10 Biblical Promises for a Blessed 2024

[embedded content] The Scriptures provide us with numerous conditional promises and commands that, if followed, will ultimately ensure a …

Islamic Extremists Kill 14 Christians in Northeast Nigeria

ABUJA, Nigeria, January 8, 2024 (Christian Daily International–Morning Star News)Members of an Islamic terrorist group on Friday (Jan. 5) killed …

Enough Already With the Pro-Trump Prophecies!

[embedded content] Come November 2024, if Donald Trump is on the presidential ballot, he may be your candidate of …

The Brew: Random Thoughts and Rants – The Stream

Happy Tuesday! Monday was a day of airports, so today’s Brew was done on the fly. Get it? On the …

Is Marriage Meant to Be a Headship or a Partnership?

Ephesians 5:22– 28 gives instructions on how to run a household based on godly principles: “Submit to one another out …

Rachael Weeps

Editor’s Note: For many Christian traditions, the season of Epiphany begins on January 6 and ends on the first day …

Nurturing Faith Journal Preview | New and Dangerous Opinions

Editor’s Note: Nurturing Faith Journal is an autonomous, national journal offering thoughtful analysis, inspiring features and helpful resources for Christian …