
Love God with all Your Mind

Our Bible study group asks hard questions about the Bible. Recently one lesson examining the Lord’s Prayer extended beyond the classroom when a couple explored prayer in the modern church compared to Jesus’ day. As a result, nearly twenty people dug into their Bibles to examine how Jesus prayed and how His example applies to believers now.

 In Mark 12:30, Jesus answered the religious leader who wanted to know the greatest commandment. Jesus told him, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.” Love is not an emotion-laden response. Jesus said loving God goes further than emotions can take us.

 Loving the Lord God with our minds means we are not satisfied with surface-level understanding of the Bible we received as children. We study the world in which the Bible took place to better learn its lessons. We study what we enjoy but also what is painful to explore.

 Loving God with our minds means we are willing to examine God’s deep character. It means making God’s principles the examiner and shaper of our character.

Challenge: Study the Bible, and love God with your mind.

Claudean Boatman decided to go to seminary after hearing multiple people say it changed how they thought and approached the Bible. She earned a Master of Theological Studies from Gateway Seminary, Rocky Mountain Campus (Denver area), in 2023.

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