
The Brew: Breast Milk From Men is ‘Comparable’ to Women’s?! Billions of Babies Say ‘Nay-Nay’ – The Stream

Happy Tuesday!

Today’s Brew comes with a squirt of men’s breast milk. NOT.

Men’s Breast Milk is as Good as a Mother’s? Yeah, Right.

The nation that likes warm beer has gone one infinitely worse. The Univ. of Sussex National Health System Trust (CUSNHS) has declared “trans-women’s” (aka doped-up men’s) chest milk as good as women’s. In their specific words, “comparable to that produced following the birth of a baby.”

First, the science. To produce the milk, the male identifying as transgender has to be pumped full of artificial hormones. As Not the Bee quotes, the same artificial hormones the FDA warned “was associated with serious cardiac adverse events, including cardiac arrhythmias (irregular heartbeat), cardiac arrest, and sudden death,” and could leak into the milk. Sounds healthy to me. 

What kind of “health” organization would think artificial hormone-inducted milk squeezed out of biological men is as good as the real deal? Apparently, our CDC. They signed off on the same idea, and semblance of sanity, last July.

If men were capable of nursing children, wouldn’t someone throughout human history have noticed? No baby tried it when laying on da-da’s chest and gone, “Wow, this is yummy for my tummy?”

Meanwhile, for some real science, the American College of Pediatrics has concluded after intensive review of 60 studies on mental health in adolescence with gender dysphoria that gender reassignments have no mental health benefit. ACPeds warns against the use of “gender-affirming” medications and surgeries. 

Instead, said ACPeds vice president Dr. Jane Anderson in a statement:

We urge medical professionals and parents to affirm the truth about childhood gender dysphoria in the presence of harmful thoughts and address the underlying mental illness, adverse events, and family dysfunction.

Biological Male Injures Three While Playing on Girls Team

Collegiate Charter School of Lowell, MA forfeited their February 8 girls’ basketball game at half-time after a male player on opposing KIPP Academy injured three of their players during first half action. The remaining five Collegiate players “expressed concern” to the coach about “getting injured and not being able to compete” in the upcoming playoffs.  

The trans identifying player is reportedly 6’ tall and sports facial hair.

Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association is peachy-keen with males competing as girls, reports There’s supposed to be an exception, quoting from MIAA: “No students are included on the roster solely for the purpose of gaining an unfair advantage in competitive athletics.”

The loophole is the word “solely.” They are welcome to put a brute out on the court because, oh, “the importance of inclusivity” or “the social benefits of athletics for all students” or any number of reasons having nothing to do with “gaining an unfair advantage” … although an unfair advantage it is.

KIPP was winning 31-14 when the game was called.  

KIPP refuses to confirm the player’s gender identification.  Asks Riley Gaines, “A man hitting a woman used to be called domestic abuse. Now it’s called brave. Who watches this & actually thinks this is “compassionate, kind, and inclusive’?”

Fighting Back with the Alternative Economy

Surfing legend Bethany Hamilton has been fighting against the misogynistic men-can-play-women’s-sports movement. She protested her sports inclusion of men in women’s competitions. And for her trouble, she was dumped by her long-term sponsor RipCurl, who promptly celebrated a dude in women’s swimwear.

But here’s the good news for Bethany. She has just inked a new partnership with PublicSquare, a marketplace for small business that respect traditional values.

“Beyond stoked to announce our partnership with Bethany Hamilton. Family and freedom are very important. Having the ability to shop with businesses who understand your values has been increasingly important over the last few years. Keep your eye out for all the incredible things we’ll be doing going forward!”

“Stoked?” Do surfers still say “stoked”?

Fighting Back: Texas Two-Step to Help Secure the Border

Texas has taken two more steps to help secure the border in their state.

First, Gov. Greg Abbott is building a forward military base in Eagle Pass, traditionally a key location for illegal immigrants to pour into the country. Said Abbott, “This will increase the ability for a larger number of Texas Military Department soldiers in Eagle Pass to operate more effectively and efficiently.”

The 80-acre base will eventually house 1,800 Texas National Guardsmen. Phase one with 300 beds will be ready in April.

Second, Texas has claimed and cleared out Fronton Island, a small island which cartels have been using to stage illegal trafficking and other nefarious business. 

“This island before it was claimed, was literally a law enforcement free zone for the cartels to do whatever they wanted,” Texas Land Commissioner Dawn Buckingham told the John Solomon Reports podcast.

American law enforcement couldn’t step on it. Mexican law enforcement couldn’t step on it. It was a safe haven for the cartels to stash all kinds of weapons, all kinds of drugs, and run untold numbers of people across. It’s also at literally the most dangerous point at the border.

The danger from illegal immigrants isn’t limited to the border, of course. Four illegal immigrants have been charged with strangling and robbing a man on a Chicago rail train. The condition of the 49-year-old victim is unknown.

According to CWB Chicago, the four violent criminals have been living in an illegal immigrant shelter on the Windy Sanctuary City.

Will Big Apple Move Against Trump Backfire and Trump Plans Appeal?

Donald Trump will appeal last Friday’s ruling by radical New York judge Arthur Engeron to fine Trump and his Organization nearly half a billion dollars for … defrauding banks that insist they were not defrauded. Trump lawyer Chris Wise tells Newsweek one front will be challenging Engeron’s definition of “fraud.”

“The case raises serious legal and constitutional questions regarding ‘fraud’ claims/findings without any actual fraud,” Wise said.

But appealing comes at a steep cost.

Jonathan Turley points out yet another draconian, demented element of Engeron’s punishment of Trump. To appeal, Trump has to put up the entire penalty plus interest amount of $445 million. This is Biden’s America, conspire to punish your political opponent with an unparalleled charge and unimaginable penalty with a nearly-impossible ability to appeal.

Mollie Hemingway put it much simply: “Soviet”

But in trying to rub out Trump is New York shooting itself in the foot? We’ve spoken of businesses spooked by the ruling. We mentioned yesterday the #TruckersForTrump vowing to refuse to deliver to New York City. That boycott, led by a trucker and influencer who goes by the moniker Chicago Ray, is making national news. But will it actually materialize? Chicago Ray claims 95% of truckers support Trump, but that the effects of any refusals to serve NYC won’t be felt until Wednesday.  

Meanwhile, a bogus story alert! You’re also seeing on social media that “Callahan Auto Products” is refusing to provide brake pads to NYPD and NYFD after 35 years of service in the wake of the decision.

It’s a fake!

Big Tom Callahan is a character in the Chris Farley-David Spade comedy Tommy Boy, played by the late Brian Dennehy.

Let the X-surfer beware. 

Along the Stream

Did you enjoy President’s Day? We offered up “Our Presidents Talk About God and the Bible.” 

Stream contributor David Marshall returns with a fascinating, “Meathead, Meet John Q. Adams, ‘Christian Nationalist’.”

Al Perrotta is the Managing Editor of The Stream, co-author, with John Zmirak, of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration and co-author of the counter-terrorism memoir Hostile Intent: Protecting Yourself Against Terrorism.

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