
5 Truths to Embrace about Your Identity as a Child of God

Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over every living creature that moves on the ground…So, in the image of God, he created them; male and female, he created them. God blessed them….“—Genesis 1:26, 27, 28 (NIV)

You were created in God’s image. 

In the Ancient Near East, it was believed that images contained the essence of that which they represented. In fact, ancient kings would put images of themselves in places in order to claim their territory, control, and rule in those places. 

So, the fact that you were created in the image of God means that you are meant to bear God’s essence wherever he has placed you. 

You were designed to represent God and act on his behalf in this world. You were created to display God’s character and nature to the world in desperate need of him.

You were created in God’s likeness.

We typically think of the terms “image” and “likeness” as the same thing. But image typically means essence—God’s character. Likeness means a physical similarity. In other words, somehow, you look like God! Isn’t that an incredible thought? Before you did anything right or good before you were even born, 

God designed you to resemble him. That should give you a sense of great dignity.

You are not a mistake. You are not an afterthought. In fact, it’s been said that a great work of art is a masterpiece when the artist puts herself in the art. In the same way, you are a masterpiece of God’s own making.

You were created with purpose.

Have you ever noticed that everything God made was for a purpose? The sun, moon, and stars were created to light the skies and govern the days and nights. The land was created to produce vegetation, and those plants were created to bear fruit. Even water was created with a purpose—to keep us alive and to teem with living creatures. Similarly, you were created with a specific purpose in mind. If you don’t yet know your purpose, God is not trying to hide that from you. Ask him for help and guidance. Ask your community what they think your purpose might be. And start living on purpose, with purpose, and for a purpose.

You were created with goodness and blessing.

When God created man and women, he spoke a blessing of goodness over them. Don’t ever believe the lie that God is withholding goodness from you or that you have to pry blessing from his hands. He pronounces blessing and favor freely and abundantly over all who call upon the name of Jesus. So spend time with him, enjoy him, and live on a mission for him. You will find that his goodness and blessing are yours in Christ.  

You were named by God. 

What’s also implied in the above verses is what God creates, he names. on AM1160 in Chicago. You can preorder her upcoming children’s bookBig Feeling Days: A Book About Hard Things, Heavy Emotions, and Jesus’ Love, and find and follow her @aubsamp on Instagram. Go to for more. 

LISTEN: Let Our Bible Study Expert Help You Start the New Year Right!

Have you ever chosen a word for the year? Whether you pick a word each year or never have before, I think this episode will help you order your life in the year to come. If you don’t know what your word is, today might be a great day for you to hear some of the things that we are promised in Christ that you in faith can claim for yourself for 2024. Keep in mind, each of these words requires faith.

The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of Salem Web Network and Salem Media Group.

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