
Klaus Schwab headlined this year’s World Governments Summit. But is his influence weakening? – LifeSite

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (LifeSiteNews) — The eleventh World Governments Summit, a three-day event known as “Davos In the Desert,” comes to a close today.

Held in Dubai, it was begun in 2013 as a forum for the rulers of these small oil and gas rich gulf statelets. Relaunched with a video address by President Barack Obama in 2016 as an organization with global ambitions, it returned this year with the ambitious theme of “shaping future governments.”

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The UAE Minister of Cabinet Affairs Mohammad Al-Gergawi told reporters in a statement announcing the Summit on February 1:

We don’t claim to have all the solutions, but we try to get glimpse of the future and help governments prepare for emerging challenges.

The summit, he said, particularly hosts tech experts and private sector leaders as “the shapers of the future.”

If that phrase rings a bell, then you will not be surprised to learn that the headline act this year was Klaus Schwab. His own World Economic Forum saw no first-rank world leaders attend this year, a trend reflected in the uninspiring roster at the World Government Summit.

Despite its name, it seems to mainly host members of NGOs, academics, and would-be technocrats. Its list of speakers still displays Elon Musk and the Secretary-General of the U.N. Antonio Guterres, despite them making no appearance this year.

Notable, however was the presence of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, along with the prime ministers of both Rwanda and Serbia.

With 200 speakers announced from 120 government delegations and around 4,000 participants, its publicity sounds convincing, yet the list of attendees is impossible to find. Why would that be? It is because Schwab and his ilk have lost their audience, and are increasingly talking to themselves?

Why is Schwab in Dubai at all? There are two interests at play here. Obviously, Schwab seeks to market his vision of a posthuman, technocratic future society. This itself turns out to be drawn largely from the imagination of a 1960s and 1970s deep state futurist called Herman Kahn.

Schwab’s program is basically a “greatest hits” compilation of Kahn’s paper, “The Year 2000.” You can read a summary of that here.

For a committed techno-futurist, Schwab has no ideas of his own, and never has. He was, of course, put up to all this by Henry Kissinger, author of the depopulationist Kissinger Report, which saw anti-natalist polices become a matter of U.S. national security in the early 1970s. Here is a great report on the background to all things Schwab.

It was Kissinger who introduced economist J.K. Galbraith to Klaus Schwab, along with Herman Kahn.

Kahn suggested in 1967 that democracy should be managed by training a select group of global leaders, which later became the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders.

This project is not shaking out too well. Why? The U.S.-dominated global order is no longer in place, and it looks like the kind of NGOs on which the WEF and the World Governments Summit rely to “shape the future” are becoming increasingly irrelevant.

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For the Gulf States there is an obvious motive, which you could call cash-washing. The oil and gas rich region of tiny but phenomenally wealthy monarchies is seeking to modernize its image.

It will be news to many that this year’s honored guest Qatar is a major sponsor of international terrorism, and that the prime minister and president of fellow guests-of-honor Turkey and India lead the roll of otherwise unnamed “world leaders” attending the summit.

There are no major figures from Europe, nor from the United States – beyond Tucker Carlson, whose name now signifies the shift in world affairs which has seen the tide go out from the once dominant globalist NGOs. Schwab himself appears stranded in the sands of this summit. Why are his outmoded and second hand ideas about shaping democracy staged here at all?

Schwab of the desert in search of an audience

Dubai is not a democracy, and nor are any of the six neighboring Emirates. These Persian Gulf microstates are hereditary autocracies whose interest in funding such an undertaking appears to be motivated by a desire to “technify” their public image.

The past and present themes of the summit would appear familiar to the casual student of technocratic managerialism. With the WEF unable to command sufficient prestige – or power – to advance its agenda elsewhere, it appears happy to associate itself with these non-democratic and wealthy Gulf partners in the project of global managerialism.

The summit’s title again exaggerates its influence, being again largely a conference of Gulf princes. Some African leaders are there, alongside someone called Ryan North who gets two entries – side by side, and he is joined by CEOs of minor companies and His Excellency Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus of World Health Organization fame.

“A pact with the future: why the pandemic agreement is mission critical” was his pitch for a pact with the devil which would replace sovereign governments’ power to direct their own medical affairs with the diktats of a man once faced with charges of genocide.

This is a hard sell in a world rapidly reverting to the idea of nation states, border security, and retreating from the expensive mistakes of funding forever wars and the international bureaucracy business.

Last year’s summit promoted the disturbing vision of a digital dystopia, through its Global Artificial Intelligence Governance Forum. Though the European Union has announced plans to proceed with digital ID, the main U.S.-backed global template for digital governance has been piloted in Ukraine.

DIIA – the happily named “Digital Illumination Interface Alliance,” is a model of digital governance which is designed to be adopted throughout the world.

It has faced the obvious problem that Ukraine itself may not exist in its current form for much longer.

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This may stymie the aims of its champion, U.S. deep state official Samantha Power, to “bring democracy in to the future” through the testing ground provided by President Volodymyr Zelensky’s government. She spoke in December 2023 of her determination to see DIIA exported to all nations under U.S. influence, announcing the successful adoption of a similar scheme… in Ecuador.

Digital nightmare scenarios feature heavily on this year’s irrelevant agenda at the World Governments Summit.

Themes this year included “Government Acceleration and Transformation,” paired with “Artificial Intelligence and The Next Frontiers.” A further segment was focused on “Sustainability and The New Global Shifts,” saying:

… governments, businesses, and individuals worldwide must adopt sustainable practices for equitable, just, and resilient access to these resources while ensuring long-term prosperity.

This last area is part of a Decade of Action, whose aims are not explicitly mentioned, but which can be summarized as a contribution to the technocratic remodeling of human habitation and social control. It makes no mention of the “equitable and just” access to liquefied natural gas, whose critical supply to a Nord Stream-starved Europe is one reason why there is never any mention of Qatar’s backing of international terrorism.

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