(LifeSiteNews) — The John Paul II Academy for Human Life and the Family has called on Pope Francis to remove Cardinal Victor Fernández from his position as head of the Dicastery of the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF).
The John Paul II Academy, founded in 2017 by former members of the Pontifical Academy for Life (PAV) removed by Francis, condemned the “scandalous books” Cardinal Fernandez wrote in the past and asserted that the current head of the DDF “does not have the necessary minimum qualities required to fulfil the role of defender of the faith” and should therefore be removed by the Pope.
In a statement published on January 17, the Academy wrote that it “feels obliged to express its astonishment and perplexity that Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández has accepted the role of Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith despite having in past decades written scandalous books of an erotic nature which border on pornography and which contain passages that clash with the traditional teaching of the Church…”
“[I]n particular his works ‘Sáname con tu boca – El arte de besar’ (‘Heal Me With Your Mouth: The Art of Kissing’) and ‘La Pasión mística – espiritualidad y sensualidad’ (Mystical Passion: spirituality and sensuality). Far from retracting the disgraceful passages that these works contain, Cardinal Fernández has limited himself to stating that he would not have published them today and that he has prohibited their reprinting.”
READ: Scandalous book on orgasms surfaces from Cardinal Fernández
“The sensual-mystical literature for which the cardinal has a particular propensity is one of the worst evils of our time to the extent that under the pretext of spirituality, it, in reality, does nothing but justify the worst excesses of the sexual revolution that is deeply corrupting our society and leading our youth to the abyss,” the statement continued.
The John Paul II Academy explained that this kind of mystical-sensual literature written by Fernández is dangerous because, even if the author is well-intentioned, it can lead people to sins of lust under the guise of spirituality.
“Although all honest acts performed with good intentions are meritorious before God, sexual relations in our present order of fallen nature are so linked to unruly concupiscence that, generally, they cannot constitute an object that awakens or elevates piety,” the Academy stated.
“Already during the pontificate of Pius XI, the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office published an Instruction entitled De sensuali et de sensuali-mystico litterarum genere explicitly condemning mystical-sensual literature, in particular works of those authors who ‘do not fear to embellish the pasture of a sickly sensuality with sacred things, mixing immodest loves with a certain piety towards God and an entirely false religious mysticism.’”
“The Instruction [by Pius XI] explicitly states that no intention of the author can prevent ‘that readers whose fragility is generally great, as is also great their propensity to lust as a result of the corruption of their nature, gradually caught in nets by the bait of these impure pages, are not perverted in their minds and depraved in their hearts.’”
“It is deplorable that almost a century after this Instruction, lay Catholics should have to remind the Prefect [of the DDF] of the admonition of his own predecessor:
Let these literati learn once and for all that they cannot serve two masters, God and sensuality, religion and impurity. ‘He who is not with me, said the Lord Jesus, is against me’ (Matthew, 12, 30). They are certainly not with Jesus Christ, the writers who, through sordid descriptions, deprave good morals, which are the most authentic foundations of civil and family society.”
According to the John Paul II Academy, “These scandalous episodes show that Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández does not have the necessary minimum qualities required to fulfil the role of defender of the faith.”
“For this reason, this Academy formally asks the Holy Father to dismiss him and appoint in his place a competent theologian faithful to the moral teachings of the Church,” the statement concluded.
Pope Francis’ heterodox re-construction of the PAV
In 1994, Pope John Paul II founded the Pontifical Academy for Life to study and defend human life in all stages, from conception to natural death. However, starting in 2016, Pope Francis dismissed most orthodox members chosen by John Paul II and changed the statutes of the PAV so that new members were no longer required to sign a declaration upholding the Church’s pro-life teachings. Francis has also expanded the PAV mandate to include a focus on the environment.
READ: Pope Francis guts Vatican pro-life academy of members chosen by St. John Paul II
For this reason, former members of the PAV founded the John Paul II Academy in October 2017 to continue “to unfold the splendor of truth about life and family as taught by Pope St John Paul.”
Since 2017, Francis has made numerous scandalous appointments to the PAV, including members who support euthanasia, abortion, and contraception in blatant contradiction to perennial Church teaching and the original mission of the PAV.
A list of the PAV scandals since its re-vamping by Pope Francis can be found at the bottom of this article.