
Poilievre shares poll showing Canadian support for Alberta’s promised ban on child ‘sex changes’ – LifeSite

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OTTAWA (LifeSiteNews) — Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre has noted that Canadians agree with Alberta’s “gender transition” ban for children. 

In a February 17 post on Elon Musk’s X platform, Poilievre celebrated a recent poll by the National Post which found that 45% of Canadians support banning surgery and hormones for children suffering from gender dysphoria.  

“Canadians support Premier Smith’s common sense protections of children,” he declared. “Trudeau must butt out.” 

The survey, which questioned 2000 Canadians across the country, found that 45% supported a complete ban on “gender reassignment surgery” for children. Such a ban is set to be enforced in Alberta by promised future legislation.  

Only 11% thought that children should undergo irreversible surgeries “without the need for parental consent.” 

Similarly, 42% opposed puberty blockers and hormone therapies for children aged 15 and under, with exceptions for those who have already started the irreversible process. Only 26% of Canadians thought the treatment was acceptable if the children had parental consent, whereas 11% thought children should be given the drugs even without parental oversight. 

Poilievre’s comments follow Alberta Premier Danielle Smith’s announcement of what could become the strongest pro-family legislation in Canada, promising to protect kids from life-altering so-called “top and bottom” surgeries as well as other forms of medical interventions promoted by transgender ideology. 

Smith said her United Conservative Party (UCP) government will soon be introducing legislation that, if passed, will bar doctors in the province from medically or surgically “transitioning” children under age 17. The new legislation will also mandate parental consent for pronoun changes in school. Additional legislation that bans biological men who claim to be women from competing in women’s sports will come this autumn.  

Smith immediately received enormous support from the electorate. However, Poilievre seemed reluctant to add his own support until after pressure from pro-family Canadians.  

READ: CBC can’t stop defending child ‘transitions’ even as leftists around the world back away

Following the release of the new legislation, Poilievre reportedly instructed his federal Conservative MPs to remain silent.  

But as prominent pro-family activist Chris Elston wrote, one cannot be considered a conservative while refusing “to condemn the cutting up and sterilization of children.”   

Maxime Bernier, the leader of the People’s Party of Canada, has accused Poilievre of being a “fake Conservative,” as true Conservatives would defend children from irreversible medical decisions.   

LifeSiteNews has also criticized Poilievre over his decision to silence his MPs on the issue, launching a VoterVoice campaign urging the Opposition leader to allow Conservatives to freely endorse Smith’s legislation and espouse pro-family views at the federal level. 

Shortly after the criticisms began flooding in, Poilievre told reporters that “Justin Trudeau should butt out” of Alberta’s decision to protect kids, referring to statements made by Liberal Party cabinet ministers condemning Smith’s new policies. 

RELATED: Pierre Poilievre defends parental rights after muzzling Conservative MPs on ‘transitioning’ kids 

“He should let parents raise kids and let provinces run schools and hospitals,” Poilievre had continued, stopping noticeably short of voicing support for Alberta’s decision. 

Finally, Poilievre announced he supports banning often-sterilizing “puberty blockers” for minors, a week after Alberta introduced their new legislation. 

Now, after seeing the most Canadians support the pro-family legislation, Poilievre has backed the policy, apparently trying to gain the support of the ever-growing pro-family movement in Canada.  

READ: Albertans must now ask Danielle Smith to require parental consent for abortion

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