January 5, 2024

Managing Editor for Publishing and Experiences Director at Good Faith Media. He is a historian, lecturer, public speaker, award-winning author …

The Great Difference in the Two Advents of Christ

He came to endure the penalty, he comes to procure the reward. He came to serve, he comes to rule. He came …

A Teacher’s Defence of Homeschooling

Homeschooling is a completely valid option for a child’s education and should by no means be looked down upon as …

Seven Differences Between Gifts and Graces

With fruit/grace, the primary benefit is for the immediate recipient, and secondarily other people. With gifts, it is the other …

A Biblical Approach to Fitness

While God is sovereign over every aspect of our lives—including the precise number of breaths we will take—He has created …

Book Review: Bavinck on Science

Ultimately, it is only when scientific investigation is directed and grounded upon Christian presuppositions that it is capable of achieving …

The Longer I Live, the Less I Understand Christmas

Jesus entered our world in the lowest, most humble manner possible to identify with humanity at our lowest and most …