
As another year passes by, and as eternity draws ever nearer, may our focus this year not be on how …

How Much Free Will Do You Really Have?

This is the work of God—that you believe in Christ Jesus. We freely choose to believe only because God has …

A Merciful Awakening, Please Lord

While mainline churches continue to speak this “gospel” of no judgment by God by which all people are in and …

How Not to be a Grumpy Old Man or Woman

“Do you see a man who is hasty in his words? There is more hope for a fool than for …

The Least Resolution for 2024

Fifty years later, perhaps it is time for us to revisit this document.  Are we living in times where some, …

Moralism is a Poor Substitute for Christianity

Moralism is a terrible substitute for Christianity. We need gospel-fueled obedience, not a “grit your teeth and do it” obedience. …