Jesus Calling, “PCA, Lament and Repent!”

We failed to care sufficiently for her soul, and to exercise authority within our delineated jurisdiction for the preservation and …

The Three Most Important Words in Prayer

“Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If …

Why Faith Matters in the Face of Punishment

In just about every society around the globe, laws are given, and order is to be maintained to keep the …

Most-Read Articles Online

The 10 most-accessed articles on between January and December 2023, in order of most views to fewer. For links …

God and Telescopes

Imagine being given the task of going to an ocean beach to search for a single grain of blue sand. …

Reply All: January 2024

Insider Language Melissa Kuipers’ article (“Being Missional Means Avoiding Insider Language,” Sept. 2023) reminded me of a discussion I had …