trials.
  • We pray for the development of an effective state strategy in the context of solving the problems related to the demographic challenges in Ukraine, including the declining population, high mortality and low birth rates. About our country being able to overcome the demographic crisis.
  • We pray that the Word of God and prayer penetrate all branches of the central and regional government in the state, that prayer breakfasts are held and the Holy Scriptures are studied, so that there are more and more pious people in power.
  • We pray for the release of Ukrainian civilians who were illegally deported to Russia, for opportunities to return to their homeland. About assistance in this from the representatives of the state authorities.

“Therefore let all the faithful pray to you while you may be found; surely the rising of the mighty waters will not reach them.”(Psalms 32:6)

LET’S UNITE in common prayer. SHARE this information with your friends!

623rd day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🌾 What we thank God for:

  • We thank God that in this difficult time, churches in Ukraine are centers of help, hope and love. Sincere prayers for support, for healing, etc., as well as glorifying God, preaching the Word of God, are usually heard in every Christian community, where people of this world find peace and salvation.
  • Air defense forces destroyed a missile over Sumy region.
  • France will allocate 200 million euros for military support to Ukraine. The World Bank will provide $700 million to Ukrainian farmers. A committee of the US House of Representatives approved support for Ukraine at the expense of frozen Russian assets.
  • More than 900 drones were sent to the front. A significant part of the drones that were sent to Ukrainian fighters is Ukrainian-made.
  • The government is preparing the allocation of additional funds for establishing a stable water supply in Mykolaiv. • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 8 tanks, 22 units of combat armored vehicles, and 47 units of automobile equipment.

⚡️ Threats remain:

  • Russian troops shelled Kupyansk-Vuzlovy in Kharkiv region. In the Sumy region, firefighters came under repeated Russian fire when they were eliminating the consequences of the previous strike.
  • Russian aggressors attacked one of the Ukrainian thermal power plants.
  • the Russian Federation took three missile carriers into the Black Sea. • The occupiers created a battalion of prisoners despite the Geneva Convention.
  • In Crimea, part of the Biloghirsky reservoir has completely dried up.
  • The National Council initiates sanctions against the media for criticizing the LGBT community.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray that the Lord will help us to always walk in the armor of His righteousness and in His strength despite the fact that evil is increasing. Let those who do wrong, who are guilty of the blood of innocent people, receive retribution from God.
  • We pray for the strengthening of our soldiers – in spirit, soul and body. So that hearts do not despair, but are renewed in relying on God, on His protection.
  • We pray for proper treatment and rehabilitation for soldiers injured or maimed in war. About adequate financing of these needs and provision of state aid so that defenders are not left alone with their problems.
  • We pray for the protection of energy infrastructure facilities and for the provision of international assistance in this regard. After all, in recent weeks, Russia has attacked these objects 60 times with various types of weapons. After each new attack, the need for energy equipment grows, so the help of partners in the Ukrainian energy sector is important.
  • We pray that the changes that are currently taking place in the legislative, economic, and social fields will benefit our country, so that the number of bureaucratic officials, thieves, who weaken Ukraine from the inside will decrease.
  • We pray for the preservation and reunification of families that were separated by the war, for the increase in the birth rate of Ukrainians. May the Lord help us to get out of the demographic crisis. • We pray for the creation of safe conditions in Ukraine for the return of refugees, as well as a favorable economic basis for their employment. About opportunities for medium and small business, the effect of various programs for its development.

«I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.» 1 Timothy 2:1-4 NIV

What is impossible for people is possible for God! LET’S UNITE in common prayer. SHARE this information with your friends!

622nd day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

❤️What we thank God for:

  • Thank God for freedom of religion. Despite the state of war, a high level of religious freedom is maintained in Ukraine, and the activities of no church have been banned. On the contrary, the situation is opposite in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, where the Russian military implements the ideology of “Russian peace”.
  • We are grateful for international assistance. Thus Denmark will allocate 40 million euros for Mykolaiv. The funds will be used to support energy supply and social infrastructure. Additional NASAMS systems from partners were put on combat duty.
  • In Ukraine, a mine countermeasure center was opened, where they plan to train more than 3,000 specialists who will be engaged in humanitarian demining.
  • Over the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 5 tanks, 16 units of armored combat vehicles, and 23 units of motor vehicles.

⚠️ Threats remain:

  • Russian troops shelled Nikopol area in the Dnipropetrovsk region, and also hit an infrastructure facility near Kryvyi Rih.
  • Combat clashes increased at the front.
  • In the occupied Mariupol, the intensification of the movement of Russian equipment in the direction of Tokmak, Zaporizhia region, was recorded.
  • Russians mine critical infrastructure in the Kherson region.
  • The Russians damaged the gas infrastructure in the Dnipropetrovsk and Sumy regions.
  • the Russian Federation keeps four ships in the Black Sea.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray that the plans of the evil one regarding Ukraine will be destroyed. About the weakening and defeat of the Russian army. Let the enemy’s goal of taking Avdiivka not be achieved.
  • We pray for the provision of long-range air defense equipment, as well as Western aircraft, that Ukraine needs. Nowadays, Russia has begun to hit the territory of Ukraine more often with guided bombs: their number can be more than half a hundred per day.
  • We keep our soldiers in prayer. We pray for God’s protection for them, strength from above, hope. To not give up hope, to return home.
  • We pray for the effectiveness of the negotiations with the IMF, whose mission has now started working with representatives of the Ukrainian authorities on the second review of the extended financing program. According to its results, Ukraine can receive 900 million dollars. About the fact that it was possible to overcome the difficulties of negotiations with the fund, while at the same time defending national interests.
  • We pray that the Verkhovna Rada does not become a center of legalization of various perversions in the legislation of Ukraine. In particular, in the near future, deputies may make a decision on the medical use of cannabis. Let them be guided by the fear of God in their actions and for the benefit of their country.
  • We pray for Ukrainians in the occupied territories who are under constant pressure from the occupiers. We especially pray for the christians. May the Lord be the support for everyone, as well as protection and strength to get through these times.
  • We pray that real modern reformers will arise in the Church of Christ in Ukraine to change the country. About the Church systematically and effectively serving in every sphere of society.

«And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.» Hebrews 11:6 NIV

What is impossible for people is possible for God! LET’S UNITE in common prayer. SHARE this information with your friends!

620th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🌻What we thank God for:

  • We thank God for the fact that in a difficult time for the country, people, regardless of religious affiliation, unite in common prayer, which has a special power. Thus, almost a hundred participants of the Rivne prayer breakfast “With faith in victory” united in prayer for the victory of Ukraine and the protection of the Most High over every military man.
  • We thank God that our soldiers resisted the enemies and repelled more than 40 attacks on Maryinka and Avdiivka. • Russian aggressors took an “operational pause” in the Black Sea after a series of successful attacks by the Armed Forces on enemy ships.
  • Ukrainian communities received more than 370 school buses from the EU.
  • The USA handed Ukraine a powerful demining machine.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 8 tanks, 14 units of combat armored vehicles, and 14 units of automobile equipment.

💥Threats remain:

  • The Nikopol district in the Dnipropetrovsk region came under another enemy shelling. Kherson region suffered 100 shellings per day.
  • Russian troops dropped a bomb on a school in the Kherson region.
  • The training of the Russian Armed Forces continued at the training grounds in Belarus.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray for the withdrawal of Russian troops and the cessation of hostilities, the prevention of further escalation and the end of this war.
  • We support the soldiers of the Armed Forces in prayer. May God defend them on the battlefield, may he be a protection for everyone, and may everyone call on the Lord’s Name and be saved.
  • We pray for the restoration of damaged energy facilities, for the timely supply of necessary equipment and spare parts. We also bless the repairmen involved in restoration work.
  • We pray that in Ukraine, the finances that come from various countries of the world as aid to our country will be spent wisely and responsibly. That the people who have a relationship with their distribution should be God-fearing and honest.
  • Let’s support in prayer the people in the occupied or front-line territories who are on the verge of disaster due to the lack of light, water and gas on the eve of winter. Let them be warmed, let them receive what they desperately need.
  • We pray for the children who were left without parents as a result of the war. We ask God for protection, blessings and loving families for all orphans, as well as for God’s grace for those who receive and raise orphans in their families.
  • We pray that the churches will pass from the old season to the new one and become strong and effective in the Holy Spirit for the new Ukraine. We pray for pastors, ministers, that they meet the criteria of the Word of God and shepherd their sheep with love, as well as be influential spiritually.

«The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. I called to the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and I have been saved from my enemies.» Psalms 18:2-3 NIV

Let’s be in God’s peace! SHARE this information with your friends to grow the community of intercessors!

619th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🌞What we thank God for:

  • We thank God for the triumph of His Life, for His victory over evil. We proclaim the victory of Life in our Ukraine. We displace the darkness with the light that the Lord Jesus Christ gives.
  • Thanks God that enemy target drones are not hitting targets. Thus two enemy Shaheds were shot down over the Sumy region.
  • About 40 attacks were repelled near Maryinka and Avdiivka in Donetsk region.
  • The European Union is working on the 12th package of anti-Russian sanctions.
  • Unique Ukrainian old prints, such as the Ostroh Bible or the Kyiv-Pechersk Pateryk, have become available for online viewing.
  • Unsuccessful tests of the Yars and Bulava missiles, which are carriers of nuclear weapons, took place in Russia.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 11 tanks, 38 units of combat armored vehicles, and 25 units of automobile equipment.

⚡️ Threats remain:

  • The Russians are constantly shelling Kherson. Kherson region suffered almost 100 shellings per day. They hit a village in Zaporizhzhia region with a rocket. They hit two communities in the Dnipropetrovsk region with artillery.
  • In the southern directions of the front, the operational situation remains tense.
  • The Russian occupiers are preparing for the third series of large assaults near Avdiivka and the third massive assault on the city.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray that the Lord will support us in this difficult struggle so that we do not give up. We believe that the Lord will guide and protect us. Let praise to God be heard throughout Ukraine, let prayers be raised, because this is a spiritual weapon against which tanks and missiles are powerless.
  • We continue to pray for our soldiers, who are now restraining the enemy near Avdiivka (the Armed Forces of Ukraine said that the occupiers are accumulating forces for large-scale attacks). May the Lord help to act by His power, may as many lives as possible be saved. Let the military orders be balanced and considered.
  • We pray for the success of further work in the negotiation processes with international partners regarding air defense, unblocking the sky, for the opportunity for our fighters to conduct offensive actions.
  • We pray for God’s wisdom and guidance for the representatives of the Ukrainian authorities in discussing questions about the further course of events. There is information that US and EU officials have begun secretly discussing possible peace talks with Russia with the Ukrainian authorities. There is a discussion about what Ukraine may have to give up in order to reach an agreement with the Russian Federation.
  • We pray for the creation of favorable conditions in Ukraine for bringing of humanitarian aid from abroad, because from December 1 of this year the state wants to change these rules, which may lead to a complete stop of such a necessary front of volunteer support. That those who want to profit from this and obstruct the volunteers should be identified.
  • We pray that laws that contradict the spiritual and moral values ​​of our people will not be passed in our country. And also laws limiting human rights and freedoms.
  • We pray that the inhumane regime of the Russian Federation will be destroyed, that its foundations, based on lies, hatred and death, on disregard for human life and the right to freedom, will collapse.

“And that your heart may not faint, and you may not be afraid of the news heard in the land…” (Jeremiah 51:46)

«Do not lose heart or be afraid when rumors are heard in the land…” Jeremiah 51:46 NIV

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618th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

What we thank God for:

  • We thank God for the miracles of His protection, healings, miracles of deliverance in dangerous circumstances. Thank God for cleansing our land of enemies.
  • During the night, the Armed Forces shot down 24 drones and a missile.
  • Ukrainian troops are advancing in two directions, and have also repelled 14 attacks of the occupiers near Donetsk.
  • The Netherlands will provide €500 million worth of shells to Ukraine.
  • The USA allocated a package of military aid to Ukraine in the amount of $425 million.
  • Over the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 24 tanks, 24 units of combat armored vehicles, and 33 units of automobile equipment.

⚡️ Threats remain:

  • At night, Russian troops struck Kherson several times. They carried out a massive attack on the Kharkiv region. More than 600 shells were fired in the Kherson region during the day.
  • Four Russian ships are on duty in the Black Sea. • The concentration of the military is greater than it was near Bakhmut: more than 40,000 occupiers have already been withdrawn to Avdiivka.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray that the Lord will be our light and guide. We rely on God for his strength and mercy toward us. Ukraine will LIVE and announce the works of God!
  • We continue to pray that the enemies will not succeed in carrying out a massive attack on our cities and villages, on the energy system, in order to freeze Ukraine in winter and plunge it into darkness more than last year. We pray for the protection of our homes and for them to have heat, electricity and water.
  • We pray for the expulsion of the enemy from our land. About the successful offensive of our troops and liberation from the occupiers of new territories. We also pray for the equipping of our soldiers, for their protection and salvation.
  • We bless the heads of regional and district councils, mayors of cities, so that these positions are filled by people with a clear conscience and good intentions, people who have the fear of God in their hearts.
  • We pray for volunteers who help the front. About the open door for help, which really comes to those people who desperately need it. About avoiding abuses in this activity now.
  • We pray for the growth of the power of praise and worship among different churches in Ukraine. So that as many churches as possible gather not around someone’s names, but around the highest Name of Jesus.
  • We pray for the post-war recovery of Ukraine, the implementation of the necessary reforms to stimulate the work of small and medium-sized businesses, and the creation of additional jobs.

«For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.» Hebrews 4:12 NIV

Let’s be in God’s peace! SHARE this information with your friends to grow the community of intercessors!

617th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

❤️What we thank God for:

  • We thank God that there is an opportunity to highlight the real picture of Russian aggression in the world. Thus, during meetings in the US capital, representatives of the All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organizations testified about the persecution and repression of evangelical churches in the occupied territories.
  • There was an attempt by the enemy to advance in the Vugledarsky direction, but our soldiers stopped it.
  • Thank God for the international support at all levels in our resistance. Thus 3 more US states recognized the Holodomor as genocide. This issue is important, because now, as we can see, Ukrainians are defending themselves against the same Russian aggressors.
  • Security guarantees for Ukraine were supported by 30 countries.
  • Germany has again strengthened Ukrainian air defense.
  • Ukraine will receive €450 million for reconstruction projects.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 18 tanks, 43 units of armored combat vehicles, 1 aircraft, and 34 units of automobile equipment.

💥 Threats remain: • The Russians shelled Mykolaiv and Kherson regions. In the Zaporizhzhia region there were 163 Russian shellings per day.

  • It is expected that the third wave of assaults by the Russians on Avdiyivka will be much more powerful and more thought-out on their part than the previous ones.
  • Mobilized Russians, including many representatives of national minorities, arrive in Crimea every day.
  • The Russians send scientists to the occupied territories to study local archives.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray for the end of bloodshed in Ukraine. We see this victory with our eyes of faith, anticipate it with our hearts and thank God for His answers. Where there is faith and prayer, there the Lord works. Let’s not give up!
  • We pray that international partners will continue to truly support Ukraine in its resistance to a strong enemy. About providing the necessary weapons. About the wisdom of our leadership in the international arena to defend our national interests.
  • We pray for increased preparation of Ukraine for possible Russian attacks on the energy infrastructure. On the protection of substations and transformers, high-voltage power lines. Let the enemy’s intentions to sow panic among the population and deprive them of normal living conditions be futile.
  • We bless our military personnel. Let supernatural miracles happen right at the front, so that they know that the Lord is there and He is close to everyone who calls Him and needs His help.
  • We pray for the leaders of the General Staff in conducting military operations to save as many lives as possible – both military and civilian.
  • We pray that proper evacuation measures will be taken in the frontline areas. So that people are not just forced to leave their homes, but given real help. And we also pray for people who are forced to leave their native land. May the Lord strengthen them and guide them.
  • We pray for the strengthening of our positions on the information front. About the expansion of opportunities for covering real events in Ukraine, as well as the consequences of the Russian occupation.
  • We pray for the unity of the Body of Christ in spiritual opposition to the devilish forces that want to enslave our country, take away the freedom to preach the Good News and destroy the foundations of Christian values.

«But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!» Amos 5:24 NIV

Let’s be in God’s peace! SHARE this information with your friends to grow the community of intercessors!

616th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

❤️What we thank God for:

  • We thank God that in the midst of calamity and death, the door to His house is always open, that everyone who opens his heart to Christ will receive salvation.
  • The Lord supports our defenders, and they were able to repel dozens of attacks by Russian troops.
  • Thank God for those who care and help. So, humanitarian aid is being brought to Kramatorsk – 4,000 sets of essential products will be distributed to the most vulnerable categories of the population.
  • Ukrainian fighters destroyed the Russian ZALA drone and the launcher and its service using the HIMARS rocket launcher system. In addition, two X-59 missiles were shot down in Odesa region. The military of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of Ukraine hit a radar station in Russia.
  • We thank the countries that help Ukrainians. Thus Switzerland extended the protection status for Ukrainians.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 12 tanks, 30 units of combat armored vehicles, and 34 units of motor vehicles.

💥Threats remain:

  • During the day, the enemy shelled 118 settlements in 10 regions. This is the largest number of towns and villages hit since the beginning of the year. Russia attacked Kherson. There were 510 shells in Kherson region during the day. They attacked Nikopol. They shelled the Zaporizhzhia region 183 times. Poltava region was attacked – an oil refinery in Kremenchuk was hit.
  • North Korea sent more than 1 million artillery shells to Russia.
  • Expropriation of real estate from the local population by the Russians continues in Severodonetsk, Luhansk Region.
  • After the terrorist attack on the Kakhovskaya HPP dam, many toxic substances that poison fish remain in the Black Sea.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray for our Ukraine to be free, strong and united. To become a guarantor of peace and freedom in the region. We pray for the strengthening of the defense capabilities of our country.
  • We pray for the defense of the Bakhmut direction, where the Russians are increasing the pace of their offensive. We rely not on weapons, but on the help of our God, who will help, guide and prevent us from falling.
  • We also pray that the Russian invaders will not succeed in recapturing the territories that were liberated (the Russians set the goal of recapturing Kupyansk in the Kharkiv region). About correctly strategically and tactically built defense, about sufficient military equipment.
  • Our permanent prayer vigil is for soldiers on the front lines. We pray for them, we bless them, that the Lord will strengthen them, guide them through the valley of death and protect them.
  • We pray for the provision of legal and social protection of our servicemen, for their financial support. About providing them with benefits, free medical services, etc.
  • We do not stop praying for our prisoners. May the Lord strengthen everyone and help them endure and pass these trials. Let these people turn to God in that darkness and see the light. We pray for the preparation of another exchange of prisoners.
  • We pray for an stabilising of the situation on the labor market, for a gradual increase in wages, as well as for the elimination of the shortage of qualified personnel in various fields.
  • We pray for the Church in Ukraine to be in an active spiritual state, hear the voice of her Bridegroom and do exactly what He wants from her. So that she does not waste time, but keeps her lamp filled with oil.

«Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens. Our God is a God who saves; from the Sovereign Lord comes escape from death.» Psalms 68:19-20 NIV

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614th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🌻What we thank God for:

  • Gratitude purifies our hearts, opens them for changes and God’s filling. Therefore, in many churches of Ukraine, Thanksgiving Days to God were held – for life, for the harvest, for the family, for Ukraine. Thank God for His eternal love for each of us.
  • Air defense forces shot down all enemy targets – 12 drones and 2 X-59 missiles.
  • The Ukrainian military carried out successful strikes against the air defense systems of the Russian aggressors in the Crimea and Luhansk region.
  • After the meeting in Malta, the EU confirmed its support for the Ukrainian Peace Formula.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 15 tanks, 17 units of combat armored vehicles, 1 aircraft, and 23 units of automobile equipment.

🔥 Threats remain:

  • The Russians hit the center of Kherson. 42 air bomb were shelled in the Kherson region during the day. They attacked a ship repair plant in Odesa. They attacked the outskirts of Zaporizhzhia with ballistics.
  • The Russian army is particularly active in the Kupyansk region of the Kharkiv region, where it is trying to advance in several directions at once. In the Bakhmut area, the enemy significantly strengthened his group and switched from defense to active actions
  • The occupied lands in Luhansk Region were transferred to the control of Tatarstan.
  • In Belarus, military exercises continue- this is how the country’s leadership tries to legitimize the presence of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus near the border areas and on training grounds.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray for the liberation of our cities and villages from the invaders. Cutting the material and technical chains of the Russian army and reducing its offensive capability. And also about the sufficient equipment of our army to repel Russian aggression.
  • We pray for the strengthening of Ukraine’s position in the international arena. On strengthening our positions in foreign policy activities. Accomplishing important tasks for the expansion of peace through the expansion of our security capabilities, our alliances and cooperation with other countries.
  • Preventing violations of our borders by Belarus, where military exercises are constantly taking place. Strengthening our defenses and readiness to act in anticipation of or repel aggressors.
  • We pray for our defenders. May none of them perish, but have eternal life. Let not their hands drop and hope not be lost.
  • Creation of optimally favorable conditions for business in Ukraine in the military circumstances. Reduction of tax pressure, attraction of additional financing for the development of small and medium-sized businesses.
  • Let us pray that the fire of prayer in Ukraine does not go out, but on the contrary – ignites new and new hearts. So that we do not weaken in the spiritual struggle, but on the contrary – become stronger. The fight continues!
  • We pray for a sufficient number of workers in God’s field, so that they will faithfully work in it and reap souls for Christ. We ask that the Lord “teach us to count our days and understand how few they are.” May the Lord help us to live them wisely.
  • We pray for the dismantling of the Kremlin system of government, the fall of idols and the ineffectiveness of Russian propaganda, for the change of social values ​​in Russia.

«“Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them.» Mark 11:23 NIV

Let’s be in God’s peace! SHARE this information with your friends to grow the community of intercessors!

613th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

💛💙 What we thank God for:

  • We thank God that He opens people’s hearts and they join the Body of Christ. For the thirst for knowledge of God in our country, for the filling of churches.
  • Air defense destroyed five Shaheds during the night.
  • FrankenSAM hybrid air defense systems will appear in the Armed Forces.
  • Canada offered to create an international coalition for the return of Ukrainian children deported by Russia.
  • Ukraine exported almost 9 million tons of grain. • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 8 tanks, 9 units of combat armored vehicles, and 8 units of automobile equipment.

⚡️ Threats remain:

  • the Russian Federation shelled two dozen settlements in Zaporizhzhia. The Russians dropped 32 guided aerial bombs on the Kherson region.
  • the Russian Federation launched a submarine with “Kalibra” into the Black Sea.
  • Russia continues to attack Ukraine from all directions while the world’s attention is focused on the Middle East.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray that the Lord will help us preserve our identity and persevere in this spiritual confrontation. Let the enemy’s attempts to steal, kill and destroy be futile.
  • We pray for increased Western aid, powerful weapons and aircraft, so that our military can conduct counter-offensive actions.
  • We pray for our military. May the Lord be the One who directs and helps them. We pray for their proper equipment and sufficient nutrition.
  • Let’s not stop praying for the return of our soldiers from captivity home. We pray that the Lord will help these people not to lose heart, not to give up, but to seek freedom and see their relatives.
  • We pray for the strengthening of prayer positions in the churches of Ukraine, so that the prayer of the intercessors for our region, unity between the churches, does not fall silent.
  • We pray that the churches will be filled, that the testimonies of the power of God’s Word and the power of prayer will be heard. May God turn what the enemy of human souls uses for evil in our country for good, and a spiritual awakening will take place in Ukraine.
  • Growing panic among the Russian occupiers, increasing the number of desertions and reluctance to fight.

«Let those who love the Lord hate evil, for he guards the lives of his faithful ones and delivers them from the hand of the wicked.» Psalms 97:10 NIV

Let’s be in God’s peace! SHARE this information with your friends to grow the community of intercessors!

612th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

❤️ What we thank God for:

  • We thank God for life, for our country, for the fact that He supports us in these trials and does not let us fall. He is the only source of strength, faith and hope that we will win this war.
  • Air defense forces shot down three of four Russian Iskander missiles in the sky over Dnipropetrovsk region.
  • The Armed Forces destroyed the «Solntsepiok” flamethrower salvo system and the enemy’s air defense equipment.
  • Armed forces advance on the left bank of the Kherson region.
  • Unique greenery is being restored at the site of the Kakhovsky Reservoir, which was destroyed by Russian terrorists in June.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 22 tanks, 23 units of combat armored vehicles, and 11 units of automobile equipment.

⚡️ Threats remain:

  • The Russian army shelled Kherson.
  • the Russian Federation forces Ukrainian prisoners to join “volunteer formations”.
  • The enemy keeps one missile carrier in the Black Sea.
  • In the occupied part of Luhansk region, the Russians are installing a communication control system into mobile networks.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray for the cleansing of Ukraine from the occupiers. Let them be powerless against our troops, let panic and fear sow among them. May the Lord be our strength and shield.
  • We pray for the successful course of the third summit on the Ukrainian Peace Formula, which started today in Malta. About the possibility of implementing five points proposed by Ukraine, in particular: nuclear, energy, food security, humanitarian direction (release of prisoners and deported persons), restoration of territorial integrity of Ukraine and world order.
  • We pray for international help to prevent Russia from launching missile strikes on Ukrainian cities, particularly through a global embargo on supplies to the Russian missile and drone industries. On providing Ukraine with additional protection systems.
  • We pray that our military will be able to repel all attempts of the enemy to advance. About wisdom for military leadership to avoid many losses. About the proper equipment of our defenders. About God’s protection and support for every soul.
  • We pray for the cohesion and unity of the believing youth of different denominations, for the growth of their influence and spiritual power to win hearts for Christ.
  • We pray that people in the churches will be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, for the effect of His gifts during services, as well as in everyday life – to the people of this world. About being open to hearing the voice of our Teacher and being where He leads, and not looking for our own.
  • Let’s pray for volunteers and chaplains who go to hot spots or places where people are in dire need of help. We thank God for these caring hearts and pray that the Lord will open opportunities for them to help, to go before them and protect them.

«Give us aid against the enemy, for human help is worthless. With God we will gain the victory, and he will trample down our enemies.» Psalms 60:11-12 NIV

Let’s be in God’s peace! SHARE this information with your friends to grow the community of intercessors!

611th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

❤️ What we thank God for:

  • We thank God that churches in Ukraine are the centers where people can receive comprehensive help and support in these extremely difficult circumstances. Thank God for the changes in people’s thinking and their life values.
  • Five out of six enemy Shaheds were destroyed during the night attack.
  • Ukraine collected more than 60 million tons of new crop.
  • Germany handed over another package of military aid to Ukraine.
  • A Slovenian company handed over a batch of drones to Ukraine.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 4 tanks, 11 units of combat armored vehicles, and 6 units of automobile equipment.

💥 Threats remain:

  • The Russians hit Nikopol with artillery. And also they hit the fire station in Izyum, Kharkiv region.
  • The Russian army does not stop trying to surround Avdiivka, actively uses aviation.
  • the Russian Federation is stockpiling X-101 missiles for strikes on Ukraine.
  • The Defense Forces of Ukraine recorded an increased activity of unmanned reconnaissance by the occupying forces of Russia.
  • the Russian Federation sent additional groups to the occupied territories for “filtering”, especially those who do not have a Russian passport.
  • Russian sabotage and reconnaissance groups continue to terrorize the border regions of Ukraine, in particular Sumy and Chernihiv regions.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray that we “will not be swayed by unbelief at God’s promises”, but will be strong in faith, so that we will not doubt the timeliness of God’s answers. Jesus has overcome this world and we have peace in Him.
  • We pray for Russia to be held accountable for the various war crimes and other atrocities it has committed in Ukraine. About support and assistance to Ukraine in this matter from other countries, in particular, in providing relevant information.
  • We pray for the strengthening of the fortifications on the border line with Belarus in order to prevent an unexpected enemy attack, for the fortification of the border, as well as the border area. About the fact that our soldiers have the opportunity to repel any attack, if it happens again from this direction.
  • We pray for the safety of our nuclear plants, that we can protect them and act preventively, so that the enemies understand that Ukraine can respond, and this would be a deterrent for them. • We pray for new exchanges of prisoners of war. That the organizations and certain officials dealing with these matters should make the best efforts to obtain positive results. We also pray for God’s support for our military and civilians in Russian captivity.
  • We pray with thanks to our God for a good grain harvest in our country. About the Lord helping to sell this harvest, about wisdom in the distribution of what we have.
  • We pray for speeding up demining in Ukraine, for receiving special equipment to perform these works. By the way, a domestic demining drone is currently being tested, which works four times faster than a human in searching for mines.
  • We pray for a successful heating season. On the completion of repair work at generation facilities and power grids. On the protection of energy facilities. About being prepared for all possible scenarios in order to avoid the worst.

“Be persistent in prayer, wait for God’s answer to your prayers and do not forget to be thankful.” (Colossians 4:2)

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610th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🌾 What we thank God for:

  • We thank God that despite the difficulties, ministers of Christian churches think about God’s work in the midst of war – they encourage and unite people to help those in need, open new churches and ministries.
  • Since the beginning of the year, Ukrainians have donated UAH 12.5 billion to the largest funds.
  • DTEK and Ukrenergo restored the high-voltage line in Donbas.
  • In Ukraine, a list of providers that can provide Internet up to 72 hours during blackouts is being developed.
  • Germany will provide 54 million euros to support Ukraine’s energy industry.
  • Britain, together with its allies, will transfer additional air defense systems to Ukraine.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 29 tanks, 18 units of combat armored vehicles, and 33 units of automobile equipment.

💥 Threats remain:

  • Almost 80 clashes took place at the front during the day.
  • Russians use mercenaries from Cuba on the eastern front line.
  • Russia has increased the number of warships in the Black Sea.
  • Ukraine has temporarily stopped the work of the new “grain” corridor due to a possible threat from Russian military aircraft and sea mines.
  • The EU is falling behind on its plan to provide Ukraine with one million artillery shells by March 2024. Currently, it is only 30% completed.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray for God’s intervention in the course of this war to stop it. Our hope is in God, Great and Strong. May He strengthen us so that we do not weaken in our souls, but are established in the Holy Spirit.
  • We pray that different churches in Ukraine raise their voices in unity for their native land, for its liberation, for its purification, for the search for God as a priority in all spheres of life.
  • We pray for the president, the prime minister, the chairman of the Verhovna Rada of Ukraine and other high-ranking officials of the country. Let the Lord and His Word be their chief counselor. Let them be guided by God’s wisdom in making important decisions in the interests of the country, let their hearts be open to truth and light.
  • Let’s support in prayer our defenders who are fighting for Avdiivka and in other hot areas. We ask for God’s assistance, help and strength for our military. Where human resources are insufficient, let supernatural intervention be shown.
  • We pray for soldiers who have lost limbs due to injuries or have physical limitations. About support for them, primarily spiritual, as well as moral, psychological. So that they do not lose heart, so that opportunities for treatment and recovery open up for them.
  • We also pray for people who have lost their relatives or loved ones or have no news about them. May the Lord be their faith and hope in these difficult circumstances, may they find more of their problems in Him. May God’s light illuminate their hearts and minds.
  • We pray that Russian disinformation and propaganda, which spreads distorted versions of events and facts, and is used to radicalize society and sow chaos, will be countered.

«But the Lord is with me like a mighty warrior; so my persecutors will stumble and not prevail. They will fail and be thoroughly disgraced; their dishonor will never be forgotten.» Jeremiah 20:11 NIV

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609th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

💛💙 What we thank God for:

  • We thank God that in the long trials we receive international support, as well as humanitarian aid. Thank God for caring, for unity, for strength from the Holy Spirit.
  • During the night attack of the drones, the air defense destroyed all 11 enemy targets.
  • Soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Zaporizhzhia direction destroyed 25 million dollars worth of Russian equipment during the week.
  • In September, most of the key types of economic activity in Ukraine demonstrated positive results.
  • Australia allocated a new package of military aid to Ukraine.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 7 tanks, 28 units of combat armored vehicles, and 27 units of automobile equipment.

🔥 Threats remain:

  • Russian troops shelled Kharkiv region. They attacked Khmelnytsky region.
  • At night, Netishyn, the city where the nuclear power plant is located, also fell under the Russian strike in Khmelnytskyi.
  • The enemy is regrouping near Avdiivka.
  • Russian aviation became more active over the grain corridor

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray with faith that Ukraine has its shelter in the mighty Name of Jesus. God is the protection and protector of our country, in whom we put our hope. We believe that we will see God’s Glory here.
  • We pray for speeding up the transfer of F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine. And also about the professional training of Ukrainian military personnel, about cooperation in the implementation of IT in the Ukrainian army and the provision of additional international assistance.
  • We pray for the provision of targeted financial assistance to Ukraine to cover the state budget deficit for 2024. It is about 18 billion euros, of which the European Union is ready to allocate only 9 billion euros. About the fact that Ukraine could not only sustain itself economically, but also demonstrate growth indicators.
  • We pray for our brave defenders, for every life, which is of the greatest value. Let none be stolen by the devil, be tempted or deceived. May the Lord preserve and support.
  • Today Ukraine celebrates the Day of the Military Chaplain. So let’s take this opportunity to support in prayer these spiritual leaders, whose service in the Armed Forces is of great importance for maintaining the fighting spirit of servicemen. May the Lord protect them and use them to save souls and help those who need it.
  • Let us also support in prayer our brothers and sisters from Israel, from Gaza, who, despite the conflict and trials, pain and suffering, like us, find strength and hope in prayer and continue to believe that God is able to turn the horrors of war into good.
  • We pray for the spiritual leaders of Ukraine, that they are people completely devoted to the Lord, uncompromising, that their service is in the power of the Spirit and truth, that their voice is influential and authoritative for our society, as well as for the leaders of our country.

“Look! I wrote you in my palms, your walls are always in front of me. Your builders are coming together, but your destroyers and your desolators are abandoning you.” (Isaiah 49:16, 17)

Let’s be in God’s peace! SHARE this information with your friends to grow the community of intercessors!

608th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

❤️What we thank God for:

  • We thank God for people, as well as various organizations, foundations, etc., for their sincere support and help to Ukrainians in this difficult time. Let this good return to them a hundredfold. • During the operation of the new temporary sea corridor, Ukraine exported almost 700,000 tons of grain mainly to European and African countries.
  • It was possible to take a large family from occupied Skadovsk to the territory controlled by Ukraine.
  • An American philanthropist bought an apartment complex near Kyiv for displaced people. 52 families received apartments, another 80 families will receive them by the end of the year.
  • Germany is preparing a 1.4 billion euro winter aid package for Ukraine, the main task of which is to create a “protective shield” for energy and other infrastructure.
  • Over the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 12 tanks, 22 units of armored combat vehicles, and 15 units of automobile equipment.

💥 Threats remain:

  • Russians attacked Dnipropetrovsk and Kharkiv regions, fired almost 600 shells on Kherson region. They hit Zaporizhzhia with rockets.
  • Russian troops do not stop trying to surround Avdiivka in Donetsk region and attack in all directions in the east and south.
  • Russia still has almost 4 million artillery shells that can be used for “low-intensity” warfare for at least a year.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray that in this difficult time, as never before, Ukrainians reconcile with God. So that those who know Christ nominally, get to know Him closely, feel His love and care.
  • We pray for the cleansing of our country from corruption, for the adoption of appropriate legislative changes. About the implementation of real reforms in various areas – to improve the investment climate and trust in our country.
  • Let’s keep our defenders in our prayers, so that the soul of none of them is stolen by the devil, is not tempted or deceived. May the Lord protect and support everyone.
  • We pray for a further successful solution to the issue of demining our territory. About a sufficient number of specialists, modern equipment. About the safety of people, so that there are no deaths due to the detonation of mines or explosive objects.
  • We pray for the agricultural sector, for farmers who are facing great problems due to the war, in particular, the lack of financial resources and the low liquidity of the agricultural sector. About state aid and support for our farmers. And also about favorable weather for sown winter crops.
  • We pray for the operation of grain corridors for the sale of Ukrainian grain and the receipt of funds to the state budget. About the operation of transparent schemes of this sale. About the possibility of exporting the required amount of grain to preserve our agriculture as a key branch of the economy.
  • We pray for the return of Ukrainians home, as well as for the creation of appropriate conditions for this in Ukraine. In particular, about the development of mechanisms that would stimulate people to return, invest funds earned abroad in the national economy, and develop small businesses. State assistance in starting own business.

«Give us aid against the enemy, for human help is worthless. With God we will gain the victory, and he will trample down our enemies.» Psalms 60:11-12 NIV

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607th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

💛💙 What we thank God for:

  • We thank God for His opportunities for the Church in this time of crisis, for strong spiritual leaders, for the strengthening of every believer and that many people in our country are born again.
  • Ukrainian defenders shot down 13 Shaheds, an Kh-59 air missile and an attack drone, the type of which has not been established.
  • The Armed Forces repel the enemy on the left bank of the Kherson region.
  • Ukraine received the ninth tranche of macro-financial aid in the amount of 1.5 billion euros from the European Union
  • Ukraine received 9 special vehicles from the Finnish government as a humanitarian cargo.
  • Spanish police confiscated ancient gold artifacts worth 60 million euros stolen in Ukraine. • Over the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 12 tanks, 22 units of armored combat vehicles, and 15 units of automobile equipment.

💥 Threats remain:

  • The Russian army carried out airstrikes in the Kherson region. They dropped bombs on two villages in the Kharkiv region.
  • Russian troops transfer new forces near Avdiivka, Donetsk region, despite heavy losses and difficulties in storming the positions of the Defense Forces. And in the Lyman-Kupyansk direction, the enemy increased the number of airstrikes.
  • The Russians damaged the TPP during the shelling.
  • In Mariupol, the Russians demolished a historic building that was 120 years old.
  • In the occupied territories, the Russians carry out forced medical examinations of Ukrainian children, after which they are sent to the Russian Federation allegedly for rehabilitation. And in the south, Russians forcibly collect biometric data of Ukrainians.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray that the criminal intentions of the enemy, which appear with new force, will not be fulfilled. So that the enemy was defeated in his plans and actions. We also pray for the readiness of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for any further development of events. About the actions of our soldiers in advance. God’s wisdom to generals, commanders – to all military personnel who make important strategic and tactical decisions.
  • We pray for the financial stability of our state, full financing of all critical expenses. About the successful going through the heating season and preservation of the integrity of our energy system.
  • We continue to pray for the protection of Avdiivka – military and humanitarian. Currently, the occupiers are trying to cut off the road to the city and are constantly shelling it. This complicates the evacuation of residents and the delivery of humanitarian aid. So there is a need to pray for the residents of the city (according to official data, 1,601 people remain there). About the possibility for them to either evacuate or receive help.
  • We also pray for the improvement of the situation in the Kupyansk direction, so that the Ukrainian troops can improve their positions and repel the enemy. About the protection of our military and the defeat of the enemy.
  • We ask the Lord to help us protect our hearts from malice, bitterness and hatred, to be in Him, in His protection, to walk His narrow path in the midst of darkness.
  • We pray that people’s hearts will be ready to respond to God’s call, so that they are not burdened by anything, but have the desire to become God’s children and receive salvation.

“Do not be angry because of wicked people … for they will soon wither like grass, and like green growth they will wither.” (Book of Psalms 36:1, 2)

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606th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🌻 What we thank God for:

  • We thank God, who strengthens us every day in this confrontation, who does not allow us to fall, although if we look with physical eyes, our country should have already been overcome by the Russian invaders. Thank God for resisting with His power.
  • Ukrainian pilots will soon transfer from flight simulators to real F-16 fighters accompanied by instructors.
  • The Russians are panicking because of the breakthrough of the Armed Forces on the left bank of the Kherson region.
  • Ukraine will cooperate with Qatar to return children from the Russian Federation.
  • With the help of American ATACMS missiles, the Ukrainian army destroyed 9 Russian helicopters at airfields in occupied Berdyansk and Luhansk.
  • Over the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 18 tanks, 19 units of armored combat vehicles, and 13 units of motor vehicles.

⚡️ Threats remain:

  • Russia struck Kupiansk in Kharkiv region. They attacked a number of settlements in the Donetsk region. In the Kherson region, the Russians used a record number of aerial bombs the other day.
  • The Russian occupiers continue to attack Avdiivka, trying to surround it, so they are throwing in new human forces. ‼️ The occupiers hit the Nova Poshta terminal near Kharkiv with S-300 missiles.
  • In Russia, more than 20,000 people a month are mobilized for the war against Ukraine every month.
  • Russia plans to take its garbage to the occupied territories of Ukraine.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We do not stop praying for peace on our land – above all, for peace in the hearts of people with God. And also about stopping this bloodshed.
  • We pray that the Church in Ukraine stands firmly on spiritual positions, on God’s Word, so that it is not guided by this world, but is steadfast in showing His love and His truth to people.
  • Let’s also pray that intercessors would arise who would pray for their land, for their people. That they have spiritual strength, that they are people of faith.
  • Let Avdiivka sound in our prayers, because our defenders need support. First of all, support from God in order not to lose strength of spirit, as well as to restore physical strength. We also pray for sufficient military equipment, food, etc.
  • We pray for the wounded after the occupiers attacked the Nova Poshta terminal, for the healing of their bodies, and for the healing and salvation of their souls. May they be surrounded by love and care during this difficult time. We also pray for financial support. And of course, we pray for comfort from the Lord for the relatives and loved ones of the dead.
  • We pray for the return to Ukraine of children from the Russian Federation or occupied territories, for the reunification of families. Let there be successful cooperation in these matters with international mediators.
  • We pray for the strengthening of our positions on the information front, preventing us from being drawn into the disinformation field that the enemy creates to achieve his goals. About understanding among as many people as possible that with the help of information we are also fighting.

«But my eyes are fixed on you, Sovereign Lord; in you I take refuge—do not give me over to death. Keep me safe from the traps set by evildoers, from the snares they have laid for me. Let the wicked fall into their own nets, while I pass by in safety.» Psalms 141:8-10 NIV

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605th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🌞 What we thank God for:

  • We thank God that during this time the prayer movement in Ukraine has expanded significantly. That even non-church people understand the importance and necessity of prayer and are open to the preaching of God’s Word.
  • The Armed Forces will receive drones and means of radio-electronic warfare faster.
  • The Armed Forces of Ukraine have established themselves on the left bank of the river in Kherson region.
  • Ukraine returned three more illegally deported children.
  • The USA and the EU have declared their readiness to help with the recovery plan for Ukraine.
  • Germany will allocate 200 million euros of financial aid to Ukraine. • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 16 tanks, 55 units of combat armored vehicles, and 21 units of automobile equipment.

💥 Threats remain:

  • The Russians shelled Nikopol with artillery. More than 100 strikes were carried out in the Zaporizhzhia region. They released 24 guided aerial bombs on the territory of the Kherson region.
  • There are fierce battles in the east and south of Ukraine. More than 100 combat clashes have been recorded in the past day.
  • The new Minister of Defense of Ukraine supported the legalization of LGBT partnerships. • During the next fiscal year, monthly American aid to Ukraine will gradually decrease.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray for the Lord to show mercy to Ukraine, for His supernatural intervention in the course of events. We bless every city, village, every house. • We pray that Russia will cede the initiative in the war. So that the aggressor does not succeed in his plans. We pray that our military will hold back the enemy in the Avdiivka direction, for the action of the supernatural deterrence of the Russians, which is happening now and which there are real testimonies from the front. Let the enemy be ashamed!
  • We bless our soldiers. We pray for the preservation of lives, for supernatural miracles of protection, healing, for the conversion of souls to Christ.
  • We pray for the chaplains, that through them the Lord will touch the hearts of our soldiers and they will receive the salvation of their souls. God’s protection to our brothers and sisters, strength and firmness of spirit in their service.
  • We pray for the restoration of damage to critical infrastructure facilities, due to which people do not have water and electricity. And also about repair crews, about safe conditions for their work and the speedy elimination of these damages. About the fact that people receive help in time while the repair work is ongoing.
  • We pray for the families in Ukraine who are now separated due to the war, as well as for those who have losses, in which there is pain and grief. May the Lord become a Comforter and Savior for everyone. Let God help them find Him in these difficult circumstances and open the door of their hearts to Him.
  • There is still a need, we pray that the draft law “On the Institute of Registered Partnerships” is not adopted. Unfortunately, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Justice supported the draft law on registered partnerships. We pray that efforts to destroy the institution of marriage will be futile. And also about making this draft law public. So that there is no manipulation of public opinion allegedly for the implementation of European standards of human rights in order to push through these shameful draft laws.

“Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid, do not be dismayed before them, for the Lord, your God, He is the One who walks with you – He will not leave you nor forsake you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6)

Let’s be in God’s peace!

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604th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

💛💙 What we thank God for:

  • We thank God for the dialogue between the country’s government and religious organizations. Thus there was a meeting between the Prime Minister of Ukraine and the All-Ukrainian Council of Churches. The meeting became a platform for discussing a wide range of issues: Russian aggression, protection of Ukraine’s territorial integrity and the nation’s spiritual heritage.
  • The US has no intention of stopping aid to Ukraine.
  • The Scythian gold collection will soon return to Ukraine.
  • Thank God for the support from the European Union. So, since the beginning of the war, it allocated about 90 billion dollars in aid to the country. In addition, in the near future it will resume work on the 12th package of sanctions against Russia. It also officially announced the extension of temporary protection for Ukrainians. • Over the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 55 tanks, 120 armored combat vehicles, and 33 vehicles.

🔥 Threats remain:

  • The army of the Russian Federation struck the towns of Donetsk, Kherson and Kharkiv regions. • the Russian Federation transfers equipment from Luhansk to the Kupyansk direction. And near the borders of the Chernihiv and Sumy regions, Russia deployed a group of troops totaling about 19,000 people.
  • China is massively supplying Russia with drones and small arms.
  • The resources of the Ukrainian Energy Exchange were attacked by hackers.
  • The buildings of four Kharkiv schools cannot be restored.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray that Ukraine will be able to strengthen its defense capabilities so that it can protect cities from missile attacks and drones. On the continuation of international aid despite the emergence of new conflicts in the world and new challenges.
  • Continuation of work at various representative levels to establish peace in Ukraine on the basis of international law and respect for the sovereignty and inviolability of the territorial integrity of our country. On October 28 and 29, Malta will host the third peace summit on the principles of restoring a sustainable and just peace for Ukraine. We pray that this event will become another piece of implementation of the Peace Formula.
  • Let’s support our soldiers who are holding the defense in the Avdiivka direction. May the Lord renew their strength, may timely help come. Let the enemy not be able to carry out his plans.
  • We also pray for the prevention of an attack on the Sumy and Chernihiv regions, where the activation of enemy forces is observed. About the wisdom of our military leadership to foresee the intentions of the enemy and act in advance.
  • According to official statistics, more than 30,000 civilians are considered missing in Ukraine due to the war. We pray that we have the appropriate services working effectively to help find these people or provide any information about them. We also pray for the relatives, so that they may be comforted by God, call upon Him, and rely on Him.
  • We pray for the believers in the entire territory of Ukraine, especially in the occupied territories. So that we do not lose heart, but become strong in Christ. “The Lord will not forsake His people, for they are His chosen people.” (Psalm 94:14)
  • We pray for the failure of any disinformation campaigns against Ukraine prepared by Russian political technologists. That the enemy did not succeed in discrediting our country, its leadership, and also did not succeed in igniting internal political discord.

«We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. We destroy every proud obstacle that keeps people from knowing God.” 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 NLT

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603rd day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🇺🇦 What we thank God for:

  • We thank God for His promise to be with us every day, until the end of this age (Mt. 28:20). In every day of the war, the Lord is next to every person who trusts Him and calls on Him, no matter what the circumstances are.
  • The Armed Forces of Ukraine landed on the left bank of the Kherson Region and occupied enemy positions.
  • The US President will submit a request to Congress to allocate 60 billion for Ukraine.
  • Unemployment benefits have been increased in Ukraine.
  • In Crimea, a missile hit warehouses of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation.
  • Britain, together with its partners, is implementing the Plan of emergency assistance to Ukraine in the winter period for a total of 127 million pounds.
  • The US will supply Ukraine with ATACMS tactical ballistic missiles on a regular basis.
  • Sweden is actively discussing the provision of Gripen fighters to Ukraine.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 11 tanks, 17 units of armored combat vehicles, 1 airplane, 1 helicopter, and 34 units of automobile equipment.

🔥 Threats remain:

  • Russian troops launched a missile attack on Pavlograd in the Dnipropetrovsk region. Kryvyi Rih was attacked. They struck Mykolaiv region. The residential area of ​​Kherson was shelled. They hit Vovchansk. In Sumy, a kamikaze drone hit an infrastructure object.
  • The enemy renewed attacks in the Lymansky direction, and also does not stop trying to surround Avdiivka and regain positions near Klishchiivka in Donetsk region.
  • the Russian Federation is recruiting Serbs to supplement its military forces for waging war against Ukraine.
  • Russian occupiers are taking political prisoners from Crimea to Russia.
  • The Russians increase propaganda pressure on Ukrainian children from the occupied territories.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray that hope does not fade in every home in Ukraine, that hearts are opened to God’s love, that souls are reborn for Christ.
  • We pray for the further successful advancement of our troops and the liberation of Ukrainian territories. About the destruction of the defensive and offensive forces of the occupiers. About the weakening of the enemy – military and moral.
  • We pray for the provision of quality products to our soldiers, for strict quality checks of products that come to military units from suppliers. About avoiding any abuse in these matters, about punishing those who speculate on it and profit.
  • We pray that our soldiers will be reconciled with God and be under His protection. May the Lord strengthen them physically and morally. So that trials are not overwhelming, but that the Lord is hope and a solid foundation for everyone.
  • Let the prayer for those who are in Russian captivity not be silent. We pray for the successful negotiation of the exchange of prisoners so that they can return home and embrace their relatives. May the Lord strengthen and support our people in captivity.
  • We pray for the post-war economic recovery and growth of Ukraine, for which we should prepare now. About financial stability, about sources for attracting resources, ensuring their effective use in reconstruction.
  • We pray for stabilization in the labor market, for an increase in wages. About the fact that employers can invest in advanced training, development of employees, mastering of new technologies that will make business more efficient. And we also pray for the elimination of the shortage of personnel, for the filling of vacancies.
  • We pray for strengthening the protection of Ukrainian ports, as well as granaries. About the enemy not being able to destroy our harvest. About sufficient food security of Ukrainians.

“If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” (From Matthew 21:22)

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602nd day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🌻What we thank God for:

  • We thank God for the answers to the prayers of faith of His children, because faith moves mountains, and prayers pave the way in the desert and give light in the darkness.
  • Ukraine adopted three modifications of Leopard tanks.
  • More than 225 thousand hectares of agricultural lands have been cleared of mines.
  • A breakthrough in the matter of transferring frozen assets of the Russian Federation to Ukraine has appeared.
  • The United States of America sent about 20 ATACMS missiles to Ukraine. • Ukrainian hospitals received 42 powerful generators.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 2 tanks, 15 units of armored combat vehicles, 1 airplane, 6 helicopters, and 10 units of automobile equipment.

⚠️ Threats remain:

  • The occupiers launched a missile attack on Zaporizhzhia and the Dnipro, and hit Kharkiv Guided aerial bombs were dropped on the Kherson region.
  • The enemy does not stop trying to surround Avdiivka, and also tries to increase offensive activity in the direction of Kupyansk-Lyman.
  • the Russian Federation can launch missile strikes on Ukraine from the bays of Novorossiysk. • Russian invaders move equipment in temporarily occupied Simferopol.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray that the thirst for knowledge of God will appear in people’s hearts. So that Ukraine becomes a center of God’s power and God’s action. We also pray for Israel, that these difficult times reveal the Messiah – Jesus Christ to many. • We pray that the foundations of social moral principles based on Christian values ​​will be preserved in our country. So that our country is not exposed to outside influence regarding the promotion of the political ideas of the socio-political LGBT movement.
  • We pray for the equipping of our troops with the necessary weapons in order to effectively resist the invaders in all directions. About providing warm clothes, quality food. About exposing any abuses.
  • We pray for our military. May the Lord cover them with His feathers and hide them under His wings. Shield and bow is God’s truth.
  • We pray for the return of our soldiers from captivity home. Let miracles happen! After all, what is impossible for people is possible for God. • We pray for the acceleration of the process of transferring Russian assets frozen in the West to Ukraine. About the fact that the matter is not limited to promises, about the preparation of a legal basis for the use of confiscated assets of Russia.
  • We pray for the leaders of the country, regional leaders. That their efforts should be directed at finding a way out of critical situations, at how to help people.
  • We pray for the rooting of the Church in the Word of Almighty God in response to all kinds of attacks of the devil. About the firmness of the spiritual positions of Christians to win victories in battles with the enemy of human souls.

«Do not gloat over me, my enemy! Though I have fallen, I will rise. Though I sit in darkness, the Lord will be my light.» Micah 7:8 NIV

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601st day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

❤️What we thank God for:

  • We thank God for the support provided by the churches to the families of fallen soldiers. Thus, in the Rivne region, believers of one of the Protestant churches held a meeting with such families. There was a treat, and most importantly – a prayer. After all, no one and nothing is able to heal the wounds caused by the loss of a loved one. But there is God who does not leave anyone alone in grief.
  • Air defense destroyed all enemy air targets today.
  • In occupied Berdyansk and Luhansk, an airfield raid operation was carried out, as a result of which 9 helicopters of various modifications were destroyed; also special equipment that was located at airfields; air defense launcher; ammunition depot, as well as airfield runways were damaged.
  • Despite the war, our farmers continue to sow. Thus, 4.467 million hectares of winter crops were sown in Ukraine.
  • Five children from the Kherson region were returned to their parents from the occupied territories.
  • The USA allocated $522 million for the restoration and protection of the Ukrainian energy industry.
  • The European Parliament supported the creation of the Ukraine Aid Fund in the amount of EUR 50 billion for the next 4 years.
  • Over the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 14 tanks, 20 units of armored combat vehicles, and 22 units of motor vehicles.

💥 Threats remain:

  • The occupiers shelled Kherson and the region. They struck the center of Sloviansk. Sumy region was shelled with mortars.
  • Russia withdrew its ratification of the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.
  • Russia’s destruction of the Kakhovskaya HPP dam caused almost $14 billion in damage to Ukraine.
  • The occupiers are trying to spread fake radio broadcasts in the Kharkiv region.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • We pray for further deterrence by our troops of the occupiers near Avdiivka. About the complete defeat of the enemy’s plans. About the proper arming of our soldiers and the wise management of the defense and offensive of our military.
  • We also pray that the enemies will not have time to gain favorable positions and advance to Kupyansk before the onset of cold weather. About the strengthening of our fortified areas in this direction, the equipment of engineering positions, mine and explosive barriers.
  • We pray for strengthening the protection of the shores of the Black Sea, the Danube region, and, accordingly, the protection of people, ports and Ukrainian exports. About the timely prevention of enemy intentions, and not reacting to the fact of the event.
  • We pray for the implementation of the budget for the next year. About the continuation of international support, because this budget is calculated on the fact that Ukraine will receive 42 billion dollars from the USA and the EU. About providing opportunities, not hindering the work of small and medium-sized businesses.
  • We pray for overcoming the labor shortage in our country. About creating favorable conditions for attracting investments and starting a business. About the implementation of reforms necessary for European integration, so that our country can gain unimpeded access to one of the most solvent sales markets in the world.
  • A draft law on the introduction of the Day of Thanksgiving in Ukraine was submitted to the Verkhovna Rada. Let us prayerfully support the implementation of this initiative already at the legislative level, so that the level of gratitude rises in Ukraine as an important positive feature of civil society, which will positively affect the strengthening of national unity in Ukraine.
  • We pray that the prayers of the intercessors for our region, unity between the churches will not be silenced in the churches. That these prayers were inspired by the Holy Spirit, according to the Word of God.

“And for you who fear My Name, the Sun of Truth and healing will rise in His rays.” (Malachi 4:2)

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600th day of intercession for Ukraine!


🛡 Prayer shield of the Intercessors of Ukraine

🌞 What we thank God for:

  • We thank God for the peace we have received in Jesus Christ. Not the kind that this world gives – a peace that can collapse at any moment, but a reliable one that saves from today’s upheavals and gives strength to stand.
  • Air defense forces shot down two rockets and 11 Shaheds.
  • The President of Russia and representatives of the Kremlin’s propaganda have changed their rhetoric regarding the offensive of the occupiers on Avdiivka. They “reduce expectations” for probable successes in this direction.
  • Ukrainian troops hit a record 428 units of Russian equipment with the help of drones from the Drone Army in the past week.
  • Qatar agreed on the return to Ukraine of four children who were deported by Russia.
  • During the past day, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed 17 tanks, 23 units of armored fighting vehicles, 1 airplane, 1 helicopter, and 22 units of automobile equipment.

⚠️ Threats remain:

  • 23 settlements in Zaporizhzhia region came under Russian fire. The Russians attacked Dnipropetrovsk Region with missiles, Kropyvnytskyi, Myrhorod, Khmelnytskyi, and Starokostyantiniv – with drones. Ten aerial bombs were dropped on the Berislav district of the Kherson region.
  • PMC “Redut” which actually replaced the “Wagner” group, recruits mercenaries under the guise of “volunteers”. Most likely, the group has more than 7,000 people.
  • Almost all imported drones used by Russia were supplied from China.
  • An increase in the number of suicides among children and teenagers was recorded in Kyiv.

🙏Prayer needs:

  • On the 600th day, we pray for the end of this bloodshed, for the unity of our people – to focus on what unites, not divides. That doubts do not destroy faith, that we do not give up. May the Lord renew our strength.
  • We continue to pray for an advantage in the battle for Avdiivka. There are already some gains. In particular, geotagged footage shows that Russian troops have lost as many armored vehicles as a tactical group battalion. The rhetoric of Russian propaganda has also changed. May the plans of the enemy do not come true.
  • We pray for the higher leadership of our country, that these people fear God in their hearts, that they stay away from unholy conspiracies and criminal plans. To defend the interests of their country and their people. To be guided not by their own enrichment, but by the desire to change their country for the better. To take care of having a clear conscience before God and before people.
  • We pray for the strengthening of the spirit of our soldiers, for God’s support for everyone who is tired, everyone who has lost hope and does not see a way out. Let them raise their eyes to Heaven, let them meet the living God and receive salvation.
  • Decreased ability of Russian troops to conduct effective combat operations, lack of clear coordination between command and battalions. A decrease in the morale of Russian servicemen, an awareness of the unwarrantedness of the risk of giving one’s life for the sake of illusory ideas.
  • We pray for increased protection of critical infrastructure facilities. On preventing the undermining of hydroelectric power stations.
  • We pray for teenagers, among whom the number of suicides has increased over the past month, in particular, in Kyiv. For families to pay attention to their children despite difficult times, so that teenagers have support in their environment and do not find themselves alone with their problems. To develop psychological support programs for families who find themselves in difficult life circumstances.

“You are my cover, You will protect me from oppression, You will wrap me in the joy of salvation!” (Book of Psalms 32:7)

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(From Intercessors for Ukraine. Photo Credit: Intercessors for America)

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