
Danish equality minister affirms reality of only ‘two biological sexes’ in parliament debate – LifeSite

COPENHAGEN (LifeSiteNews) — The Danish equality minister affirmed the binary reality of gender, stating that “there are two biological sexes” during a parliamentary debate.

While answering questions posed by politicians from the opposition during a debate in the Danish Parliament, Marie Bjerre, minister for digitalization and equality, said, “It is my opinion that gender is biologically based.”

“And there are basically two sexes, a woman and a man.”

“Socially and culturally conditioned gender roles are linked to the biological sex, as are norms and expectations for girls and boys respectively, women and men,” she continued.

“I also agree that a woman is defined as an adult human being of the female gender.”

“At the same time, the government and I are aware that there is a small part of the population who do not experience conformity between their biological sex and the gender they perceive themselves as,” Bjerre said, adding that this does not change their sex.

She quoted a survey showing that around 0.5% of the population have confusion about their sex.

“The questioner also wants to know whether a potential discrepancy between actual gender and self-perceived gender identity changes our biological sex,” she said.

“I don’t think that’s the case.”

She reiterated her position, saying, “There are two biological sexes. There is man and woman.”

While the minister from the Liberal Venstre Party did affirm the biological reality of two sexes, she gave an ambiguous answer to the question of why the language of “assigning” sex at birth is used by medical professionals.

“To me, it immediately seems like a strange use of language,” Bjerre said. “In general, Danes will typically say that gender is determined at birth, girl or boy, and there doesn’t seem to [be] any reason to change [it].”

She stated that someone may change their Central Persons Register (CPR) number, i.e., their “legal sex,” if they perceive themselves to be of the opposite gender.

“However, this does not change the fact that you are born to a biological sex,” the equality minister added.

“It is important to me that there is freedom of diversity in our community and that we try to unite rather than divide the population in matters such as these,” she said.

When asked by Parliamentarian Mikkel Bjørn why the public sector is being politicized by left-wing ideology through the language of “assigning” sex at birth, Bjerre said that while she finds the use of language odd, “I don’t find it politicizing that in the healthcare system, you use a different term in connection with assigning a CPR number.”

The minister also said that she believes that one could refer to a gender-confused person by his or her “preferred pronouns,” despite the fact that doing so would be assenting to a false reality.

READ: Transgenderism is a sin against at least four of the Ten Commandments: Franciscan priest

Bjørn also asked Bjerre if her party and the government support “Self-ID,” i.e., legally determining one’s “gender,” for children under 18 years old.

Bjerre said that her party does not support self-ID for minors, however, she did not rule out that the government coalition may allow legal self-identification for children.

The government is “trying to find a model for self-ID” because, according to their “international obligations,” they need to have a self-ID law for minors, she stated.

Last year, Denmark moved away from the so-called “affirmative model” approach to youth suffering from gender dysphoria, offering counseling instead of harmful puberty blockers, hormones, and mutilating surgeries.

READ: Denmark is the latest European country turning away from transgender mutilation of children

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