Of the Assurance of Grace and Salvation

You don’t need “extraordinary revelation” to know that you are a child of God. Through the ordinary means of grace—listening …

Who Is this One Lying in the Manger

The infinite became finite; the eternal and supratemporal entered time and became subject to it. The immutable became mutable. The …

The Light of the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ

Paul does not back away from the truth, and we should not either, that the Gospel is indeed veiled to …

No Games, Just Grace

Our sin will find us out. There will be no sighs of relief that we escaped the condemnation due us …

By Faith We See In the Dark

According to Hebrews, it is by faith that we understand. And of course, if Christianity is actually true, that understanding requires …

Daily Reading in John Owen

He was a man of God’s Word, and hence considered that ‘one Scripture, in its plainness and simplicity, will be …