
Watching the Titanic Sink – Intercessors for America

Recently a friend sent me an internet meme which permeated my spirit for several days. It was aptly titled, If the Titanic Sank Today, as it depicted the doomed ship sinking amongst a sea of people who were using their cell phones to record the catastrophic event (See image here). These bystanders appeared emotionless, as they uniformly raised their phones up to get the perfect shot of the vessel as it plunged into the ocean. A few even took selfies.

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My first reaction to the meme was sadness because as a Titanic history buff, I knew the horrific details of the actual sinking. As a Christian, however, I was also very aware of the spiritual implications tied to one of the most well-known disasters in history. Pride comes before the sinking is just one lesson a person might glean from this tragic tale. But after looking at the image over and over, I realized there was so much more to unpack spiritually.

It’s certainly true that we are living in an age where we cannot escape cell phones and recording devices. They have become part of us, though not necessarily in fruitful ways. But as electronic and digital tech infiltrates every aspect of our lives, it only highlights much bigger problems within society.

Unfortunately, like the people in the meme who are up to their necks in freezing water, much of humanity doesn’t seem to notice the enormity of what’s happening around them. Instead, they are behaving like a desensitized group that has detached itself from reality. All the while they cannot perceive the danger in front of their eyes. Their phones become the lens of truth and they can no longer discern fact from fiction, or good from evil.

The phone itself isn’t the problem, but rather a symptom of what’s going on in the heart. Jeremiah 17:9 tells us that the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it.

 Our world is full of people who do not understand the sickness within their own hearts. Without the Word of God and the Holy Spirit, they are like the captain of a large vessel who is following the wrong GPS, or using faulty navigation equipment. This captain cannot get the ship to the correct destination, much less avoid a massive iceberg lurking below the water.

Society is replete with examples that illustrate this concept. For instance, how many lost souls cannot understand that God created life in the womb and thus, a baby cannot be a clump of cells? Why can’t they perceive the sexualization of our nation’s youth as a tragedy that warps the beautiful image designed by our Creator? In the “Titanic” age, justice quickly sinks as the innocent are trafficked, elections are stolen, borders are breached and truth is obfuscated. The lens of the camera has captured it all, but instead of thinking critically and praying for wisdom, the bystanders go with the flow. Their boat is hopelessly off course, but they can’t discern it.

Seeing the Titanic meme brought back memories of an experience I had back in October of 2019 when I was visiting New York City with my family. We purchased tickets to visit One World Trade Center’s observatory so we could view the city from its highest point. We couldn’t wait to see New York’s famous landmarks from one of the tallest buildings in the United States.

On our way to the viewing area, I had an uneasy feeling. At the time, I couldn’t pinpoint what it was. Walking on, I noticed many exhibits featuring the history of One World Trade Center. One particular display, however, captured my attention. It was a large, artificial rock with words flashing across it that said, “Tower One rises from a foundation of solid bedrock.”

That quote didn’t sit right with me and I would soon understand why. Nonetheless, I continued on, eventually arriving at the observation area. To my surprise, however, I wasn’t greeted by a beautiful, panoramic view of New York city. Instead, the entire scene was obscured by thick, dark clouds. I hoped they would dissipate, but they only became denser over time. Disappointed, I sat down on a bench, sighing to myself.

Next, I saw something quite puzzling. Visitors all around me were taking pictures of the non-existent view with their cell phones. All of them were posing happily or taking selfies as they photographed hazy windows instead of the New York skyline. There were no buildings to see–no iconic landmarks to capture–just thick clouds. Bewildered I thought, “What’s the point? Don’t they understand there’s nothing to…?” But then, the Holy Spirit interrupted my thoughts, whispering this message: “People cannot see or understand what’s coming. It’s a sleeping city.” Suddenly I remembered the words I had seen flashing on the artificial rock earlier – “Tower One rises from a foundation of solid bedrock.” At that moment I knew that the cloudy view of New York was symbolic of what was happening in America and around the globe. Like the Tower of Babel, where mankind wanted to build a world without God, many people had built their lives on a foundation of “fake rock.” Without the firm foundation of Jesus Christ, they were blind to their sin and could not see or discern the moral decline happening all around them. Like the Titanic meme, they are watching it happen, but they are unaware or indifferent to the enormity of the situation.

Just a few months after visiting New York city, the Covid pandemic was unleashed upon the world. When it arrived, many were caught off guard and crippled by fear. Those who didn’t know Christ were like a lost ship at sea that was easily tossed by the waves.

1 Corinthians 2:14 says, the natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned.

 The Titanic meme is a vivid reminder that society needs the living, breathing Spirit of God to perceive the events around them. Without it, they will exist in a collective bubble, never understanding the truth. Worst of all, they won’t realize that the greatest disaster they will ever face is a life without Christ.

Intercessors, your prayers are critical. In this sinking world, the lost must find their way to the lifeboat. They cannot do this as bystanders to the gospel. Now more than ever, let us boldly proclaim the truth that Jesus Saves.

Lord Jesus, it’s time to put down our phones and build a relationship with you. You are the solid rock–the firm foundation who will never forsake us. We need your Word and the Holy Spirit to survive the frigid waters of this world.

What comes to mind when you see the Titanic meme? Are there any other spiritual implications?  

Angela Rodriguez is an author, blogger and homeschooling Mom who studies the historical and biblical connections between Israel and the United States. You can visit her blogs at and She is also the author of Psalm 91: Under the Wings of Jesus, and her first children’s book, Hallelujah’s Great Ride, was just released in September 2023. Photo Credit: Angela Rodriguez.

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