
The Brew: Moms for Liberty Scores Victory in Fight to Keep Smut from Schools – The Stream

Happy Tuesday!

This is going to be a wild couple days for your friends at The Stream. Please join us praying for our meetings and Stream-ish LIFE Today recordings. Cannot wait to dish.

Victory for Moms for Liberty: Maryland County Agrees to Keep Graphic Sex Books Out of Schools

Carroll County Maryland northwest of Baltimore is showing some sense, thanks to the efforts of Moms for Liberty. The school board voted unanimously to restrict “sexually explicit” books from the county’s schools. This would be defined as “unambiguously describing, depicting, showing, or writing about sex or sex acts in a detailed or graphic manner.”

Moms for Liberty has been fighting tooth and nail across the country to keep the sexual grooming manuals that pass for books suitable for children out of schools. And been attacked mercilessly for their efforts … because in 2024 protecting children from smut and LGBTQ indoctrination is “extremist.”

However, Moms for Liberty Chapter president Kit Hart told Fox News Digital the decision in Carroll County proves parental rights is not a partisan issue.

“I think that the unanimous vote in favor of this policy is further proof that [the issue] of having [sexual] content in schools spans the entire political spectrum,” she said. “It is not a political issue.”

It’s not about “banning books,” as supporters of the graphic books in the hands of kids claim.

“We really want to highlight that there is a distinction between adults and children that as a society we need to work very hard to maintain and this is a step in the right direction in solidifying that distinction.”

Our Fallen Troops Deserve Better

The three soldiers who lost their lives in an Iran-sponsored drone attack have been identified. They are:

  • Sgt. William Jerome Rivers, 46, Carrollton, Georgia.
  • Spc. Kennedy Ladon Sanders, 24, Waycross, Georgia.
  • Spc. Breonna Alexsondria Moffett, 23, Savannah, Georgia.

Stream editor and best-selling military author Tom Sileo gives us an update on this attack, and offers the sad reminder that months ago he begged the administration to do more to stop Iranian-backed forces from attacking our troops before someone got killed.

As for a response to the weekend attack that also left two score injured, the White House is still “working through options,” according to spokesman John Kirby. Will Joe Biden be traveling to Dover, Delaware for the Dignified Transfer when these three heroes return to American soil? “I don’t have anything on his schedule this week,” said Kirby. Let’s pray that changes. Seems he finds every other reason to go to Delaware. This one matters.

Meanwhile, this word salad from White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has lots of salt to rub in the wounds of our service members.

It is fair to ask if she would sound like this if asked about some transgender soldier stubbing his/her toe on the way to a taxpayer-funded sex change?

And is she really saying the three soldiers killed in Jordan died for “the administration”?

From the “Oh, Sure. NOW You Say It” File

Now that the trial to strip Donald Trump of his New York City holdings is over but for judge deciding just how badly to damage the leading GOP contender … er, New York real estate magnet … the Associated Press is weighing in. “Taking away Trump’s business empire would stand alone under New York fraud law” is the headline.

Their conclusion after heavy analysis of 70 years of civil fraud cases in New York City? “It’s the only big business found that was threatened with a shutdown without a showing of obvious victims and major losses.” Punishing someone for fraud when nobody was defrauded? Yeah, that’s a tough one to sort out. Good work, Edward R. Murrow.

Oh, Brother. You Hear the Latest Involving Rep. Ilhan Omar?

Have you heard the latest shock involving Squad Member Rep. Ilhan Omar?

A video has gone viral of Omar pledging her allegiance to Somalia, not the U.S., admitting she’s representing Somalia from “inside the government,” boasting that the U.S. government’s policy toward Somalia is what she says it is, and is pushing for Somalia’s territorial expansion. Oh, and not for nothing, she’s insisting “Somalia is for Somalians” … taking about “real” Somalians versus fake Somalians. A very curious comment from a woman who insists it’s racist to want to protect the American borders and screen the people coming in.

Here’s the clip.

Even allowing for a politician playing it up for the crowd, this is stunning stuff for a U.S. member of Congress, and once again is generating calls for the ungrateful racist, anti-American anti-Semite Somalian agent to be booted from Congress.

Along The Stream

Mark Judge laments how a favorite artist of his youth is now openly calling for artistic censorship. “Billy Bragg, You Broke My Heart.”

Dr. Michael Brown’s latest is up: “The Refiner’s Fire, Diving Pruning, and the Prayer Movement.”

Al Perrotta is the Managing Editor of The Stream, co-author, with John Zmirak, of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration and co-author of the counter-terrorism memoir Hostile Intent: Protecting Yourself Against Terrorism.

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