
Illegal Immigration and the 2024 Election – Intercessors for America

Analysis. Many of us have been shaking our heads over the government’s apparent inability to stop the flood of illegal immigrants at the border. According to the latest statistics from U.S. Customs and Border Protection, more than 7.5 million people have crossed the southern border during the Biden administration. Most of them have now spread to various regions across the nation, where they are receiving all kinds of government services and financial aid. Given the drain on our resources and the social problems all this mass migration is causing, it seems incomprehensible that our elected officials haven’t closed the border, beefed up security, and repatriated all, or even most, of these illegal crossers.

Is there, perhaps, more going on than meets the eye?

Experts like Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, seem to think so. In an interview with Fox News Digital, Krikorian said: “Illegal immigration has all kinds of effects, and among them is that it distorts the mechanics of democratic government. Illegal immigrants aren’t even supposed to be here, so their inclusion in the census count for purposes of apportionment really is outrageous.”

He is referring to the executive order that President Joe Biden signed in January 2021 requiring that the U.S. Census Bureau count “nonresidents,” including illegal aliens. This could have sweeping effects on the distribution of electoral votes and the popular vote. According to the Federation for American Immigration Reform, there are an estimated 16.8 million illegal immigrants living in the U.S. as of June 2023. Therefore, because every House seat represents 761,168 residents on average, the total number of illegal immigrants accounts for roughly 22 seats in the House. That, in turn, influences the number of electoral votes assigned to each district.

The experts seem to corroborate a recent claim by Elon Musk that tolerating the illegal border crossings is a deliberate attempt by the Democrats to garner votes, secure their power, and turn the U.S. into a one-party state. While it’s hard to prove conspiracies that large, most would agree that ever since the suspicions surrounding the 2020 elections, underhanded tactics have become more commonplace in our election processes. Such tactics are, due to the freedoms and fragmentations that are part of our complex nation, easier to perpetrate than to prove. Is George Soros behind it all? Is China secretly stirring the pot, in cahoots with the Bidens, to weaken America? Are the members of The Squad plotting a socialist takeover? It is hard to tell what lies beneath it all and whether or not it’s all connected.

These recent warnings indicate that 2024 is shaping up to be an election like no other. Political and ideological divisions are sharper than ever. People seem to be angrier than ever. Some even fear some sort of civil war, because they think each side is likely to explode in uproar if the other wins. Others have suggested that God has removed His hand of protection and blessing from this nation because we have turned increasingly away from Him, and that He has left us to live with the consequences until we see the error of our ways and return to Him.

The great news for intercessors is that God Himself does know. He often chooses to reveal only what we need to know to enable us to stay close to Him, pray, and take the next step in accordance with His kingdom purposes. And there is more good news: His purposes stand forever, and He has chosen to work through the prayers of His people to bring those purposes to bear.

More than votes, political activism, or protests — important as all of those are — our prayers are the most powerful action. Each overwhelming crisis, each looming danger, each evil conspiracy that threatens our safety, our freedom, and our right to justice is an invitation to turn to the throne of grace. And each is an opportunity for God to move mightily in answer to the prayers of His people.

How to Pray
For that reason, I invite you to pray without ceasing over the connection between the border crisis and any attempts to underhandedly influence the outcome of the 2024 elections.

Pray that the border states will have the courage to act and that Congress will see the urgency and close the borders.

  • Pray for God’s protection over the integrity of this year’s elections.
  • Pray for peace in the land no matter what the outcome.
  • Pray for His kingdom to come into American hearts like never before, and for His will for America to be done.
  • Pray that conspiracies hidden in darkness will be exposed by the light of His truth and kept from steering our nation further away from being one nation under God.

Father in heaven, forgive us for talking the talk about being one nation under God, more than walking the walk. Return Your hand of protection against all the illegal activity at our borders. Expose hidden schemes to steer our nation to a one-party government by stealing or underhandedly influencing the elections. Bring peace to every state, and protect us against any violent reactions. May these mounting problems make many hearts hungry for You and bring revival to our nation. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Do you see any connection between the borders and the elections? How are you praying?

Remco Brommet is a pastor, spiritual-growth teacher, and prayer leader with over 40 years of experience in Europe, Southeast Asia, Africa, and the U.S. He was born and raised in the Netherlands and pastored his first church in Amsterdam. He moved to the U.S. in 1986. He and his wife, Jennifer, live north of Atlanta. When not writing books, he blogs at and assists his wife as a content developer and prayer coordinator for True Identity Ministries. Jennifer and Remco are passionate about bringing people into a deeper relationship with Christ. Photo by Milo Espinoza/Getty Images.

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