
Fiducia Supplicans’ English version refers to homosexual ‘individuals’ in contrast to other translations – LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — The English translation of the Vatican declaration Fiducia Supplicans uniquely uses “individuals” in one paragraph in contrast to the original Italian and translations into other languages, adding more confusion to the debate around the highly controversial document.

Catholic journalist and Vatican insider Diane Montagna discovered the odd disparity between the English translation and the original Italian version as well as the other translations.

“Note on #FiduciaSupplicans: The English translation of n. 38 uses the noun ‘individuals.’ The Italian original uses the demonstrative pronoun ‘costoro,’ meaning ‘for them.’ All other translations except English use a pronoun meaning ‘for them,’” Montagna wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

Paragraph 38 of the English version states the following:

For this reason, one should neither provide for nor promote a ritual for the blessings of couples in an irregular situation. At the same time, one should not prevent or prohibit the Church’s closeness to people in every situation in which they might seek God’s help through a simple blessing. In a brief prayer preceding this spontaneous blessing, the ordained minister could ask that the individuals have peace, health, a spirit of patience, dialogue, and mutual assistance — but also God’s light and strength to be able to fulfill his will completely. (emphasis added)

The original Italian does not use the word “individuals” but rather uses a demonstrative pronoun “per costoro,” meaning “for them,” in an apparent reference to the word “couples” in the previous sentence. The same sentence structure is used for all other translations except the English one.

While it may seem like a minuscule linguistic detail, it may add to the confusion and ambiguity already contained in the document, which has led to a controversial debate gripping the Catholic Church around the world. Some have argued that Fiducia Supplicans only allows for the blessings the individuals to receive a blessing as a “couple,” while the sinful “union” is not affirmed. However, it remains unclear if there exists a substantial distinction between the terms “couple” and “unions,” as Catholic philosopher Edward Feser noted on several occasions.

The English translation of Fiducia Supplicans uses the term “couples” several times throughout the document (e.g., paragraphs 31, 38, and 41) when explaining the new form of “pastoral blessing” introduced by the head of the Dicastery of Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Victor Fernandez. However, using the term “individuals” in the second sentence of paragraph 38 appears to add even more ambiguity compared to the other translations.

READ: Cardinal Müller tells Pope Francis: Blessing homosexual couples is ‘impossible’ and ‘blasphemy’

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