
Biden Admin’s Staggering Immigration Numbers – Intercessors for America

Despite the Biden administration’s insistence that the border is secure, it has let millions of migrants into the nation illegally.

From Breitbart. President Joe Biden’s deputies have let 6.2 million illegal migrants into the United States, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO).

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Biden’s southern inflow is more than one migrant for every two American births since January 2021. …

The 2023 inflow included 900,000 migrants who were released after they walked up to official border gates plus 1.1 million migrants who were released after they crossed through gaps in the border wall, said the CBO agency, which acts as an advisor to Capitol Hill legislators.

Roughly half of those migrants — 1.1 million — were let into the country by October 1, via Biden’s use of the “parole” loophole in border law, the CBO reported. Biden and his Democrat allies are now trying to expand the parole doorway.

The 2023 inflow also included 860,000 “gotaways” who sneaked past Biden’s half-built and lightly guarded border wall and 430,000 people who remained in the United States long after their visas had expired. …

The CBO data does not include hundreds of thousands of migrants released since October 1.

The report noted that “CBO estimates that, on net, the number of people immigrating to the United States was 1.2 million in 2021 and 2.7 million in 2022.”

So Biden’s three years of inflows — 1.2 million, 2.7 million, and 3.3 million — up to October — add up to 6.2 million illegal migrants.

This massive migrant inflow has helped to flatline Americans’ wages and spike the cost of housing, making it more difficult for American families to have many children.

The CBO report noted that Americans’ “projected total fertility rate [fell] from 1.75 to 1.70 births per woman” in 2023. …

Polls show that Biden’s inflow is very unpopular and may prevent his reelection. …

The CBO report also estimated that Biden will import an additional 3.3 million illegal migrants in 2024. …

The chart suggests that Biden added 2.25 million legal immigrants during his first three years. …

The 2.25 million legal immigrants pushed the total migrant inflow up to 8.5 million, or almost one migrant for each of the 10 million U.S. births during the three years.

The CBO report does not give a number for the inflow of foreign contract workers. However, Biden’s deputies have sharply raised that inflow from about 600,000 in 2020 up to one million in 2022.

The data suggests that Biden’s deputies have imported roughly 2.6 million visa workers. …

The total inflow adds up to one migrant for every American birth in the first three years of his tenure. …

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(Excerpt from Breitbart. Photo Credit: CBP)

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